It’s the season for travel and these vacation memes will give you all the feels of needing to be elsewhere. If you are looking for funny memes about vacation, chances are you are either needing a vacay, about to go on a trip or are on vacation.
Whatever your vacay status is, we have you covered with these hilarious images and travel memes bout vacationing. We are meme-ing everything from needing a vacation to flying on a plane.
Share these hilarious vacation memes before your next trip.
Hilarious Memes about Vacationing
When you need a break from the mundane of the everyday, stress of work, life and what have you – book the trip and enjoy a laugh with some vacation humor.
Wave goodbye to those that need you, and getaway from the woahs of life.
Long hours, stress, family, life in general is crazy. When vacation time rolls around, you better not disrupt my peace!
Have you seen our summer memes?
I Need a Vacation Meme
We could all use a vacation. These I Need a Vacation memes are for our friends who need a break from life and time to recharge.
Send this I need a vacation meme to your significant other.
A 6 month vacation twice a year sounds perfect. What recession? (See recession memes.)
Then there is the logistics of travel. What I want and what my bank account says I can do don’t necessarily agree on the places that I should go.
Here is some unsolicited advice. If you feel like you can’t take off of work, USE YOUR PTO or vacation time. And don’t miss our work memes for office humor to enjoy with your co-workers.
Getting Ready for Vacation
When the date is set and your know your destination but all you have to do is wait (oh, and pack your bags) – these funny ready for vacation memes are what you are looking for.
This ready for vacation meme is for anyone who thinks I’m not. I may not have my bags packed – I mean chances are I haven’t planned anything but the answer is always yes. I am ALWAYS ready for vacation.
You can buy your plane ticket, schedule your travel itinerary and have your packed luggage ready – but waiting to actually leave is the hardest part!
These waiting for vacation memes are for those of you who are stuck playing the travel wait game.
Packing Memes
Packing for Vacation Meme Pack those bags, don’t forget any birth certificates, passports, luggage, wallet, ID or anything else you need to get out of town successfully. Vacay awaits!
Anyone else have a problem with packing too much for a trip? If you can relate, these overpacking for vacation memes are for you. Going on a trip, I need about 4 outfits so I packed 30 outfits just to be safe.
Who else starts to have vacation packing anxiety? I can’t help but think “but what if I need it?” and then proceed to overstuff my luggage with things.
It never fails that I overpack my bags leaving zero room for my shoes or toiletries.
Vacation Time
It’s FINALLY TIME so here are the vacation time memes! Cue the TikTok Song “I’m on vacation…” Who is ready to get on the plane, on the boat or in the car and ready to leave town? WE ARE!
Unfortunately, it’s not quite time for my family’s travel plans but when it is, when it’s time for you to go, these vacation time memes are for you. Who else runs out of work on the last day before vacation?
All problems not related to holiday are not mine when traveling.
The perfect vacation meme to share for when your vacation starts. Cue the happy memes!
When any of your friends text while you are traveling, this im on vacation meme needs to be your reply.
Sunglasses on with my tongue out (okay, a smile but maybe my tongue out) are relatable to this vacation mode meme.
Sorry, not sorry to anyone who needs me while I am out.
Let’s Cruise!
If your vacation is a cruise, these cruise memes are for you!
Who else’s dream vacation is just booking a cruise, ordering drinks and escaping from reality? Me, just me? Surely not! Don’t miss our Cruise Travel Pinterest board for the latest in cruise tips and news.
Vacation is Over Memes
Sadly, all good things come to an end. Here are the vacation over memes for sharing your feels when you are back from vacation and have to head back to work.
And just like that, those relaxing, stress-free days are over.
When you need a vacation from your vacation.
When you return from your vacation and can’t remember how to do your job.
That Monday morning when your vacation is over and your remember you have a 5 day week is the worse. See our Monday memes.
How I feel about life when vacation comes to an end. Those last few minutes of zen before an emotional explosion after you pull back into your home’s driveway.
One does not simply enjoy coming back from vacation.
Welcome Back from Vacation Meme
The love you receive in this welcome back from vacation meme is so well known to those who love inbox zero.
Don’t miss our email memes for more inbox humor.
Traveling with Kids Memes
Y’all, as a mom to 4 kids ranging in age from 10 to 19, the need to get out of town is a must.
That said, there is a huge difference between a trip and a vacation and shown in this traveling meme. Image from @milknhoneynutrition
Family Vacation Memes
Y’all, planning a vacation for your family of 6 is hell. These family vacation memes are the perfect laugh for the mom whose head hurts from travel planning.
We now have 2 kids that work, so trying to figure out work schedules, our family calendar and when we can get to our destination is a feat in itself. Don’t miss our complete drinking meme collection for more humor.
Let’s not even start with what it’s like trying to find affordable flights in this climate! See inflation memes.
As much as traveling with kids is not a vacation, you have to understand the memories made on family vacations are those that stick with us for a lifetime. Who else had a dad who doesn’t stop for you to use the bathroom on road trips?
Check out and share our funny road trip memes.
National Lampoon’s Vacation Meme
Speaking of family road trips, tell me you have seen National Lampoon’s Vacation!
While these National Lampoon vacation memes are about the 1983 Chevy Chase movie about the Griswalds road trip to Walley World and all of the family vacation shenanigans that happen when traveling with family.
Looking for Clark Griswold Christmas humor? Don’t miss our National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation memes!
Beach Vacation Memes
One of the most popular vacation destinations is the beach. If you are beach bound, enjoy these beach vacation memes. Don’t miss our beach memes!
When your heart is set on going to the beach but the money just isn’t there.
This beach vacation meme is too fun! Make these sand shadow faces for your next vacation picture when you are on the beach.
In the infamous words of kids, – don’t miss these are we there yet memes for anytime you are road tripping.
Summer is coming in HOT – and so are we with hot weather memes.
Funny Memes about Air Travel
If you are traveling by air this vacation season, these air travel memes about flying will totally be relatable.
When you realize you are 40,000 feet in the air away from all the crap that is happening in real life. Air travel can feel like a dream.
Who else refuses to sit in the airplane middle seat? We typically have kids traveling with us, so the kids get the middle seat and I am not a bit sad to not sit in what I call the mushpot.
When you have a long flight and remember to charge all of your devices! Don’t forget to pack that battery pack. This is battery pack kept my phone charged and saved my sanity when missing a flight and getting stuck overnight in the San Antonio airport.
Jetlag is the Worse
This jetlag meme is the perfect representation of how one feels waking up the first morning in a new time zone.
Work Vacation Meme
Continuing on the vacation funny travel memes let’s talk about work. We are sharing the funny work vacation memes for those employees who are trying to avoid thinking about working on vacation or maybe you are using your work trip for vacay.
Don’t be texting me about work when I’m on vacation. If you do, send this funny work vacation meme back to your boss or team who has the nerve to message you!
When you are in an awesome travel destination but expected to work and not play. BOO!
Are you sure that’s a work trip or maybe you just made it into a company paid vacation. Oh, the perks for corporate travel.
More Memes about Vacation
It doesn’t stop there with the vacay fun. Here are some more funny vacation memes. Would these vacation memes be complete if we didn’t include a silly vacation pun?
To the mom who gets a vacation without your kids, ENJOY EVERY MINUTE! You DESERVE IT! For more mama fun, enjoy these mom memes.
We have a collection of groundhog memes – this one “can’t talk work I’m on vacation” just cracks me up every time I come across it!
Passport photos be like.
For my fellow introverted friends, this vacation quote is for you. Vacation is where the people aren’t. Don’t miss our introvert memes.
Share the Funny Vacation Memes
These funny travel memes are meant for sharing! Share your favorite vacation meme, tag us on social and post a link back to this post.
No commercial use, but please use it for personal use! Follow us on social media and stay tuned. More memes to come!
Funny Vacation Memes is part of the Digital Mom Blog series of funny memes