We are spicing up the day with a dive into the world of Taco Tuesday memes, get ready to experience a flavor explosion of laughter and cravings.

The best way to celebrate Tuesday is with these funny Taco Tuesday Memes! Our beloved favorite Mexican food has a day every single week to celebrate its greatness.

taco tuesday memes

We too have the shared admiration for the taco (and Mexican Food) – so let’s get sharing.

taco tuesday meme live everyday like its taco tuesday

We have the best memes, Taco Tuesday images and GIFs! Do what the Taco Tuesday meme says – live everyday like it’s Taco Tuesday!

taco tuesday image Tuesdays are better with tacos

Not into tacos, no problem. We also have your memes for Tuesday.

After Taco Tuesday comes WHY DID I EAT SO MUCH Wednesday. This fat cat taco meme is very relatable.

after taco tuesday comes why did i eat so much wednesday  taco tuesday meme funny

Have you ever put yourself in the shoes of the tacos. Think about the campfire stories of daddy taco telling baby tacos what happens every Tuesday. All I can say is RIP.

funny tuesday taco cartoon meme

Thinking About Tacos Memes

I know it’s early but I am already thinking about Tacos. We told you we loved tacos and if this Taco Tuesday meme speaks to your heart, then you will most definitely want to enjoy these taco memes for everyday (not just Tuesday!)

thinking about tacos meme

The results show that you do in fact want tacos EVERYDAY. Who else loved Maury Povich and him reading the results (particularly the paternity results) of his guests?

the results show that you do in fact want tacos every day not just on tuesdaytuesday tacos everyday meme

WOOHOO! Homer Simpson, we love your enthusiasm. Don’t miss out on our Tuesday memes because I guess maybe life exists outside of tacos.

its taco tuesday meme

Think about the TACOS. Is anyone thinking about the Tacos on this day, I know I AM! Don’t miss the funny tiktok video about the girl who went on a date with a guy who made her buy 100 tacos. It’s hilarious! Speaking of the TT – don’t forget to follow us on TikTok!

No Tacos

No Tacos on Tuesday should be a crime! This no taco Tuesday meme is for you poor souls who were deprived of your God given right of eating this Mexican food favorite each and every single week on it’s designated weekly holiday.

when its tuesday and mom didnt make tacos  no taco tuesday meme

Choose my mood. This with and without tacos meme maybe something I need to text to my husband everyday.

cat taco tuesday meme  before and after tacos

Star Wars Taco Tuesday Images

For some reason Star Wars works well making these Star Wars Taco Tuesday memes pretty epic. May the 4th will be here soon, so make sure you check out our Star Wars memes to celebrate that day.

did someone say taco tuesday star wars taco tuesday meme

This is the Tuesday way. Lead us Baby Yoda, show us where the tacos are hidden.

it the tuesday way baby yoda taco tuesday meme

Yes, Yoda – eat Tacos we must.

taco tuesday it is at tacos we must yoda taco tuesday meme

How Did Taco Tuesday Start?

Ever wonder how Taco Tuesday started? This Taco Tuesday meme gives you the most obvious answer. And on Tuesday, God created Tacos. I haven’t found this EXACT scripture in the bible, but it has to be in there somewhere, right?

And on Tuesday God created Tacos   taco tuesday meme

But in all seriousness, this is what we found in regards to the history of Taco Tuesday and who originally created the phrase. And let’s just be honest – what it really is (despite the day us taco lovers look forward to most!) is a marketing ploy. Here is the first restaurant to use the Taco Tuesday phrase.

Work hard. Be nice. and EAT TACOS on Taco Tuesday, or everyday.

eat tacos meme

Ever wonder where the term Taco Tuesday came from? Here’s a little history lesson from Thrillist.com on the origins of declaring that Tuesdays are for tacos.

“… Baker’s Drive-Thru, which operates in California’s Inland Empire to this day and advertised a taco special on Tuesday as early as 1967. Their first Taco Tuesday campaign seems to date to 1976. “Why are Tuesdays special?” read an ad in the November 2, 1976, edition of the Progress Bulletin in Pomona. “They’re TACO TUESDAYS at Baker’s.”

Happy Taco Tuesday Memes

Bless your friends with the happiness that this Tuesday brings with these Happy Taco Tuesday memes.

happy taco tuesday meme funny

Even the cat loves his Tacos on Tuesday in this Taco Tuesday image. Love burritos too? We’ve got the burrito memes.

happy taco tuesday meme

Taco Tuesday GIFS

Let’s get animated! Here are the best Taco Tuesday GIFs we could find to celebrate the celebratory day.

And a happy taco Tuesday gif for an animated way to celebrate the taco day.

Share the Taco Tuesday Memes

We hope these funny memes about Taco Tuesday have brought a smile to your face and a rumble to your tummy. So until next week’s fiesta, keep the salsa flowing and the memes rolling!

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