If you have been bitten by one of these insects, we know you will enjoy one of these funny mosquito memes! While I am use to the Texas mosquitos, there furocious biting insects are everywhere! It is their season and if you know, you know. There isn’t enough OFF in the world to prevent being bitten.
Since we can’t bite the insects back, the only thing we are left to do is swat, put on bug spray and my favorite thing to do, laugh.

Yes, mosquito memes are a thing and of course we have them for your entertainment and sharing. Because you know, every summer these nasty flying bugs are just waiting and watching to attack.
Mosquito Meme Mania

And while a typical vampire would have 2 fangs, mosquitos have 6 needles that suck your blood. Yes, a mosquito bite means these little suckers literally sucked your blood. You are welcome.

People are idiots. You couldn’t pay me enough to pose for a stock photo of being attacked by mosquitos. This photo will make you itch.

Texas Mosquito Meme
IFYKYK, all things are bigger in Texas. Yes, that includes Texas mosquitos! See Texas memes.

Blood Sucking Insect
Yes, friends – I hate to be the one to tell you this but mosquitos are vampires. They suck your blood.

Hollywood has this vampire thing all wrong. Here’s what we think vampires look like versus what they actually look like.

If you were to give a mosquito a name, surely they would be named after the cast of Twilight. Bella, Edward, Jacob…

Read this fascinating article on how mosquitos use 6 needles from NPR.

Mosquito Noise
Yes, that mosquito noise is a thing. In fact, did you know that the sound that these insects make are used in anti-loitering devices? This is actually brilliant because who wants to be anywhere that there could potentially be mosquitos!

Want to hear what a mosquito sounds like? Orkin – yes, the bug killer company has a sound clip for you to listen to.

Speaking of, don’t miss these sleep memes!
How to Bite Back a Mosquito
When you are a mosquito bite victim, wanting to bite a mosquito back is totally something that sounds like revenge – but good luck with that.

Blood Types Mosquito Bites
Did you know that people with O blood type are more likely to be bitten by a mosquito? In fact, type O blood types are nearly TWICE as likely to be bitten! Crazy, right?

I thought so but this explains also why I can’t go outside without being eaten alive. (Read more on Healthline about this fascinating fact)
Bug Spray Meme
Feelin’ seen with this funny bug spray meme. Can we talk about the smell? Yes, I love me some Avon Skin So Soft but that other stuff…

More Memes about Mosquitos
I definitely think the fact there are so many funny mosquito memes demonstrates the amount of victims that these awful bugs seek for “survival”. Sorry dudes, I’m not interested in your survival.

If you wear crocs, you know. Don’t miss our funny summer memes as well. There is a hilarious croc meme that shows what happens when you wear crocs in the summer time.

A mosquito can fly but a fly cannot mosquito. While this is a reality, I really do hate flies as well but at least they are just annoying and don’t bite!

Oh as if camping isn’t miserable enough, add in the fact that these pesky bugs are out to get you only adds to the miserable experience. (Don’t miss our hot weather memes)

Female Mosquitos
Here is a fun mosquito fact!

Male mosquitoes feed only on plant juices, such as nectar, to get the sugar they need for energy and survival. As males do not bite, they cannot transmit diseases.

Female mosquitoes, on the other hand, need protein from blood for the development of their eggs. To obtain blood, females seek out and bite hosts such as humans, and may transmit disease in the process. National Environment Agency.
Share The Memes!
Please share away, we do appreciate a tag on social media if you do share one of our hump day memes. Tag us on social at @digitalmomblog on Facebook or @digitalmomblog_com on Instagram! And follow along for some more funny!

As we always say, funny memes are for sharing! We share memes often and hope that these mosquito memes create some laughter in your life and hopefully you aren’t eaten alive.
Funny Mosquito Memes is a part of the Funny Memes series on Digital Mom Blog