For the tired parents at Christmas, we bring you funny Elf on the Shelf memes.

elf on the shelf memes funny

That pesky Elf on the Shelf is getting ready to shine, parents. And while it is an agonizing process, we have the elf humor to at least make you laugh as you are prepping for Christmas.

Continuing on with our Christmas memes series, we couldn’t miss out on the memes about the Elf on the Shelf.

move your self meme reminder funny  First, before we get started with the funny. I don't know who needs to see this, but don't forget to move the elf.

It’s that time of year. As if there wasn’t enough going on during the holidays! We’re sharing the funny memes about Elf on the Shelf even if you refuse to participate!

elf on the shelf meme funny

What is Elf on the Shelf

So What is elf on the shelf? The elf tradition started in 2005. The idea is that this is the elf that watches your kids so Santa will know if they belong on the good or naughty list.

santa elf is watching meme

Over the years, the Elf on the Shelf tradition has evolved. It now a full out operation for parents. We have easy Elf on the Shelf ideas, but boy am I glad this isn’t something we do any longer.

creepy elf on the shelf meme  make sure to get an elf on the shelf because telling your kid about an old man that climbs down the chimney isn't creepy enough.

If you haven’t yet jumped on the hide the elf Christmas tradition, let me plant this thought in your mind. An Elf on the Shelf isn’t just for this Christmas. It’s for EVERY Christmas for the next 10 years. Think before you buy. We have other Family Christmas Traditions you can do that are WAY less painful than committing to an elf.

elf on the shelf christmas meme

Here’s a clever and EASY Elf on the Shelf idea. Don’t miss our Grinch memes if you love the green guy.

grinch holding elf on the shelf over toilet

Why can’t adults get an adult elf on the shelf that does chores like cleaning, mopping, dishes and laundry? Why would we need that when we have mom! (God bless all the dads that pull their weight.) See mom memes.

adult elf on the shelf meme

Want to freak your kids out? Dress as an Elf on the Shelf and sit on the mantle like this dad. (Amazon has this costume)

man elf on the shelf meme funny

What elf would be like on Facebook versus what he would be like on snapchat.

naughty elf on the shelf memes

Like Miley Cyrus, he came in like a wrecking ball.

naughty elf on the shelf meme  he came in like a wrecking ball

When I was a kid, if a doll magically came to life like Elf on the Shelf does – they took you and everyone you love out. Who remembers Chucky and Childs Play?

elf on the shelf chucky meme

No Elf on the Shelf

If you are anti-elf, these elf on the shelf memes are for you. How you sleep knowing you don’t have to deal with an elf for the next 24 nights. It is so great not having to worry about wear the elf will move and what chaos he will create. My kids create enough chaos!

how i sleep no elf on the shelf meme

Don’t forget that snitches get stitches.

dont forget elf on the shelf meme

Ain’t nobody got time for elf on the shelf!

no elf on the shelf meme

What the cat would do to the elf if he had it his way.

cat elf on the shelf meme funny

From SarcasticMommy4 – it’s almost that time of year where I don’t care where your kid found the Elf on the Shelf.

elf on the shelf tweet

From Not_thenanny – I won’t get mad that your kid told mine about your Elf on the Shelf if you don’t get mad that I told my kid the elves only visits really bad kids.

funny elf on the shelf tweet

You’ve Heard of Elf on the Shelf Memes

Somewhere along the elf journey, these hilarious you’ve heard of the shelf on the shelf memes started. These funny rhyming with elf on the shelf are just too funny. Have you ever heard about an Elvis on a Pelvis?

pelvis the elvis

What about a pope on a rope!

pop on the rope youve heard of elf on the shelf meme

Yetti on the Spaghetti

You’ve heard of elf on the shelf, now get ready for yeti on spaghetti.

youve heard of elf on the shelf meme yeti on spaghetti

Dolly on a Tamale Meme

You’ve heard of elf on the shelf, now get ready for dolly on a tamale. This has to be my favorite youve heard of elf on the shelf meme because Dolly Parton. She’s the queen.

dolly on a tamale elf on the shelf meme

Storm Trooper on a Pooper Meme

Who needs an elf on a shelf when you got a trooper on a pooper! (see star wars memes)

trooper on the pooper meme

Santa on a Fanta Meme

You’ve heard of elf on the shelf, now get ready for Santa on a Fanta. Don’t miss our Santa memes!

youve heard of elf on the shelf meme santa on the fant

Snoop on the Stoop Meme

No not Snoop on a stoop meme! This is too much. When we saw this last year, I thought this was all in fun.

youve heard of elf on the shelf meme snoop on the stoop

Well now you can buy your own Snoop on the stoop elf and Martha Stewart elf on Amazon!

Sloth on the Goth Meme

I’ll let you guess this one.

elf on the shelf goth on the sloth

If you guess sloth on the goth, you are right!

Rocky on a Jockey Meme

You’ve heard of elf on the shelf, now….

youve heard of elf on the shelf meme rocky on the jockey

Bernie on a Gurney Meme

And God bless Bernie. These Bernie mitten memes were my absolute favorite.

youve heard of elf on the shelf meme bernie on the gernie

Bad Elf on the Shelf Memes

Get ready for some adults only inappropriate elf on the shelf meme.

Maybe keep these bad elf on the shelf memes away from the kids, PLEASE.

bad elf on the shelf meme wine pills

All is fun and games but we all know that when you work hard, you need a break.

inappropriate elf on the shelf meme

That is true also for our funny little elf friend. After all those long nights for 24 consecutive days of trying to entertain the children while spying on them all day long, elf needed a break.

These bad elf on the shelf memes do not disappoint.

Inappropriate Elf on the Shelf Memes

Yes, that naughty elf on the shelf can be bad. Here are inappropriate Elf on the Shelf memes.

bad elf on the shelf meme pooping how peanut butter kiss cookies are made

When the elf decides to get his party on and pre-game before work.

dirty elf on the shelf meme

Don’t miss these funny Barbie memes.

inappropriate elf on the shelf memes

More Memes about Elf on the Shelf

The true meaning of Christmas, is it scaring your children into being good?

bad elf on the shelf meme

When your kids are finally old enough and you are done with Elf on the Shelf, a praise Jesus is in order!

done with elf on the shelf meme

Instead of Elf on the Shelf – if you want to keep Christmas about Chris – have Mary and Joseph toys journey to Bethlehem. Have them arrive at the nativity scene on Christmas eve.

elf on the shelf mary joseph christ in christmas

Check out this modern nativity story – to get a glimpse of what the journey of Mary and Joseph would have looked like if it happened today.

Share the Elf on the Shelf Memes

We hope you enjoyed the funniest Elf on the Shelf memes as much as we did. Share the memes! We are a big believer that memes are meant for sharing.

funny meme elf on the shelf

We just ask that you tag us on social and/or post a link back to this post to share the funny elf shelf love.

Merry Christmas and happy elfing.

Elf on the Shelf Memes are part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes

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