We are sharing meeting memes today guys, because omg – we all have been in the office, sitting around the table with co-workers and clients – thinking is this a joke? The only jokes we like in regards to this are these memes about meetings!

when your boss says its going to be a fun meeting

Our huge collection of work memes is expanding! We’ve taken our least favorite thing about the work day and meme’d it.

The Rise of Meeting Memes in the Workplace

We are bringing you funny meeting memes covering all the lovely topics including agenda, schedules, cancellations and more that will help you survive the work day.

dont forget meme meeting

Let’s take that stress and funnel it into so fun. Use these memes to share and liven up a meeting.

i really need less meetings in my schedule. Oh look! Another meeting invite.

Share a fun meeting meme – not really, especially when the hope for any joy for work is gone.

How to Make Meetings Shorter

Planking is the answer. Share this how to make meetings shorter meme and see if your team will take the challenge.

how to make meetings shorter meme

Staff Meeting

These amazing staff meeting memes are perfect for sharing with coworkers before during and after that company wide event.

staff meeting today

Staff meeting? Ain’t nobody got time for that! If you could not ask me to attempt funny staff meeting notes again, that’d be great.

funny staff meeting meme

Need to deliver bad news to everyone in the company. Do what this all staff meeting meme says to do, that way everyone can hear the same terrible thing for a collective emotional response.

all staff meetings are a great way to deliver bad news to everyone at the same time

Oh how much I can’t stand Bill Cosby now, but this meme.

fart during meeting meme

Team Meetings

Don’t miss our teamwork memes. How fun was that team meeting?

team meeting meme funny

Before the dreaded “team meeting.”

team meeting meme funny  Team meeting to "Just check in."

Also related, our team memes for more hilariousness about working with people.

Another Meeting That Could Have Been an Email

There is nothing more annoying than another meeting that could have been an email.

this meeting could have been an email meme

This meeting could have been an email meme, send this every time your time is wasted.

this meeting could have been an email that'd be great

I introduce you to this hilarious funny meeting mug. “I survived another meeting that should have been an email.” Available on Amazon.

i survived another meeting that should have been an email mug

It could have been an email.

could have been an email meme

Coffee at Meetings

Speaking of coffee during meetings, which is a must… or alcohol. Though, that can be risky. Don’t ask me how I know. Praise be to the person who makes the Starbucks run for meetings.

funny meeting meme that says i would gladly miss the staff meeting to make a starbucks run.

Virtual Meeting

Since 2020 happened, just about all of us can relate the realities of this virtual meeting meme.

another virtual meeting with cameras on y tho

With the bad, there are a few good things about them – as shown in these funny virtual meeting memes.

virtual meeting meme no pants needed

When you share the wrong screen during a virtual meeting. Did you see our funny work from home memes?

when you accidentally share the wrong screen

If you love these, don’t miss our coworker memes!

Video Meetings

Video calls are meetings that people just call zoom, video conference, video calls.

dog zoom audio video meme

It’s actually just ANOTHER meeting except this time you don’t have to wear pants (as long as you don’t stand up!)

end of zoom meeting meme

Check out all of our hilarious zoom memes – perfect for sharing during your next Zoom call / video call / video conference (you know what I am saying!)

Meeting Request Meme

When yet another email request for a meeting comes in, what do you do? You accept it, maybe with a sarcastic reply with this meeting request meme.

oh yay yet another meeting

I feel you, back to back meetings and then it’s like – wait, are we having a meeting before ANOTHER meetings. Yes, that’s what is happening.

getting work done meme

Do you ever feel like sometimes people are just bored or lonely and want to have a meeting?

funny meeting meme about silly reasons to throw a meeting

I can just hear Steve Carrell yelling this!

steve carell yelling meeting meeting meeting  in this funny meme

Meeting Talk

There’s always that person who just will not stop talking. Worse when they start talking in circles!

talking in a meeting you do shut up you must

See all of our Star Wars meme.

Talking to Yourself

This talking to yourself meme, because if you see me talking to myself – I’m having a staff meeting.

if you see me talking to myself, i'm having a staff meeting.

How many meetings can you for in a day?

how many meetings in a day a funny meeting meme about nonstop all day meetings

Buzz Lightyear knows whats up.

funny meme meetings

Morning Meeting

Start the day with a good morning meme, or not. These morning meeting memes are for those who are forced to meet in the morning.

i'm sorry i can't meeting at 9:30 am thats when i am busy looking at cat memes

And what’s better than first thing in the morning? Last thing before you leave work!

meeting at 5 meme

Boring Meeting

Oh for the love, boring meetings memes which are going to be more entertaining than what you are about to have to sit through.

boring meeting meme: boring meeting it is remember i need paycheck i must

These funny meeting memes are perfect for air dropping to that co-worker who can relate. Don’t let your brain melt.

please end this meeting meme before my brain melts

Safety Meeting Memes

Oh the beloved safety meeting memes that are perfect for that risky coworker or employee.

safety meeting meme  when todays safety meeting is about what you did yesterday

When today’s safety meeting is about what you did yesterday. When you are the reason for the safety meeting.

funny safety meeting meme  when you are the reason for the safety meeting

No Meetings

If you are blessed with a zero meeting day, enjoy it! This no meetings meme perfectly describes the feeling of having at least a day with no scheduled meet-ups.

this is me with zero meetings today please don't tell my boss

Don’t miss our funny boss memes!

Meeting Canceled

Let the celebration begin when the meeting canceled meme is sent!

praise jesus meeting canceled meme

Boardroom Meeting

You know what sounds important, but like ZERO fun, about that. Here’s a funny boardroom meeting meme, because this maybe the best part of the gathering.

boardroom meeting? That sounds important and like zero fun. But thats none of my business.

That face you make and the boardroom meeting meme to share when you are on your way.

boardroom meeting meme  the face i make on my way to the board meeting

Meeting Agenda

Please for the love of God, create a meeting agenda.

meet we can but an agenda is a must

If you don’t have an agenda, do you even know what you are meeting about. Like the agenda meme implies, don’t show up unless you have it listed out.

when you show up
to an "important" meeting and there is no agenda

No meeting agenda, don’t expect me to attend!

I wont attend a meeting if there is no agenda

Business Meetings at the Bar

And last but not least, my favorite meeting meme – let’s meet at the bar and have a “meeting” to go over “Sales Strategy.” Please make sure the bar has chips and salsa, mkay? Thanks.

bar meeting meme

Emergency Meeting

When you play Among Us and you see a coworker doing a fake task, send them this emergency meeting meme! See our among us memes.

emergency meeting among us meme when you play among us and go to work and see your coworker fake doing a task

IEP Meetings

We are sharing these IEP memes for parents and teachers having to create and meet about individualized education programs for students. See our school memes for more humor.

on my way to yet another iep meeting

The time and effort put in from teachers to administration to put the plans together is not for the weak.

iep meeting meme  how i feel after an iep meeting

This is my face made into an IEP meeting meme.

More Funny Memes About Meetings

And we have even more funny memes about meetings. Share away! When someone wants you to send them the meeting notes. Can’t chatGPT do that?

meeting notes meme

When you survive the meeting, send this meme.

meeting survival meme

Brace yourself, a meeting request is coming.

meeting request meme

I Love Lucy, and could you imagine her in a meeting?

stupid questions meeting meme

Who loves meetings? Correct, the answer is no one.

funny meetings meme

And sometimes there are meeting wins, like when you get an email from box saying that a meeting is cancelled!

best news no meetings

When HR wants to meet. Is meeting with Human Resources ever good? Yeah, see our hr memes.

meeting with hr meme

Share the Funny Memes About Meetings

Meeting memes are more than just a passing trend in the digital age; they are a reflection of our work culture and a testament to the importance of humor in the workplace.

cheers to a schedule filled with meetings schedule meme meeting

There you have it friends, the best meeting memes – perfect for sharing with your co-workers. Share and LOL. Let’s destress your daily grind with some work humor.

funny meeting memes

If you do share, we just ask you to tag us on social media and link back to this post.

If you loved these meeting memes, there’s more! We have hundreds of more memes about every aspect of working.

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