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Discover 35 Hilarious Coffee Memes to Fuel Your Caffeine Addiction

For anyone requiring a cup of joe each morning, these coffee memes are for you! Without coffee, how would we get anything done? Enjoy the funny memes about coffee, caffeine and this addiction so many of us have to help us get through the day. It could be worse.

I don’t know what your morning is like, but mine day does not start without rolling to the fridge for cold brew in the warmer months, and to the coffee maker for a hot cup of joe when its cold.

coffee memes funny

Start your day with that brown bean juice and these funny memes about coffee.

Funny Coffee Memes

coffee time meme
coffee time meme

Because we have to laugh at the silliness of the mundane. Coffee and memes go together like peanut butter and jelly. Enjoy these funny coffee memes and I hope they bring you as much happy as that drink you are drinking does.

when someone says they dont drink coffee meme showing a statue with a shocked face

Here are over 25 of our favorite funny coffee memes, as well as fascinating coffee facts because we might as well learn as we laugh at our caffeine addiction. Let’s start with this coffee time meme.

a day without coffee meme
funny coffee meme – a day without coffee is like just kidding no idea what thats like

When someone says they don’t drink coffee. *immediately does a Google background check* What does it feel like to have no need for waking up and grabbing a cup of joe? There has to be something majorly wrong here.

funny coffee memes

Coffee is OLD: Did you know coffee dates back to the 9th century? The origin of coffee is still a mystery, but most say that it started in Ethiopia.

Coffee beans are seeds: Coffee beans are actually seeds! Yes, the coffee bean that we know is the pit of the coffee cherry making this bean technically a seed. (source: Good Housekeeping)

a yawn is a silent scream for coffee meme funny
coffee memes – a yawn is a silent scream for coffee

You can drink TOO much coffee: Apparently, you aren’t supposed to drink over 30 cups of coffee in a short period of time due to the lethal dosage of caffeine. Who knew? NOT ME!

As much as I love this good morning coffee meme and brown water, 3 maybe not 30 is my max for an early morning. (Did you see our good morning memes?)

too much coffee meme
too much coffee meme

Growing coffee in America: Hawaii was the only American state that grows coffee. California has started growing coffee bushes.So coffee is only grown in 2 US states.

be amazing but first coffee meme
be amazing today – but first coffee

Coffee was illegal: Did you know in Istanbul coffee was once considered illegal? That so wouldn’t fly today, now that we have a Starbucks on every corner. (source:

coffee always wire forever tired meme
when you are always wired but forever tired

Keep your coffee warmer: A simple coffee hack for keeping your coffee warmer is adding cream to your coffee. Cream can help your coffee stay warm 20% longer! If you are a PSL lover – don’t miss our pumpkin spice memes.

coffee is liquid love meme
liquid love for your brain

Decaffinated Coffee

A collective sigh from those of us who are addicted to caffeine. Decaf coffee, whats the point, right? Let’s laugh at the non-sense and learn a little about decaffeinated coffee. Here are funny decaf coffee memes.

decaf coffee – sad brown water meme
Decaf Coffee Meme – you mean brown sadness water

Did you know decaf coffee doesn’t mean no caffeine? This decaf coffee meme is perfect for anyone who has ever thrown a cup of decaf because gimme all the caffeine please!

decaf coffee meme funny – only works when thrown at people
decaf coffee only works when thrown at people

Decaf coffee does not mean that it’s caffeine-free and I had no idea!

decaf coffee meme  would you like some orange free orange juice with that? Willy Wonka
decaf coffee meme – would you like some orange free orange juice with that?

According to the Mayo Clinic – an eight-ounce brewed cup of decaf coffee actually contains two to 12 milligrams of caffeine. Not a lot, and surely not enough for this caffeine addict.

decaf coffee memes – nobody's got time for decaffeinated coffee
nobody’s got time for decaffeinated coffee

A regular cup of coffee supplies between 95 to 200 milligrams, while one can of cola has approximately 23 to 35 milligrams of caffeine. So enough to think twice if you decide to give your kid decaf coffee.

Love you coffee just as much as you love sleeping? Don’t miss our sleep memes!

Coffee Addict Memes

For those of us who get life and energy from this drink, these coffee addict memes show others what its like to be hooked on the joe.

coffee addict meme coffee only one cup meme
coffee addict meme

When you are trying to cut back to just one cup but that cup is bigger than you head, this coffee addict meme maybe for you. This funny coffee photo is accurate.

cup of coffee a day meme starbucks coffee addict
funny coffee addict meme

First I drink the coffee then I can do all the things. Coffee makes the world go round, well at least mine!

good morning coffee meme first i drink the coffee than i can do the things
good morning coffee meme

When the way to win your heart is to buy, make or be coffee – you maybe a coffee addict.

how to win my heart coffee meme

Before you talky, let me sit in the quiet with my coffee mug.

i must coffee before talky
funny good morning coffee meme

More Caffeine Memes about Coffee

Let’s caffein-ate this collection. For the love coffee crowd, enjoy these funny caffeine memes.

what do you mean there is no coffee meme funny
what do you mean there is no coffee meme

May every time from now on when you hear the Dolly Parton song, Jolene that you hear her sing “caffeine” like in this funny caffeine meme.

dolly parton caffeine meme
dolly parton caffeine meme

When your only hope is that caffeine in your coffee, this Star Wars coffee caffeine meme will be calling your name. Did you see our Star Wars memes?

star wars coffee caffeine meme  help me, coffee.. you are my only hope
star wars coffee caffeine meme

When you are so caffeinated that you can see sound. I can relate to this caffeinated meme after my 4th cup.

caffeinated meme  i am so caffeinated that i can see sound
caffeinated meme

Let the caffeine flow through you.

caffeine meme funny  let the caffeine flow through you
caffeine meme funny

Who doesn’t love the Minions? And yes, we believe that coffee can totally be a meal and the most important meal of the day at that! (see more Minion memes)

minion coffee meme coffee the most important meal of the day
minion coffee meme

Coffee consumption throughout the week be like. This Friday coffee meme may mean that your coffee looks more like a cocktail and we are not hear to judge you for that.

friday coffee meme
friday coffee meme

I drink a lot of water. Filtered water. Water filtered through coffee grinds. From the first cup to the last, it ain’t water that i’m drinking.

drink coffee meme

I am not a morning person or early person. Knowing that and how much I drink to be an afternoon person, I would assume the amount of coffee an early bird drinks is substantially more.

early bird i am coffee i must meme yoda star wars

A black coffee meme for those of you who don’t put anything in your drink.

black coffee meme

The look on my face when someone says they don’t drink coffee.

when someone says they dont drink coffee meme

Coffee is my favorite coworker.

coffee is my favorite coworker meme

Send this or any of these other funny work memes to a co-worker.

National Coffee Day

September 29, 2024 is National Coffee Day.

How obsessed are we with this delightful drink? So much so there is a National Coffee Day 2024. International coffee day is the day we celebrate our favorite drink that wakes us up and keeps us going. Watch for free coffee on National Coffee Day!

national coffee day meme
national coffee day meme

In years past, Krispy Kreme, High Brew Coffee, Dunkin’ Donuts, McDonalds and Godiva have offered free or discounted coffee on National Coffee Day.

Don’t miss our drinking memes for more fun and humor.

Keeping a good meme secret is a sin. Memes are meant for sharing, especially these hilarious Coffee Memes. Feel free to share these on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – there’s a social share link on each – or just credit back to @digitalmomblog or – thanks for the share love and ENJOY!

simpsons coffee meme

Thanks for being a member of the Digital Mom Blog meme community. Memes make the world go round, okay maybe that’s our personal view but alas we do love us some funny and hope you do to.

Coffee Memes is part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes

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