While we have no idea what 2024 is delivering, we are giving you the funny alien memes.
From UFO or should I say UAPs to extra-terrestrial life, there are many questions swirling from the oddities happening on planet Earth. When life gives you weird, it’s best to just laugh. Things are getting weird with this alien and UAP / UFO talk, y’all.

With all of the mystery happening with the vague news from the media, White House and Pentagon – we are left here speculating what in in the universe is going on?
Outrageous Alien Memes
Let’s break down all things extraterrestrial with humor. Rather than fear the unknown, we can laugh with there hilariously funny alien memes.

If you can’t beat them, join them – well maybe. This week we’ve been playing a lot of is it a weather balloon, drone or UFO.

Ain’t nobody got time for UFOs, UAPs and aliens. We are about to celebrate Lent.

Up until we recently learned that China has also discovered weird flying objects in the sky, this funny alien meme is what their map of Earth looked like.

Yet, here we are. The United States government is shooting down who knows what along the United States and Canadian border.

Imagine being an alien, just chilling on a family vacation to Alaska. That didn’t end well.

For all of those who love the thought of life from another planet or universe visiting Earth, this alien meme is for you.

I got 99 problems, and the last one that I want is to have to worry about an alien invasion!

Abducted By Aliens Meme
When being abducted by aliens sounds like a fun time, you need our vacation memes.

UFO memes
What would this collection of funny alien memes be without a little UFO meme fun.

It all started with a Chinese weather balloon (or was it a surveillance balloon?) Regardless, things pivoted quickly.

So are we believing what the government is telling us about aliens and UAPs or is this just another conspiracy or hoax? I’m feeling very punked.

Anyone else tired of being apart of history?

See our SpongeBob memes.
UAP Memes
So while most of us think of aliens flying around in UFOs (unidentified flying objects) – apparently not.

Now extraterrestrials have upgraded their vehicles and are now using UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena)

Stay tuned, y’all. The United States Congress is holding a public hearing on July 26th to release UAP details. Previously classified information maybe released which makes this UAP meme even more relatable.

Just when we thought we had the worse of 2024, the aliens arrive. Welcome friends, I hope you like memes.

Conspiracy Memes
For the conspiracy theorist in your life…

We even have this hilarious funny conspiracy birthday meme. Make sure to check out all of our birthday memes.

When you aren’t sure if this alien, UFO and UAP talk is a government conspiracy or just a bad reality.

And why aren’t we hearing more about this crazy Ohio train derailment?

Yeah, let’s just not.

Project Blue Beam Meme
Another conspiracy theory is that this is really just Project Blue Beam. If you aren’t in the know, here’s a brief of what this crazy theory is.

Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that suggests the United Nations is secretly working on a space-based program to implement a New World Order.

According to the Project Blue Beam theory, the UN (United Nations) is developing advanced technology to create holographic projections and simulate earthquakes, wars, and other events in order to manipulate and control global populations.
Tin Foil Hat Meme
Maybe it’s you who should be wearing that tin foil hat (they now sell them on Amazon!) Or whoever has wild theories, share a funny tin foil hat meme.

My other hat is made of tin foil.

ET Meme
Probably the most popular alien from the ET movies. E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, is a cult classic sci-fi film that was released in 1982.

All of us 80s and 90s babies will never forget.
Alf Meme
From 1986 to 1990, a popular television sitcom about ALF – an alien life form broadcasted in America. The wise cracking alien from the planet Melmac crash landed into the garage of the Tanner gamily and moved in.

Alf’s favorite food? Cats, of course!

More Funny Aliens Memes
Everything that comes out of the news conferences feels classified. What are they not telling us? Maybe I need a tin foil hat.

Maybe the aliens just want a brewski.

Try not to freak out. Breathe thru the anxiety. Better days are ahead, at least we hope.

Done operators be like.

Life is a highway, and I want to ride it all – wait. Extraterrestrial highway? Thats a no thanks.

Me waiting to be abducted by aliens. So I can avoid work responsibilities and life in general. Send this funny work meme to your favorite co-worker.

So, do I need to pay my rent or are we just going to bet on an alien invasion.

Can we just get done with this crazy and life our life like it was? While the last few years have been crazy – let’s make 2024 normal again.

For my pregnant friends, maybe not watch the Alien movie. Instead, check out these hilarious pregnancy memes.

Even our favorite Tweeter Elon Musk (not really) has something to say about the mysterious flying objects that the United States military is shooting down.

When NORAD doesn’t rule out aliens. Read this article on Reuters.

The truth is out there. Don’t miss these Star Wars memes.

Alien Birthday Meme
For your favorite alien friend. Send this funny alien birthday meme!

End of the World Meme
When the end of the world is coming and you are trying to figure out how to plan to do all of the things on your bucket list before it happens. Side note, the world will eventually end for all of us.

How about a little YOLO meme for the dooms day preppers.

Pre-gaming for the end of the world party.

Share these Funny Memes About Aliens
We hope you got a good LOL out of these funny alien memes. Share them with your favorite conspiracy theory friend or boomer who is in denial that there is anyone else in this universe.

From aliens to ufo memes, we hope you enjoy and share! Tag us on social media and link back to this post so more can enjoy the humor.

Rihanna Memes is part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes