These hilarious funny work memes are the perfect way to communicate with your co-workers and team.

As someone who has spent many years in management in corporate America, I can tell that one way to turn around a crappy situation is a funny work meme.
Workplace Humor: Relieving Stress with Memes and Lols
From inappropriate work memes for co-workers to boss memes, enjoy sharing these with your co-workers, managers and employees.

As someone who has spent many years in business and corporate America – I can tell you sometimes a good laugh during the work day is needed! Here are over 250 funny memes about work to share and enjoy.
Being Funny at Work
Human Resources does not find work humor funny, well at least most of them don’t. I have to preface this in saying – make sure your co-workers have a sense of humor.

Unfortunately, not everyone is as awesome and thinks work memes are as great as we do. Tread lightly but enjoy sending funny work memes to your co-workers.

The majority of us have to work and while I’d love to say that every one of us loves our job, even the best job has bad days. As a manager, one of my favorite ways to help lighten the mood was to send out funny work memes to my co-workers.

A few times, I even upped the ante and found funny work memes and printed them as a little gift, leaving on my team’s keyboards or posting on their cubicle walls.

If you are a hard-working employee whose company says that they value you but your paycheck says otherwise.

Also, make sure these don’t cross the line with any work policies. I am just here to share some happy not to get anyone in trouble, so use these work memes at your own risk (or just enjoy them for your personally LOL!)
Relatable ‘Me at Work’ Memes That Hit Hard
These are the perfect funny work memes about that job you may not love. So what are you REALLY like at work? Here is a collection of funny me at work memes that you just might relate me.

If you aren’t sure if one of these funny work memes is safe to send, consider sending something like one of our motivation monday quotes – better safe than sorry.
Hilarious Memes for Work Friends – Perfect for Sharing with Colleagues
Work friends memes for those people who help you get thru the day. Don’t miss our friends memes for more lols about friendship. These aren’t just for women!

My friends and me at work are like “Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far far far away from here.”

Oh, touch base with you – that’s never a good sign.

Here is to 2024, working remotely is the norm for about half of us that were in the office previously. With working remote comes the beloved and dread video calls.

Best Work Memes for Handling a Bad Day at the Office
This bad day at work job meme is too relatable.

When you are dealing with a lot in your position and life, this hard time meme speaks truths.

Going to Work
Not all of us are still remote, there are some who have returned to the commute to the office. If you are one of those employees who had to return to the office, these funny driving to work memes are for you.

When you are driving to work but weighing the pros and cons of driving to another country and starting a new life instead.

Work Productivity
When you are in the zone, this productive meme says it best.

The secret to productivity? Work smarter not harder.
Taking a Day Off
Sometimes we just need a day off of work to do nothing or catch up on life.

Know your company’s policy for when you take PTO to ensure that you don’t have to work on your day off. Yes, checking your email or getting messages from work do not constitute time off of work. Know your work rights as an employee!

This day off meme is for when you don’t have to work and have zero obligations.

Corporate America Fun
God bless, Corporate America. So many work benefits but also this corporate meme says it.

Working the Night Shift
While most of us work 9 to 5, we couldn’t leave out our night shift memes for those of you who work overnight.

Leaving Work
We are all watching the clock waiting for our shift to be over. Here are the best leaving work memes to say goodbye to the office grind with!

After Work Be Like
This after work meme is accurate.

Short Staffed
So many jobs are still short staffed. The reasons are varied, but I do think some of it is that people are just fed up with low pay and poor work environments.

Inappropriate Work Humor
Are you that person who is sending bad work memes to help your coworkers get thru the day with some laughs? If this is you, then make sure to forward this work meme.

When HR shows up with receipts of the funny work memes I’ve been sending to my colleagues.

My work makes a dollar and I make a dime, that’s why I use the bathroom on company time.

We have even MORE funny work memes!

When You Don’t Want to Work
When you don’t want to work but you gotta pay those bills. Speaking of paying bills…. Those bills will get you EVERY SINGLE TIME!

So Bored at Work
How many are searching for bored at work memes? Maybe I’ve just been unlucky, but never have I ever been paid from a job to be bored.

If there is a or LinkedIn group for jobs that pay you to be bored, please leave in the comments!

Calling in Sick
While you probably shouldn’t call in dead, these funny calling in sick memes about kill me. You still coming to work?

What about calling in a mental health day? Mental health days are a benefit that all employers should have! Let’s normalize taking mental health days. Rather than burning out by overwork, let’s get Human Resources to create mental health days that let us take a break when we need!

Fun at the Office
Do you work in an office? Then these office memes will have you LOLing. Work from home? So many people are being called “back in to the office” or are working hybrid in 2024. If you’ve made the transition, this may hit home.

But the irony of printing a meme is what is even funnier to me!

Be kind, even if it does cost you your sanity. I mean, come on – Janet! If we all have to go to this dump called an office just roll with it.

Okay, who broke the work internet? Yes, our system is down obviously we broke it just for fun and to make your day more difficult. I feel bad for IT departments on days when the system is down. Oddly though, I feel like everyday my personal system is down.

If you binged Netflix Squid Game – perhaps you are thinking to yourself that playing for the big prize is better than going to your day job.

(Don’t miss our squid game memes!) That moment you realize playing Squid Game sounds better than going to work
Get a Job
Thankfully the teen found a job rather quickly, but I know it could have gotten bad if he was jobless.

Y’all this get a job meme might come in handy if you have a non-working house guest or family member.

While working can be h-e double hockey sticks, truth is we need that paycheck. If you are jobless and without work – we got you.

Enjoy these funny unemployment memes.
Top Office Gossip Memes to Laugh About with Co-Workers
Tell me more (while telling myself to keep a straight face.) These office gossip memes are just too funny.

Funny, this whole work from home era has changed how office gossip works. No longer is their loud chatter overheard from your cubicle neighbor. Now, office gossip is different.

When you know something and you have to tell your coworker the latest work gossip.

One way to not be the topic of work gossip is to not be the annoying coworker

Me, every work day staring at the entrance to my job like…

This is the absolute worse. When someone sends you something to do and they could have done it in less time than it took at actually send the email. *FACE PALM*
Drinking on the Job
YASSS!! When HR asks how to improve your work environment. Alcohol vending machines! Drinking on the job meme because this is a reality is lots of companies.

When You Are Underpaid
When you are underpaid and know that there’s an 8 year old YouTuber makings millions this year.

Tiring Work Meetings
5:00 pm meetings should be illegal. The best way to reply to this is with sarcasm. Drop him a have a great day meme.

Of all the funny work memes, this one just brings me back to the days of being on the Keto diet while working in the office. And with this I bring you funny coworker memes.

There is always that one person, bringing in the donuts when you are trying to diet! While we love jokes, this isn’t a good one! (Check out these hilarious diet memes.)
Offices and Cubicles
I admit it, I am that person. Except, if this desk is considered neat – yeah, my desk isn’t the neatest.

Customer is Always Right
Customer service is great and all, but a bad client who thinks they are always right, never fun!

More Work Humor
Bless. And no smoking crack at work, or ever, please. When you are training someone and have given instructions 3 times and they still don’t get it. Don’t miss these Barbie memes.

Immature coworkers? Then you can totally relate to this work meme!

When you are having a terrible no good, very awful week – yeah that’s no fun. This bad week meme tries to put into a positive light.

No sir, you are not going to win this argument. When an angry customer threatens to leave a bad YELP review.

When you have better things to do while on the clock, this not working meme says it best.

There are those that don’t work. Then there are those lucky ones who have a job, are getting paid and yet have no work to do. How do people find these gigs?

Work Before and After
This made me think of the before and after memes of presidents.

So relatable. Also works for before and after kids. (mom memes for all the moms who get that!) Here at Digital Mom Blog we love to share the funny memes, including this collection of the best work memes.
Share the Work Memes
We hope you enjoy this collection and if you have a meme work funny that we need to share, drop it on our Facebook page so we can share!

Speaking of sharing, please do that! We know the dread of a bad job and dealing with work stress – especially in this economy is no fun. That’s why we share these funny office memes.

Share The Work Memes and Office Humor
As we always say, funny work memes are for sharing! We share everything from gadgets to memes often and hope that we are your source for hilarious funny work memes bring a smile and laugh to you, your co-workers and team.

Please share away, we do appreciate a tag on social media if you do share one of our funny memes about work. We want to hear which is your favorite workplace meme. Drop us a note in the comments and let us know which meme about work is your faves.
More Office Jokes and Workplace Humor
If you loved these work memes, there’s more! We have hundreds of more memes about every aspect of working.
Hilarious Work Memes are a part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes