Funny payroll memes to fuel the accounting department with laughs so we can get paid.

funny payroll meme

Funny Memes About Payroll

Continuing on with our work memes series, we couldn’t leave out the Payroll memes!

funny payroll meme

Wanna get paid? That’s why we work, right? These funny payroll memes will be loved by anyone who has a problem with their paycheck or payroll – but also by the accounting department behind the payments!

me doing everything but my timecard

Payroll Due

Want to know how I feel when payroll is due? This funny payroll meme shows it best.

how i feel when payroll is due...

From collecting time cards to crunching numbers, you gotta love payroll week. May the odds be in your favor.

payroll week? may the odds be in your favor

When payroll is done and everyone gets paid. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor payroll report, the average pay period is biweekly, followed by weekly.

when payroll is done... you get paid, everyone gets paid.

This Christmas payroll meme is applicable to any holiday when people are too busy planning their time off than to do their department payroll.

christmas payroll meme

See our Merry Christmas memes!

A gentle passive aggressive payroll meme to whoever needs a reminder that without payroll there is no pay.

payroll meme

When you are waiting on payroll.

waiting on payroll meme

A payroll Monday meme for anyone knows what kind of big deal it is and omg the work that is required to do it.

payroll monday meme

How is this for a payroll meme org chart.

hr payroll meme funny

Show some love to your accounting department with this Payroll is my favorite for whoever is processing payroll.

payroll department meme

When it’s time to do payroll.

payroll memes funny

Speaking of processing payroll meme for anyone who thinks they can do your job. It’s not just hitting a button!

payroll processing meme

Waiting to Get Paid

Oh the stress of waiting to get paid. Send a waiting to get paid meme along with your timesheet or invoice if the accounts payable department is slow on paying.

waiting to get paid meme

Don’t miss our hilarious timesheet memes!

Sometimes you have to be snarky. But seriously this wheres my money meme will at least make you unforgettable.

wheres my money meme

When a lot of your problems stem from not getting paid.

not getting paid meme

You’ve been paid meme is a fun reply to get when you are expecting payment.

youve been paid meme

The glorious sigh of relief when you get the payment you’ve been waiting on.

funny meme paid

It’s Pay Day!

Whether it’s once a month, bi-weekly or weekly – when that paycheck deposits, pay day memes are needed!

pay day meme

Payday is always a reason to celebrate!

payday meme

Whether it’s a one off payment, a bonus check or just your regular paycheck – the excitement shown on this payday meme is real.

did someone say pay day?

Meme caption: Did someone say PAY DAY?

happy payday meme

When the Paycheck Hits

Who gets a paycheck meme? Well if it’s up to Oprah, everyone.

paycheck meme

When that paycheck deposit finally hits! Time to go shopping! I kid, see budget memes below.

paycheck meme funny

When your paycheck is spent before it even deposits.

funny paycheck meme

When you are living paycheck to paycheck. My, how judgemental Yoda is.

paycheck to paycheck meme broke you are if paycheck to paycheck is how you live

Don’t miss our tax memes for when taxes are due.

As a small business owner, when those invoices don’t get paid late when you finally get that check a paid meme is in order to celebrate.

paid meme

Funny Accounting Memes

While sure accounting wants payroll, there are still other tasks to do and those pay the bills which allows accounting to pay payroll. Oh, the cycle of corporate America!

accounting wanting payroll

Expense Report Meme

Who else would have a stack of receipts shoved in their purse needing to be put on an expense report? This is the expense report meme to send to anyone who like me, forgets to turn in their expenses!

expense reports meme

Another signal that maybe you should do your expense reports is when you see how high your credit card balance has gotten. Another expense report meme to remind the forgetful!

i don't always do my expense reports but when i do it's when i see how high my credit card balance has become

Budget Memes

Sometimes the only limitation in business is MONEY. Most often due to budgets. See the budget memes and enjoy the LOLs.

budget meme  a budget is everything

These are especially relatable to anyone who has to manage a budget.

bigger budget meme

When you have a great marketing campaign idea, but that budget says otherwise.

marketing budget meme

When you need help with your budget, we got you boo! Well we can’t help you make the numbers work but we can provide you with a help me budget meme.

help me budget meme

Send this to someone who needs a reminder that it’s budget season.

budget season meme

When its budget planning time, send a coworker meme or this one.

budget planning meme

When you have champagne tastes but are on a beer budget. All of us non-trust fund babies have all been there.

champagne taste on a beer budget meme

Work smarter, not harder y’all!

productivity meme  work smarter not harder

While I’m sure the company wants us to think we are working for the better good, we all know that’s not why we show up every day. We are working for a paycheck. Bills need to be paid!

yoda work meme: work you must bills needs to be paid

Let’s face it. We all go to work for those dollar bills, yo. The paycheck is the star of the show.

me after that paycheck hits despite being broke for the last two weeks

This paycheck meme is me as a teenager not having any bills to worry with or any idea how much taxes were taken out. Oh to be young and carefree.

paycheck meme: when your paycheck finally hits your bank account

If you are hourly or a contractor, we all know this payroll meme to well. When accounting comes knocking for time cards – or maybe you are the accountant needing the payroll, here are the funny timesheet memes.

Pay Me Memes

When you need those dollar bills. Use these pay me memes for when you have an invoice due, a client won’t pay, your family owes you money or whenever you need to collect payment.

where's my money?

Need that money, stat? Send a text with your Venmo, Cash app or whatever form of payment you accept to get paid.

pay me now

As illustrated in this hilarious funny pay me meme, sometimes you have to go all Chris Farley to get paid.

pay me meme: for the love of god pay me now

Share the Payroll Memes

Seriously though, accounting and payroll can be a stressful role. Help relieve some of the work stress with humor.

payroll memes funny

Share our funny Payroll memes with your team. Tag us if you post on social media and link back so more people can enjoy the funny!

Enjoy More Relatable Payroll Memes

If you loved this work humor – there’s more! We have hundreds of more memes about every aspect of working – not just payroll! Just click on the topic below to find more work humor:

H3 tag with specific typography

Payroll Memes are part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes

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