A clean house is not something I prioritize. Not that we are filthy hoarders, but with 4 kids and a few jobs – cleaning our home – yeah, I can think of 50 other priorities. If you were to call me on a typical day wanting to stop by, I would forewarn you that our house isn’t clean. That’s just how we ROLL. THAT was until we decided to put our house on the market.
Keeping a Clean House While Selling Your Home
We decided now was the time to sell our house. The market was looking a little better and well, quite frankly, in order to make this house fit us, we might as well move. With the kids still youngish, we thought LETS DO THIS.
The last few months, prepping and then actually putting the house on the market, has been similar to pulling your own teeth out with tweezer. Get that image in your head. PAIN, discomfort, AWKWARD.
Why would you use tweezers to pull your tooth out? It just doesn’t seem to work, right? Well that’s like me. Someone who can’t clean, trying to clean. Doesn’t really work – but hey I am trying.
After all the work to get the house market ready, we had a professional stager come in and she destroys any decorating you thought looked good and will tell you that “this is a house, not your home”.
She will then proceed to make your house presentable and by presentable I mean pretty and unlivable. Except – you have to live there because we aren’t rich folk who can buy another house before selling ours.
The most painful part of selling a home isn’t letting go of all the memories and times here, it’s keeping the house clean with 4 kids!
Trying to Keep a Clean House with Kids
Cleaning with kids in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating oreos.
Oh how I love my kids, but my terrible unorganized habits have been passed down to each and every one of them. In order to maintain sanity while the house sells, we put everything we could into a POD and bought a ton of baskets for toy stashing, as well as a huge storage ottoman. These have been essential for last minute showings.
I hate it that it’s Summer and the kids just can’t be kids. Any and every mess, including Z’s “invention corner” has to be taken down immediately each night. If we don’t keep up a nightly routine of going to bed with a clean home, the next day we will have a showing, it’s inevitable!
So each morning, I wake up to something I never ever expected – a clean house. While I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a nice change, but what it takes to get here just so isn’t worth it.
Having a Clean House is Overrated
If you worry about having a clean home, that’s fine but let me tell you – it comes with a price. It’s a lot of work and NO FUN. While I do like the organization ideas we have put into play and will be using them in our new home, there is no way I am striving to keep our house clean. I am striving for a maintained home. That’s it.
Too my kids: I am so sorry we have to put your through this. I hate being the type of mom who has to vacuum her floors daily. I promise as SOON as we get a contract and a closing date, we are so bringing out your bounce house and having a party. The best part? You won’t have to clean it up when we are done.
Wednesday 6th of May 2015
OXYPRO Cleaning System is one of the leading brands providing quality, and environmental-friendly Specialty cleaning solutions for laundry, kitchen, housekeeping, food manufacturing, and industrial industries.
Keira Hamilton
Friday 2nd of August 2013
I think cleaning is never an overrated job especially if it involves your home. I mean, it'll definitely help you save up more money cause this means to say that, you will not have to buy stuff every now and then.
Friday 15th of March 2013
"Cleaning with kids in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating oreos." That's the best part. I've spent a lot of money and put too much effort into maintaining my cherry hardwood floors clean, but my kids just love to mess it all up. I'm not complaining about having kids around because I love them. I just wish there's anything they could do that could divert their minds into something else while I'm cleaning.
Skye Devaney
Wednesday 6th of March 2013
In my case, the most stressful part is the furniture-cleaning. My kids help me with the house cleaning, but we never figured out how to properly clean the furniture without letting its colors fade.
Alana Macnaghten
Monday 25th of February 2013
The most stressful part in having kids is the house-cleaning. It just seems hard cleaning all the furniture that are messed up by little dirty hands and feet. But having kids around is stress-relieving