With school coming to an end, we thought we’d share our giant list of 75 Summer ideas for kids.

The summer months are ahead and what in the world are you suppose to do with your kids each and every day? Keep it new and fresh and FUN is easier said than done but fret not, we are here to help.

kids summer activities

We’ve updated the list from 50 to 75 summer fun things to do with kids – bonus, these are almost all screen-free activities. 

Awesome Summer Ideas for Kids

You snuck up and welcomed us with open arms and we are vowing this year to fully embrace it. Of all summers, this year I am most excited for what’s ahead.

The kids have a few camps and the toddlers still have preschool a few days a week, so I will still be working – but there are a number of days where we have no obligations.

Stress Free Summer with No Obligations

Those words are sweet to my ears. No obligations doesn’t mean we won’t do anything, it just means that we don’t have to be anywhere at any specific time and with 4 kids – that’s a very wonderful thing. While I love nothing to do days, the kids hate them. They scream “I’M BORED!” despite the playroom full of toys.

summer activities for kids

For those down days, we are creating a summer bucket list of things to do. Not sure what to put on your bucket list? Here’s a few ideas you can steal from our summer bucket list ideas – here are 75 different fun summer activities for kids.

75 Summer Ideas for Kids

Have you downloaded our summer bucket list printable? Fill it out and brainstorm some fun ideas for you and your family to do this summer. 

homemade pizza summer bucket list idea

Weekend get-away (Check out this family-friendly guide to Austin, TX)

Dress up in capes and be super heroes

Have a water balloon fight.

Choose a night each week for family movie night (we are watching the Harry Potter series together – in anticipation for Universal Studios!)

Let the kids get out the hose and wash your car

Make homemade pizzas – let the kids make it by setting up various pizza topping stations

Go to the park

Make cookies for a neighbor

Dance in the rain (here in Texas anytime it rains, we dance in it and be thankful for it!)

Vacation bible school tour

Take a nature walk

Make and take sandwiches for the homeless

Unplug all the televisions during the daytime hours

Fly a kite

Visit a local community garden

Host a impromptu barbecue

Make puppets out of socks

Go to a concert (Did I mention I am going to see GEORGE STRAIT in DALLAS?)

Plant a tree

Make cinnamon roll waffles

Take lots of photos – make a summer photo book

Wake up early and enjoy coffee on the porch

Institute one day of not saying “NO!”

Bring a meal to a family who could use some help

Play cards


Visit your local library

Take a family road trip

Visit the zoo

Ride a train

Explore a big city near you with fresh eyes

Feed ducks (be careful of those mean geese)

Make cupcakes

Tie-dye shirts and socks

Go on a scavenger hunt

Eat snow cones!

Go to the movies

Make a lemonade stand and give the money to charity – here’s a frosted lemonade recipe,  here is how to make a lemonade stand sign and tips for a successful lemonade stand!

Train for a 5k

Do a photo shoot, but let the kids be the photographers

Go fishing (my father-in-law swears by hot dogs as bait)

Have a slumber party

Make a fort

Throw a spontaneous dance party

Stay in your pajamas all day (we do this several days through-out the summer)

Paint a canvas

Go bowling (learn how kids can bowl for free)

Visit a museum

Run thru the sprinklers (you too, mom!)

Go on a picnic

BECAUSE MOM NEEDS A BREAK TOO: Plan a girl’s night out (we’re doing a wine tour in Grapevine, TX!) Can’t get a night out – send a friend one of our funny summer memes.

summer bucket list for kids 2021

Bonus Summer Ideas for Kids

We originally included 50 summer activities for kids but decided that just isn’t enough. Here are even more ideas to add to your kids summer bucket list.

water balloon fight summer kids

52. Write a letter to relatives.

53. Let the kids cook dinner

54. Do a RAOK (random act of kindness) – teach your kids this early!

55. Have a parade, have the kids decorate their bikes and wagon – create a route around the neighborhood

56. Make a fairy garden

57. Read 20 minutes a day

58. Camp out in the backyard

59. Lemonade stand (and give the money to charity)

60. Have a picnic

61. Make playdoh

62. Put together a photo album

63. Go grocery shopping for a food pantry

64. Visit a local national park

65. Play nail salon, at-home manis and pedis

66. Create a chalk art masterpiece

67. Have a color fight – here’s how to make DIY Color Powder

68. Do a kids science experiment

69. Make pet rocks

70. Solve a puzzle

71. Go garage sale shopping (hello, cheap toys!)

72. Read a book – then watch the movie (Harry Potter or Diary of a Wimpy Kid are ideas)

73. Make smores – here’s how to make homemade fire starters for camp fires.

74. Have a shaving cream fight

75. Cereal for breakfast – easy, peasy, kids will love it and mom will too52. Write a letter to relatives.

53. Let the kids cook dinner

54. Do a RAOK (random act of kindness) – teach your kids this early!

55. Have a parade, have the kids decorate their bikes and wagon – create a route around the neighborhood

56. Make a fairy garden

57. Read 20 minutes a day

58. Camp out in the backyard

59. Lemonade stand (and give the money to charity)

60. Have a picnic

61. Make play doh

62. Put together a photo album

63. Go grocery shopping for a food pantry

64. Visit a local national park

65. Play nail salon, at-home manis and pedis

66. Create a chalk art masterpiece

67. Have a color fight – here’s how to make DIY Color Powder

68. Do a kids science experiment

69. Make pet rocks

70. Solve a puzzle

71. Go garage sale shopping (hello, cheap toys!)

72. Read a book – then watch the movie (Harry Potter or Diary of a Wimpy Kid are ideas)

73. Make smores – here’s how to make homemade fire starters for camp fires.

74. Have a shaving cream fight

75. Cereal for breakfast – easy, peasy, kids will love it and mom will too

summer ideas for kids
summer ideas for kids

We’re talking about SCREEN FREE kid activities in this blog post, but read more about screen time. We’re talking tips and tricks on all things screen time!

What did we miss? What fun summer ideas for kids will you be adding to your family’s summer bucket list? 

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