Best Lent Memes – because you have to find some humor in these 40 days of dedication, sacrifice and worship, right. Here’s your ultimate collection of Lent memes for 2024, because finding humor in dedication is essential, right?

Lent is a time of reflection, dedication, and, yes, a bit of humor to lighten the journey.
Happy Lent Memes
As we embark on these 40 days of sacrifice and worship starting from February 14, 2024, until March 28, just before Good Friday and Easter – let’s embrace the lighter side with some laughter and joy.

40 Days
The Lenten season is upon us, and what better way to navigate these 40 days than with a sprinkle of laughter? Presenting the funniest Lent memes of 2024 to keep your spirits high.

From the indulgence of Fat Tuesday to the commitment of Lent, these memes are here to remind you that we’re all in this together.

Whether you’re confidently diving into the season or questioning your Lenten resolve, these memes offer a relatable chuckle for everyone.
Sacrifice for Lent
Struggling with what to give up for Lent this year? While you ponder over your Lenten sacrifices, lighten the mood with our collection of Lent memes.

They say laughter is the best medicine, and as we navigate through the trials and tribulations of giving up our favorite things, a good meme can be just what we need to keep going.

Yes, St. Patricks Day memes are here – and that holiday of drinking lands right in the middle of Lent.
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It’s Lent
Giving up something for 40 days is no small feat, and every year, the Lenten season brings its own set of challenges.

But through it all, a sense of humor can make the journey more bearable. Whether you’re a seasoned pro at observing Lent or this is your first foray, these memes capture the essence of the season with humor and relatability.
Work Lent Memes
Join us in celebrating the Lenten season of 2024 with the best Lent memes.

Because even in times of dedication and worship, a little laughter goes a long way.

Even though I’m an ex-Catholic, I appreciate the words said this past weekend by Pope Francis:
“Jesus reveals that God, who is not indifferent, does not keep himself at a ‘safe distance.’ Rather, he draws near out of compassion and touches our life to heal it with tenderness. It is God’s style: nearness, compassion and tenderness.”
Giving Up For Lent Memes
This lent meme slays. Rick Astley is not giving up on you and you should not on Jesus or Lent.

What to give up for Lent is always a decision. Make sure to check our list of Lent ideas of things to give up!

Here is a Lent Tracker if you are a checkbox type of person.

Don’t miss our Schitts Creek memes for more Moira funny.
I Give Up Meme
When you just give up, we have the memes for that.

What are you giving up for lent? Or are you just giving up?

Spiderman is over it.

Drink up (limitations, people.)

Sorry Catholics, as an ex-Catholic – this made me chuckle.

Lent Humor
This sign is hilarious! Did you seen our post of Best Funny Church Sign Sayings?

Holy Week
Holy week this year is March 24, 2024 – March 30, 2024.

Quit Facebook for Lent
Well, hopefully your Facebook friends aren’t praying for you to give up Facebook for Lent. BUT, if they are – these Facebook lent memes crack me up! And if you quit FB for good, please don’t miss our Quitting Facebook memes.

Before you quit Facebook for good, download your data! Here is how to download your Facebook data tutorial.
YOLO Jesus Meme
Back by popular demand. Jesus doesn’t YOLO, y’all. See all of our Jesus memes for more Godly humor.

Spiritual Life
How is your spiritual life going?

Fasting and Abstinence
Dieting and no sex – that’s one way to spend lent.

No joke – I grew up in the Catholic church. Our JYM (junior youth ministry) was discussing Lent and what we were giving up.

A kid raised his hand and asked if he could give up his virginity. Oh kid. 25 years later, I still LOL about this each Lent season.
No Meat Fridays
During the 40 days of Lent, according to an Archbishop… “Since Jesus sacrificed his flesh for us on Good Friday, we refrain from eating flesh meat in his honor on Fridays.”

Read more about why Catholics don’t eat meat on Fridays. No meat, but you do get a FISH SANDWICH!

IYKYK, no MEAT for you (on Fridays.)

Ash Wednesday Memes
Did you see our Ash Wednesday memes?

Yes, even explaining why ashes are placed on the forehead. Tell me you aren’t reading this in Sean Connery’s voice. Don’t miss our hump day memes.
Church on Easter
Wanna see people at church that you know? Easter Sunday is always a good Sunday to attend church. Did you see our Easter memes?

We hope you enjoyed these funny Lent Memes! Feel free to share any of these funny Lent memes! When you mouse over a meme, there are several options on sharing.
We just ask wherever you share – that you give back the love by either tagging us @digitalmomblog on social or by linking back to – thanks for LOLing with us!
- If you are needing a little inspiration, check out our Inspirational Bible Verses.
Lent Memes are part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes