Send these funny Friendsgiving Memes to the friend group!

For the group of friends who do Thanksgiving dinner together, we are sharing our favorite funny memes about Friendsgiving. From planning, inviting to who brings what – send these to your circle.

Funny Friendsgiving Memes

While you can’t pick your family, you can your framily. Blend friends with Thanksgiving and enjoy a meal around the holiday.

funny friendsgiving memes

Mash up those potatoes and your circle of friends for an unforgettable dinner.

its friendsgiving time
friendsgiving time meme

Serve up great food and these funny Friendsgiving memes! Start planning, Thanksgiving is on Thursday, November 28, 2024.

did someone say friendsgiving
friendsgiving meme

Send this to your friends who you are dinnering with. Fat pants on and ready to spill the tea about life, love, family, work and whatever else the wine makes you say.

fat pants meme
fat pants meme

Include one of our funny friend memes in your Friendsgiving invite!

The beautiful things with friendsgiving is you can eat and drink without judgement. Bonus, no one cares that you aren’t married yet, that you don’t have kids or if you have a stable job.

friendsgiving where you can eat and drink without judgement and no one cares that you aren't married yet
friendsgiving meme funny

This funny friendsgiving meme is for those of us trying to plan a meal with friends and attempt to work with everyone’s schedule.

trying to plan friendsgiving be like
planning friendsgiving meme

On a similar note, you gotta love being held hostage in a group chat.

friends giving group chat
friends giving group chat

Send this to your introverted friends or that friend that never shows up to events. Also see, introvert memes.

show up you will friendsgiving is a must
yoda friendsgiving meme

There’s that friend who is always cancelling things, so just cancel them. (Don’t really, hopefully they have a sense of humor.)

you will show up for friendsgiving or we cant be friends deal with it
meme friendsgiving

And another friend meme for the pal who is always too busy.

oh you are too busy for friendsgiving tell me again how much you value our friendship
friendship meme

If you walk out of dinner looking like this funny Friendsgiving meme, it was a success.

friendsgiving be like meme
friendsgiving be like meme

There are the friends that cook, or those who like the friendsgiving meme states – just buys something. If you are really ambitious and want to attempt a turkey, try this method from Kitchn.

this is me buying food for friendsgiving rather than cooking because i dont know how ot
friendsgiving cooking meme

How I feel after eating a massive meal.

me after friendsgiving dinner
after friendsgiving dinner meme

Friends Over Family Memes

The best part of hosting a Friends for a Thanksgiving meal is that whoever is around the table are people you have chosen, not been chosen for you.

thanksgiving dinner is the best false friendsgiving dinner is better
thanksgiving friends meme

Friends over family? Then this friendsgiving meme is for you.

friends over family meme
friends over family meme

If you love our Friendsgiving memes, don’t miss our Thanksgiving memes.

Friendsgiving vs Thanksgiving

When comparing Thanksgiving meal with friends vs family, we will let this meme speak for it self.

thanksgiving with family thanksgiving with friends
cat friendsgiving meme

Gearing up for another Thanksgiving filled with family drama? Then you don’t want to miss our Thanksgiving family memes!

thanksgiving with family drama vs friendsgiving with friends and laughter
thanksgiving vs friendsgiving meme

One does not simply enjoy family Thanksgiving over friends.

family friendsgiving meme

Friendsgiving is greater than Thanksgiving. Less drama, better food and the satisfaction in knowing that you aren’t related to these people.

friendsgiving is better than thanksgiving

Happy Friendsgiving Meme

Add these happy Friendsgiving memes to your invite. Where did Friendsgiving start? Merriam-Webster links it back to a 2007 tweet, though most suggest that it comes from the iconic TV show, Friends.

happy friendsgiving!
happy friendsgiving meme funny

Friends eating Thanksgiving around a table is a YES.

happy friendsgiving friends
happy friendsgiving

Make this an annual friends holiday. Invite co-workers, old and new friends, neighbors (that you like) and anyone else for an eclectic mix of people that aren’t related by blood. Don’t miss all of our friend memes for year round meme sharing.

Share the Memes About Friendsgiving

We hope you and your pals enjoyed our funny Friendsgiving memes!

woohoo friendsgiving
woohoo friendsgiving meme

Share the humor – we just ask you tag us on social and link back to this post so more can enjoy.

Friendsgiving Memes is part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes

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