Troll your friends with these funny Die Hard Christmas memes.

Whether you are YES, Die Hard is a Christmas Movie. Or NO, Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie – we got your back.

Best Die Hard Christmas Memes

This information on Bruce Willis’ hit film had me down a Christmas movie rabbit hole and the internet has jokes.

die hard christmas memes
die hard christmas memes

There are 2 teams and apparently team Die Hard Christmas is quite loud. None the less, Die Hard Christmas memes were a must.

Last week, I was watching the Netflix Christmas romantic comedy, Love Hard. It’s a cute show, but something got me. The main character, Nina said her favorite Christmas movie was Die Hard. In which, yes it’s been a few years since I have seen the movie, but what – uh, Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?

merry christmas die hard meme bruce willis
bruce willis christmas meme

So like a good memer, I bring you the best Die Hard Christmas memes. Don’t miss these Merry Christmas memes. Whether you are on team DIE HARD CHRISTMAS or Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie – I got you with these funny memes about Die Hard and Christmas.

die hard is the best christmas movie change my mind
die hard is the best christmas movie change my mind

Let’s look at why the internet is buzzing about Die Hard being a Christmas movie. The original movie is based on the 1979 novel Nothing Lasts Forever by Roderick Thorp.

favorite christmas movie die hard meme
favorite christmas movie die hard

The main star is none other than Bruce Willis. Additional cast include Alan Rickman, Alexander Godunov, and Bonnie Bedelia.

die hard christmas movie meme
watch die hard meme

Apparently, I have missed a few movies because there are 6 Die Hard movies in the franchise. The original movie was released in 1988. Following the original movie, here are the sequels that followed:

  • Die Hard 2 (1990)
  • Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995)
  • Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
  • A Good Day to Die Hard (2013).
die hard favorite christmas movie
favorite christmas movie meme

And let’s not forget the video games, comics, and other merchandise.

Die Hard is a Christmas Movie Memes

So where in the world did people come up with this action movie being a Christmas movie? The original Die Hard’s premise is this.

favorite christmas movie meme
favorite christmas movie meme

An NYPD officer tries to save his wife and several others taken hostage by German terrorists during a Christmas party at the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles.(per IMDB)

Hans Gruber Meme

This Hans Gruber meme just kills! Of course, its not Christmas until Hans Gruber falls from Nakatomi Plaza. Which means, you have to watch Die Hard at Christmas, am I right?

hans gruber meme  its not christmas until hans gruber falls from nakatomi plaza
hans gruber meme – its not christmas until hans gruber falls from nakatomi plaza

More funny Die Hard Christmas memes. P.S. Your 3 year old will want to watch Elf or Rudolph, not Bruce Willis saving us from terrorist. (Also see toddler memes)

explain die hard christmas movie

How great is this non-traditional gingerbread house? Leave it to a dad to make his kid a gingerbread house of Nakatomi Plaza from the Die Hard Christmas movie.

christmas die hard gingerbread house meme
die hard gingerbread house

Die Hard is NOT a Christmas Movie

Of course, there is a mention of Christmas – but you aren’t buying into the lie that this is a Christmas movie!

die hard is not a christmas movie
die hard is not a christmas movie meme

If you are on team Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie, these Die Hard Christmas memes are for you.

die hard is a christmas movie meme cat
die hard is a christmas movie meme cat

Yippe Ki Yay Meme

So maybe we should just ask the source, Bruce Willis – the DIE HARD man himself weighs in on if Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not. What does Bruce Willis have to say?

christmas die hard meme  yippee ki yay bruce willis
Yippe Ki Yay meme

In 2018, celebrating 30 years of Die Hard at the Comedy Central Bruce Willis Roast – this is what he had to say.

Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. It’s a g–d— Bruce Willis movie

washington post

There you have it friends, the man Bruce Willis declares it a Bruce Willis movie not a Christmas movie. Think what you want.

its not christmas until you decorate the christmas tree and watch die hard christmas meme
its not christmas until you decorate the christmas tree and watch die hard christmas meme

Even Twentieth Century Fox has gotten in on the fun, remaking the Die Hard trailer into a Christmas movie. “The greatest Christmas story ever told.” Enjoy!

Share the Christmas Die Hard Memes

Whatever side of this silly internet joke of whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie or not, these Christmas Die Hard memes do not disappoint.

die hard christmas meme  either you think it is or you are wrong

Enjoy the fun and trolling your friends whatever camp they are on.

trump die hard christmas meme  donald trump declares die hard a christmas movie
Trump Die Hard Memes

Memes are meant for sharing, so share away. Just tag us if you post on social or link back if you can to this post – we appreciate it!

gremlins christmas movie meme  when you remember gremlins was a christmas movie too
gremlin christmas movie meme

More Digital Mom Christmas Fun!

We love us some Christmas. Don’t miss all of our Christmas ideas, activities and funnies for the 2023 Christmas season.

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Die Hard Christmas Memes is a part of the Digital Mom Blog Funny Memes series

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