Schools almost out for the summer – why not throw a last day of school party to help celebrate the end of waking up early? We originally wrote this in 2016 after attending the most epic end-of-school party with our neighborhood friends. Fast forward to now, this is still a hugely popular post!
We hear you! You guys are still looking for these fun last day party ideas and we are here for you. Celebrate sleeping in, no schedule, fighting kids and blistering hot temperatures with a party to welcome in summer and say goodbye to the school year.

Awesome Ideas for the Last Day of School Party
Looking for ways to celebrate the end of the school year? Several moms in our neighborhood got together and threw the kids a surprise last day of school party. These moms are so crafty. The only thing I can take credit for is the Target bought lemonade, cookies and the photos.

Schools Out for the Summer
The last day of school party was held at a park near the school. We had the kids meet us near the park. Several of us moms decorated the park area and setup fun activities listed below. Right after school let out, half of the moms met up with the kids and led them to the park. There were a couple dozen kids. It was crazy, but boy they had fun and it was a memory that they’ll have.
Need ideas for what to do with the kids this summer? Check out our Summer Bucket List!
25 Fun Ideas for End of School Parties
If you are looking for ideas for the kids’ end of school year parties – look no further. Here is a giant list of ideas on how to celebrate with a last day of school party!
#1 Create a Giant Welcome Summer Banner
Create a massive banner using butcher paper that said “Welcome Summer” for the kids to run through right after the final bell on the last day of school. This is a great end of school party idea for celebrating the last day of the school year.

To make a giant party banner, use brown builder’s paper – it’s a cheap and great material for banner making! Want to get creative? Using a graphic program like canva, design a graphic for your large party banner. Then using a projector, sketch the design on to a banner. Paint or use large marker’s to create an awesome last day of school banner!
#2 Last Day of School Activities
Here are several fun last day of school activities which are great ideas for your end of year celebration.

How to Make Marshmallow Poppers
Who doesn’t love a good war, but let’s do it with marshmallows! Using a DIY marshmallow popper that costs nothing to make and is super easy to create will be a huge hit with the kids!

We made marshmallow poppers using Solo cups and balloons. You tie off the balloons and cut the top of the balloons off. Cut the Solo cups in half (horizontally). You will keep the end with the lip. Take the balloon and fit it over the lip. Now you have a marshmallow popper.
We then lined up the kids and had a marshmallow-popping contest to see who could pop their marshmallow the farthest.
Last Day of School Shirt Ideas
Here are last day of school shirt ideas. These last day of school activities involving shirts make a fun activity with a keepsake to help remember the school year.
- Tie dye shirts – this is a fun school party activity.
- Sign shirts – have everyone bring a blank shirt to sign. All teachers will need is sharpies!
Water Sponge Fight
Let’s get WET with a water sponge fight. Using dollar store sponges and tubs of water – get ready for some wet fun while kids run chasing each other with water sponges.

These BIG sponges are GREAT. We used storage bins full of water. Have the kids circle around the bins, blow a whistle and watch the water sponge fight chaos begin!
School Kite Day
A school kite day is something our kids’ elementary school does and would make a great last day of school activity. Each child brings a kite to school and an allotted amount of time is given for the kids to go outside and have a kite day.
#3 End of the School Year Party Feast
Create a huge end of the school year party feast with the kids favorite foods. Use a tool like Sign-Up Genius to help easily coordinate the parents on who brings what food.
Hot dogs, fruit, cookies, cupcakes, chips and lemonade served buffet style completed our end of the school year party.
Last Day of School Cake
If you want to get creative, check out this last day of school cake!

End of the Year School Pizza Party
Have every family pitch in for the students to have a pizza party. Order it delivered and have parents bring disposable plates and napkins. This school pizza party meme is so funny.

Parents, don’t make underpaid teachers pay for end of the year pizza party!
#4 Celebrate the Teachers
Let’s face it – as hard as this school year has been – the real kudos go to all of these hard working teachers. Find a way to celebrate the teachers at the end of the year. Maybe have each child write a note in a journal or frame a photo of the class of students. Teachers love gift cards (and flowers – well most do at least!)
If you have a funny teacher who has a sense of humor (best if you know the teacher well – also works well if you have friends that are teachers) – print them off one of these funny teacher memes!
More Last Day of School Party Ideas
Here are more End of School Party ideas to help inspire you and your last day of school party.

Sign Shirts – have the kids wear white shirts and spend some time having each kids sign their friends’ shirts.
Share Contact Info – if permitted, make sure your kids have the phone numbers of their friends’ parents so that you can schedule play dates during the summer!
Rent a Bounce House – get the energy out by renting a bounce house for the kids.

Ice Cream Sundae Party – a fun interactive and yummy way to end the school year could be with an ice cream sundae party. Buy the toppings and let the students DIY ice cream sundaes. I suggest making sure you have wet wipes as well as buying plastic table cloths at the Dollar Tree to minimize the mess and enable an easy clean up!

Last Day of School Memes – share our hilarious end of the year school memes with your students and teachers. Print them out and enjoy an exhale and laugh!
Photo Booth – setup an iPad and make a photo booth for the kids to take photos with their friends. Email the photos to the class or post the end of school year photos in a DropBox or Google Drive folder for all to access.
Summer Bucket List – have the kids choose a few things that they want to do over the summer with friends.
Last Day of School Car Decorations – Celebrate the end of the school year by decorating your car! Parents use window markers and balloons to decorate their cars for the last day of school pick-up!
End of School Interview – Have the kids do an end of the school year interview – it will be a keepsake you will love to look back on as the years pass.
Last Day of School Signs – don’t forget to print and take last day of school photos! This would be a great keepsake for each student as they finish the school year.
Letter to Self – have each kid write a letter to themselves and then mail it to them in 5 years. Consider doing this digitally since a lot of parents and kids are nomads and move often.
Have a Great Last Day of School Party!
We hope these last day of school party ideas help you throw an awesome celebration. Don’t forget to celebrate the teachers!