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35 Funny Rain Memes to Shower You With Chuckles

Today’s forecast is cloudy with a 100% chance of rain memes. While I am not here for the rain, totally here for these memes. We’re helping you find some humor during a dreary day.

Spring is here, and for some reason I forget how much it rains during this season. I know, April showers bring May flowers – but that doesn’t mean that I’m happy about the weather.

rain memes
funny rain memes for stormy days

When something sucks, I meme it! That’s exactly what we are doing today with these funny rain memes.

rain meme dramatic moira rose commenting on how rain is natures drama

We’ve got you covered for rain, lightning and thunder. Don’t miss our storm memes for those of us who have to deal with insane thunderstorms!

Stop Raining Memes

For the love of God, these stop raining memes might not stop the water from pouring down but will make you smile.

stop raining meme: yeah if you could just make it stop raining  that would be great

Oh, how many Spring days when it was just a clear sky and the beautiful sun was out – but then the rain creeps in and is like a bad houseguest that won’t leave.

you cant stop the rain meme

Can’t stop, won’t stop – should not be applicable to rain.

waiting for rain to stop meme
waiting for rain to stop meme

When it’s raining again. Hey at least you aren’t having to share these snow memes (yet!)

raining meme

If only we could have the magic to post this rain rain go away meme and water falling from the sky stop. That maybe my magical powers wish.

rain rain go away meme
rain rain go away meme

Whoever is doing the rain dance, stop. Just stop, seriously.

rain dance meme whoever is doing the rain dance, it worked.  now stop.
rain dance meme

Rainy Day Meme

As much as I want it to stop raining, there is just something so relaxing about a rainy day. This rainy day meme says it best. Who else must take a nap when it rains?

rainy day meme: rainy day it is nap all day i must
rainy day meme

For those rain sleepers, don’t miss our sleep memes. Also, this happy rainy day meme is a lie. No one is happy about a rainy day, well unless you can’t work – then fine.

happy rainy day said no one ever
happy rainy day meme

Funny Heavy Rain Memes

This Forrest Gump Rain Meme says is. While it may not rain for 4 months here in Texas, it sure does feel like it. (Until it’s 100 degrees and then let’s just not talk about that. See hot weather memes.)

heavy rain meme forest gump: one day it started raining and didn't stop for 4 months

When it’s been raining for days, then you get a slight window of sunshine so your grass grows 3 feet overnight. Then it rains again. I get this mowing in the rain meme!

mowing in the rain meme
mowing in the rain meme

Weatherman Memes

Unfortunately, weathermen lie. Okay, maybe they just get it wrong, but whatever the case, enjoy this weatherman meme.

weatherman wrong meme when the weatherman is wrong again
weatherman wrong meme

Bless our local weather Pete Delkus. He is a Dallas legend, so much so that is his sleeves have a Twitter account, @delkussleeves. See when things are serious with the weather, Pete rolls up his sleeves.

im no weatherman meme
im no weatherman meme

This weatherman meme has me rolling. How many times has this happened to you?

weatherman meme the weatherman reported a zero chance of rain and that is a lie
weatherman meme

This meteorologist meme is from our hurricane memes collection. Isn’t this the truth, though?

Listening to meteorologists predictions about a potential hurricane landfall 5 days out is like looking up your symptoms on webMD. "Could be nothing, but might kill ya"
meteorologist meme

Thunder Memes

Until visiting the Pacific Northwest, I had no idea that some states just get RAIN! Here is Texas, it’s like 20% rain, 80% Thunderstorms.

thunderstorm meme oprah
thunder meme

Bad Weather Meme

Whatever the forecast is, this bad weather meme wishes you the best of odds for whatever the situation maybe.

bad weather? may the odds be in your favor
bad weather meme

Meme about Lightning

The tornado sirens could be going off and if my kids are in the mood to swim, they are totally oblivious to the fact that its lightning and storming. Bless. Don’t miss our tornado memes.

lightning memes: kids be like is it safe to swim now
lightning memes swim

Raining Memes

These funny rain memes had me laughing. When it’s raining so hard, you can walk your fish.

walking fish rain meme
walking fish rain meme

Cloud pee – never thought of rain as cloud urine, but here we are and I am here for it.

funny rain meme cloud pee
funny rain cloud meme

When the streets are flooded, why drive to Walmart when you can swim?

too much rain meme swimming to walmart
too much rain meme

I am more of a meander in the rain type person. No umbrella needed, but I sure the heck am not running.

ME running in the rain? only if a bear is chasing me.
running in the rain meme

Brace yourself Texas, Spring storms are coming! Don’t miss our Spring memes.

spring rain meme spring storms are coming
spring rain meme

Praise Jesus, it’s raining. As much as I despise rain, it is an unfortunate necessity in life.

rain meme

Make it Rain Meme

When you need it to rain money, we have a meme or two for you.

making it rain meme
making it rain meme

Make sure when you are praying to God and you ask to make it rain, that you are specifics in your prayers.

make it rain meme: i asked god to make it rain i wanted money got actual rain
make it rain meme

More Memes About Rain

This viral kermit meme is perfect for a gloomy day.

kermit rain meme oh look more rain
kermit rain meme

And if you love the Kermit rain meme as much as I do, make you own! Here is the blank kermit rain meme for you to download and meme.

blank kermit rain meme
blank kermit rain meme

Texas Rain Meme

Don’t miss all of our Texas memes, but this Texas rain meme sure nails both our Spring and Fall seasons.

texas rain meme  70 percent of the earth is covered in water and 69 percent of that is in texas right now
texas rain meme

This is completely accurate as to what Texas lawns be like. One minute it’s dehydrated, dry and dead grass. One rainstorm and you are hiking thru your lawn’s high grass in boots.

grass rain meme what the law looks like before and after rain

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

more rain meme nobody gots time for that

When you are praying to sweet baby Jesus that it doesn’t rain because that would ruin your plans! As someone who always feared is raining on my wedding day, thankful that my prayers did work for that situation.

praying that it doesn't rain
praying no rain meme

For my Florida friends, here is a Florida rain meme. Come hurricane season, I know some of you be like.

florida rain meme
florida rain meme

If you watch Family Guy… You gotta love the weatherman.

family guy weatherman meme
family guy weatherman meme

Life is not about how you survive the storm, it’s about how you dance in the rain. Without rain there is no rainbow.

dancing in the rain quote life is not about how you survive in the storm, it's about how you dance in the rain.
dancing in the rain quote

Thank God it rained! My mud was getting dehydrated. Well, that’s an optimistic way to look at all the stuff falling from the sky.

mud meme thank god it rained my mud was getting dehydrated
mud meme

OH LOOK! It’s raining, again.

guy sitting in the rain meme
oh look its raining again

Try sending this to your boss next time the forecast calls for rain. And don’t miss our funny work memes!

rain work meme can we all just agree that work is cancelled if it rains
rain work meme

Speaking of work, who else can relate? Cubicles are the worse.

sitting in the rain meme: i'd rather sit in the rain than sit in a cubicle
sitting in the rain meme

These what others girls look like memes kill me. Shout out to all my girls who can have wet hair from the rain and still look cute. Some of us be looking like a wet dog.

wet hair raining meme what girls look like with wet hair
what girls look like with wet hair meme

Share The Rain Memes

Now that you’ve had your fill of rainy day chuckles, why not spread the joy? Share your favorite rain memes with your friends and followers on social media, and don’t forget to tag us @digitalmomblog on Facebook and @digitalmomblog_com on Instagram so we can join in on the fun!

depressing rain meme

Let’s make it rain laughter across the internet, one meme at a time.

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