Funny Monday after Thanksgiving memes because y’all after the last week, we all need some laughs. If you are reading this, good news! You survived Thanksgiving, Black Friday and the start of Hanukkah. Today, well it’s back to work (while online shopping, because it is also Cyber Monday.) That said, we all need to exhale and share some funny.

Monday After Thanksgiving Memes

Nobody wants to work, I know my kids were not looking forward to that 6 am alarm and me yelling that they had to go back to school today. Today, I give you funny Monday After Thanksgiving memes.

monday after thanksgiving memes
funny monday after thanksgiving memes

First, let’s be honest. This is how we all are feeling after Thanksgiving.

how i feel after thanksgiving meme
how i feel after thanksgiving meme

And what in the world, time. How were we just laughing at Thanksgiving memes and now somehow, Thanksgiving break is over!

thanksgiving break over meme

The real hero of today is caffeine – see our coffee memes!

Just a heads up and full disclose – some of the links included in this post our affiliate links. These don’t cost you anything, but Digital Mom will receive a small percentage of any purchase you make.

today's hero is coffee  any work accomplished today wouldn't be done without coffee
monday after thanksgiving coffee meme

Post Thanksgiving Meme

When the Thanksgiving meal and leftovers were a little too good and it shows.

post thanksgiving meme
post thanksgiving meme

Monday After Holiday Memes

We are in that weird holiday period prepping for Christmas or celebrating Hanukkah and we just went thru Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Alas, the Monday after holiday does not care and will show up regardless of what happened the week before.

monday after thanksgiving mood meme

And let’s face it. Most of us who are ready to jump into the holidays with our Christmas traditions and such just want to stay home, cuddle up in 20 blankets, light a fire, drink wine, shop online & watch Hallmark Christmas movies

when all you want to do is stay home, cuddle up in 20 blankets, light a fire, drink wine, shop online & watch christmas movies... But you have to go to work meme

But alas – we have to go to work. Cue those funny after holiday work memes….

actual footage of me trying to smile at work
work sucks meme

For that, these Monday after Holiday memes just feel so spot on. (and if you want Monday memes, for just all the other Mondays that give you a case of the Mondays – we got those too!)

Back to Work After Thanksgiving Memes

And on top of it being Monday, chances are your employer expects you back to work. This back to work after Thanksgiving meme shows all the feels about logging back on.

work monday after thanksgiving meme
work after thanksgiving meme

Going to work on a Monday is never fun, but going to work after time off for Thanksgiving just feels like the worse!

me trying to work after thanksgiving be like
Back to Work After Thanksgiving Meme

Share these funny Monday after Thanksgiving memes (and these funny work memes) with your co-workers or employees. I’m sure they too are having the after Thanksgiving, before Christmas holiday blues.

working from home monday after thanksgiving meme
working from home monday after thanksgiving meme

If you are just trying to make it through the holidays at work, here you go from our job memes collection.

monday after thanksgiving work meme
monday after thanksgiving work meme

Remember why you work, maybe it’s to blow money on massive sales.

cyber monday sales are here and now i am broke
cyber monday sales meme

Don’t miss our funny Cyber Monday memes!

Share the Monday After Thanksgiving Memes

We hope you enjoyed these Monday after Thanksgiving memes as much as we do. Here at Digital Mom Blog, memes are our thing and know first hand how a simple text with a funny meme can make someone’s day.

its christmas time meme buddy elf
it’s christmas time meme

Spread the funny and love of memes! If you share on social, please tag us or link back to this post.

Funny Memes for Christmas

Enjoy our Merry Christmas memes and more this holiday season!

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More Digital Mom Christmas Fun!

We love us some Christmas. Don’t miss all of our Christmas ideas, activities and funnies for the 2023 Christmas season.

Monday after Thanksgiving Memes is a part of the Digital Mom Blog Funny Memes series

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