We are sharing the best Pinterest Memes for Pinterest Addicts.
That’s right folks – those of us with the pinning problem, we at least know how to laugh at our addition. So WHAT if we pin 500 things to cook and then order take out?
25+ Funny Pinterest Memes for Pinterest Addicts
We KNOW we just spent $250 on craft supplies to make that thing we could have bought for $25 at Hobby Lobby.

WHO CARES if we spend hours on end stalking the boards of our favorite winners to find our next weekend project.
Did you see any truth in the Pinterest memes? Perhaps the…. One Does Not Check Pinterest Quickly or Pinterest is just electronic hoarding? MUST PIN ALL THE THINGS! The first to pin a picture? Now it’s all over Pinterest. These SLAY ME!

Funny Memes about Pinterest
These funny Pinterest images, you just gotta laugh!

Pinterest – a virtual pinboard. An inspiration board comprised of collections of favorite inspiration in the form of photos and imagery.

I’m looking at Pinterest. I’ll be there in a minute, said no one ever.

Pinterest Ryan Gosling Memes
Do HEY GIRL Ryan Gosling Memes ever get old? Nope, especially when he is HEY GIRLing us about Pinterest.

Hey girl, Pinterest can wait – our bubble bath can’t.

Pinterest Fails Meme
Of all the Pinterest memes, the Pinterest fails meme just makes me LOL. I mean, who hasn’t tried to DIY something they pinned and failed miserably. (ME, ALL THE TIME. THEY MAKE IT LOOK SO EASY!)

Have you seen the Netflix Nailed It tv show? The show features the best or should I saw worse copycat attempts.

I’ve given up on the Pinterest manicure and now use fake nails. Don’t fear the fake nails!
Funny Memes for Pinterest Addicts
Listen, addiction is a serious thing. Pinterest addiction is real. Pin in moderation, people.

Someday we will all find out the Pinterest is a conspiracy created by a group of men who are tricking women everywhere into cooking, cleaning and working out. Interesting enough, Pinterest was created by a man!

Help I’m on Pinterest and I can’t get off!

This is my favorite Pinterest meme. Must Pin ALL THE THINGS!

Electronic Hoarding
Pinterest is really just electronic hoarding.

If you like it then you should put a pin on it.

I’ll just go back to Pinterest people are nice to me there.

I wore chevron before it was trending on Pinterest.

Pinterest is like fantasy football for girls.

Steal ideas and say thank you!

Funny Pinterest Comic – when you have to see a therapist about your addiciton.

Just when that annoyt Pinterest meme is about to go away, some newbie comes along and repins it!

I am convinced Pinterest could teach me how to build a house out of foam, wreathers, burlap, wine bottles and a glue gun.

Stop pinning and start making!

It’s true, I’m a Pinterest addict.

We are makers, creators, imitators and we love Pinterest. THERE IS NO SHAME IN OUR GAME. So in the spirit of LOLs – we have rounded up the best Pinterest memes for all of us you Pinterest addicts.

If you are addicted to some pinning action or just like to poke fun of us who can sit in front of Pinterest for hours on end (and possibly not ever actually create anything we pin) – these Pinterest memes are for you. Get ready to LOL!

What about the Ryan Gosling memes? Can those ever get old? Nope.

Sigh…. Internet I love you, and all of your silly stupidness. If you LOVE these Pinterest memes as much as I do, just hover over and PIN them or share the link with your Pinterest pals. They are sure to get a chuckle too.

Which Pinterest Meme Speaks the Most Truth To You?
25 Hilarious Pinterest Memes was originally posted on Digital Mom Blog on June 11, 2013.