Sharing Cyber Monday Memes about Christmas Shopping Deals Online. If you skipped out on Black Friday, fret not. The Christmas shopping holiday for online shopping deals has arrived and we are here for it.

Funny Cyber Monday Memes

Get your credit cards out and let’s go online shopping to score the best sales, discounts and deals for Christmas shopping.

cyber monday memes
cyber monday memes 2024

Save on Christmas gifts as you start your holiday shopping and enjoy these Cyber Monday memes and share!

cyber monday the only monday of the year that i look forward to
cyber monday image funny

This funny cyber monday meme could also be called a treat yoself meme. Who else does a little personal shopping today? I mean, it’s on sale – right?

cyber monday nah more like treat yourself monday
cyber monday meme funny christmas

When is Cyber Monday 2024?

Cyber Monday is November 27, 2024. While the official Cyber Monday is on the Monday after Thanksgiving, many online retailers will have sales the weekend before and often the week after.

cyber monday is here shop online for all the deals
cyber monday meme funny

It is promoted by online retailers as the holiday for huge sales, discounts and online bargains.

cyber monday be like you get a discount
cyber monday meme

Today is the day to stock up on cheap Christmas gifts! Mama might need a new Nugget Ice Maker.

woohoo cheap christmas gifts meme
cheap christmas gifts meme

The first Cyber Monday was on November 28, 2005. For 18 years, the internet has been delivering us the sales.

cyber monday deals
cyber monday deals meme

No Money on Cyber Monday Meme

For those of us who are sick of inflation and miss the days where we could just comfortable Christmas shop and pay bills, we have these funny Cyber Monday memes about having no money.

cyber monday? ain't nobody got money for that
broke cyber monday meme

Credit Card Debt Meme

This credit card meme is exactly what is happening. If you are wondering how so many people are affording all the things when prices are at an all-time high… Just ask the credit card companies!

my checking account balance says i wont be shopping cyber monday  credit card be like
credit card christmas shopping meme black friday

According to this report from LendingClub, 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

cyber monday sales are here and now i am broke
cyber monday sales meme
  • 28%: Share of consumers earning more than $200,000 who live paycheck to paycheck
  • 59%: Share of paycheck-to-paycheck consumers with issues paying their monthly bills that noted significant rises in prices for utilities in the past 12 months
  • 48%: Share of consumers living paycheck to paycheck with issues paying bills who pay for health insurance
oh you shop cyber monday deals tell me again how much you spent over your budget
cyber monday meme budget

More Memes for Cyber Monday

This funny Cyber Monday meme is for all of us who have an inbox filled with sales emails. You gotta love how they just come out of the woodworks on this fake holiday.

yeah if you could stop emailing me about cyber monday deals that would be great
cyber monday emails meme

That face you make when you see the cart total after adding everything on sale that you want to buy. About that.

when you see the cart total for your cyber monday deal
cyber monday shopping meme

Cyber Monday Sale Meme

Gotta love when a Cyber Monday deal goes viral or limited in stock. May the odds be in your favor.

viral cyber monday sale may the odds be in your favor
cyber monday sale meme

A friendly reminder, don’t by stuff just because it’s on sale. Also, this is a note to self. Remember our trash memes about stuff?

dont buy stuff just because its on sale
shopping sales meme

Christmas Shopping on Cyber Monday

And let’s contradict that last funny Cyber Monday meme with this one. One does not simple not shop the online sales!

one does not simply not shop cyber monday
christmas shopping cyber monday meme

Make sure to write out a list of everyone you need to shop for this holiday season. Keep it in your notes app or somewhere you can easily find. I like to keep a Google spread sheet to help maintain a Christmas budget and make sure that all the kids are bought for, as well as family.

me trying to figure out who i need to buy for on cyber monday

Thoughts and prayers for those working in ecommerce today. Marketing departments have been working for months to promote today to make it a huge sales day. Then there are those of us who will be pretending to work when actually we will just be online shopping. Don’t miss our funny work memes!

this is me pretending to work when actually i am shopping cyber monday
funny cyber monday work meme

Who else loves a good discount? Oh the feeling of power to save money (as long as I actually need the thing that I am buying.)

meme cyber monday what gives people feelings of power
meme cyber monday

Bring on the online sales, please! So far, the biggest score appears to be the new Apple Air Pods Pro second generation for around $200 ($50 savings off retail price.)

best monday meme cyber monday  the only monday i ever look forward to
cyber monday after thanksgiving meme

Cyber Monday vs Black Friday

I guess one positive is that many of us are working from home, so if we want to lay around on the couch with a blanket while working – we can do that. (see work from home memes)

black friday vs cyber monday meme
black friday vs cyber monday

Treat Yo Self

Cyber Monday is so much more chill than Black Friday! Though, I will say – the little Black Friday shopping we did do this year was uneventful. There were no fights, lines or chaos. But also, the Black Friday deals weren’t too impressive! According to CNBC, in-store Black Friday shopping was down 28%.

cyber monday meme  when cyber monday turns into treat yo self monday
cyber monday meme treat yo self

Cyber Monday memes for those of us who are using this day to shop online for bargains for Christmas gifts or just for ourselves (I mean, tell me I am not the only one buying myself a little something!)

Share the Memes for Cyber Monday

Our funny Cyber Monday memes are meant for sharing. In addition to these funnies, we have a plethora of funny Christmas memes for you to enjoy this holiday season.

christmas shopping done
christmas shopping done meme

We just ask that you tag us on social and link back to this post so more people can enjoy the humor about shopping on Cyber Monday.

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Cyber Memes is a part of the Digital Mom Blog Funny Memes series

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