March memes come in like a lion and go out like a lamb, much like the unpredictable weather of the month itself.

As we march through the highs and lows of this transitional season, from the first hints of spring to the last chills of winter, what better way to keep our spirits high than with a collection of memes that perfectly encapsulate the madness of March?

march memes

Whether it’s dealing with sudden snowfalls or the excitement of spring break, we’ve got all the laughs you need to sail through the month with a smile.

here comes march

Well, here we are in month 3. I swear we just did a round up of February memes but another month has passed and so another month of memes you shall have. There is so much to this month that it needed a whole meme post dedicated to March memes 2024 style.

end of february 2024 meme

We are embracing all the wild that is thrown at us during the month of March with hilarious memes for every occasion.

when you realize its already march and that the year is almost 25% done

Ready or not, here March comes. David says it best for those who aren’t ready for this month. See our Schitts Creek Memes.

march meme 2024: whenever someone asks me if im ready for march.

Welcome March with humor and optimism for a great month ahead.

WOOHOO! welcome march meme featuring homer simpson holding flowers in the sun.

March 1st Memes

Hello March 1st memes.

me on march 1st

The beginning of the month, might as well start it with a funny March meme.

march 1 meme: when you realize its march first.

Let’s take a look at the March holidays and things happening this months, done March memes style.

seagulls saying march 1st meme

Yes, these are March 1st memes. If you blink we will be in March 2, 2024.

march 2020 vs march 2021 meme

Just wait, before you know it you’ll be Googling April memes. Hope your month is better than Thomas the Trains March.

march 1 march 31 meme
image source: @AgentTinsley

A little creepy monkey to welcome in with a hello March.

hello march meme

Get your happy on. From our minion meme collection, enjoy this ray of sunshine.

happy march

International Women’s Day – March 8

International Women’s Day, observed annually on March 8th, serves as a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

international womens day meme: empowered women empower women

Super Tuesday – March 5

For many states, March 5 is Super Tuesday aka election day! Get out to vote and don’t miss our Super Tuesday memes.

super tuesday memes

Spring Daylight Savings – March 12

Sunday, March 10, 2024 is Daylight Saving Time for Spring. If you live in the majority of the US that participates in this crazy change the clock ahead an hour business, then you will want to share these memes.

fall back one more hour for you

National Pi Day – March 14

3.14 is PI DAY (that’s March 14, 2024). Here are our favorite PI day memes.

march pi day meme: why dont you ever see pi crying? because its irrational.

Celebrate pi day with math,Enjoy some pie while trying to memorize Pi. Good luck with that.

Ides of March – March 15

The 74th day of the Roman calendar is March 15. It is known as the Ides of March.

ides of march meme: not sure if its the ides of march or if im just hungover

St. Patrick’s Day – March 17

Friday, March 17, 2024 is St. Patrick’s Day. We have St Patricks Day memes!

march st patricks day meme: it’s okay to pretend to be irish on st. patricks day

First Day of Spring – March 19th

The first day of Spring is Tuesday, March 19, 2024. Bring on the sunshine and longer days!

march 19 first day of spring meme

Spring Equinox – March 19

March 19, 2024 marks the first day of Spring. The Spring Equinox will usher in the new season. Of course, we meme’d it.

one does not simply expect spring in march

Enjoy these hilarious Spring memes.

Spring Break

The much needed break from the winter is happening this month! Enjoy our Spring Break memes.

almost spring break meme

Let’s Laugh Day – March 19

I think I may have just found my favorite holiday. National Lets Laugh Day is March 19, 2024. Sharing funny memes encourages laughter which is exactly what this fun March holiday is about.

Funny sibling memes brother memes and sister memes for national sibling day

Get ready for it April Fools memes because April 1 is right around the corner!

march 32 days april 1 meme

March Madness – March 21, 2024

Who is ready for some NCAA college basketball? Not me, but yeah I hear you. Check out our entire collection of March Madness memes.

when someone tells me that my march madness bracket  wrong

So many of you are into this basketball sport – you would think it’s a big deal or something.

Lent – March 28

The Lenten season started on February 14th and continues until March 28, 2024. Here are our favorite Lent memes to enjoy as you fast throughout the month of March.

Good Friday – March 29

The end of Lent and the last Friday before Easter is marked by the religious holiday of Good Friday.

Easter – March 31

The Easter holiday is Sunday, March 31, 2024. We have all the Easter memes for laughs about the bunny and holy holiday.

not sure if i'm at an easter egg hunt or if the kids are playing hunger games

Memes for March Birthdays

For our friends born in the month of March, we are here to celebrate you and your special day. Don’t miss our March birthday month memes.

birthday month march meme

Need a happy birthday march meme for someone who is celebrating this month? We have TONS of funny birthday memes but here are some memes for march birthdays.

Happy March Memes and Images

Want to spread the happy?

funny pug licking face with glasses happy march meme

Spread a virtual smile with a happy March memes and images:

happy march 2021

And a happy March with some Irish flare..

happy march image 2021

March Weather Memes

If there’s one thing that we can bet about in March, other than college basketball and March Madness – of course – is the weather.

Snow in March

While here in Texas the cold weather (hopefully) has come to an end.

do you want to build a snowman? No its march.

I know someone of you guys are still getting snow in March. Here are the snow memes for your cold weather days.

Tornado Season

Enjoy the tornado memes as Spring hits.

tornado taco watch vs taco warning

Rain and Storms

Even when we aren’t in severe thunderstorm warnings, the 10 day outlook in March typically blesses us with rain.

raining meme

For those days, we have funny rain memes.

Last Day of March Meme

March 2024 has 31 days. That end of the month will sneak up on you!

march end of month meme: when march is ending and you still having met your sales goals.

A March 31 meme for the last day of the month. It may have been a rough month, but you survived.

how my month went march 31 meme

Share the March 2024 Memes

As we wrap up our tour through the hilarity of March memes 2024 that have made us laugh, sigh, and maybe even groan a bit, we hope you’ve found a few favorites to carry you into the brighter days of spring.

Don’t let the fun stop here; share your top picks from our collection on social media, tagging us to spread the joy further!

march meme: breaking news, it's already march folks.

And if you’ve stumbled upon a meme that screams ‘March’ louder than a lion roaring in a spring shower, link back to this post so others can join in the laughter. Here’s to a month filled with humor, memes, and a community that knows how to make the most of it all!

Have a great month and don’t miss out on all of our funny memes for more fun, year round!

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