Do your kids’ minds go dormant come summer? My kids just want to play on their tablets, or on Xbox or swim, anything that isn’t directly related to learning – they are all in.
#ReadAlong Challenge
We’ve teamed up with our friends at YouTube Kids for a 30 Day Reading Challenge. For 20 minutes each day, for 30 days – we have challenged the kids to put down the screens and read. Sure, they could read on their screens but for this challenge we are going old school with ACTUAL books.
30 Day YouTube Kids Reading Challenge
Publishers, authors, musical artists and top creators have contributed over 100 new and original reading-related videos for YouTube largely focused on a format called kinetic typography: the art of integrating text with movement.
Here are a few partners participating in the #ReadAlong Challenge:
SpacePOP: Lose yourself in the world of five teenage princesses who disguise themselves as musicians and form a band called SpacePOP to save their home planet and spread the message of freedom and joy through music. Sounds like the best kind of girl power to me!
Designed for ages 8-12, the all-new channel from Genius Brands includes music videos as well as a series of digital shorts coming alongside their new music on iTunes and Spotify (available June 1st) and book launching July 26th.
Freckles: Kyler England and Lalo Crane started a band together, and as their families grew, decided to focus on family-friendly music – inspired (and approved) by their toughest critics/most appreciative fans: their kids. (@FrecklesMusic)
Check out there READING IS MAGIC video:
Simon & Schuster Kids: From book trailers and author interviews to fun and educational videos, parents, teachers, librarians, and readers will find what they have come to know and expect from Simon & Schuster Childrens Publishing on the SimonKIDS YouTube channelimaginative stories and informative content that foster a love of reading for kids of all ages. (@SimonKids)
20 Minutes of Reading a Day
20 minutes a day – that’s it! Consider a reward after completing the 30-day challenge. (Sounds like a good excuse for a trip to get ice cream!)