Free downloadable Elf on the Shelf Candy Cane Hunt game to play with your kids. Maybe you are stuck in a rut with trying to find an idea to do with the elf, or just want a festive game to play with your kids. Either way, we got you!

Elf on the Shelf Candy Cane Hunt Game

We have a huge list of last minute Elf on the Shelf ideas. One of our favorites is to have play a game of candy cane hide and seek.

elf on the shelf candy cane hunt

When your child wakes up in the morning, have our Elf on the Shelf Candy Cane Hunt printable next to your doll.

You will want to hide candy canes through out your house. Just in case you don’t want your kids consuming all of that sugar, we have included printed candy canes that you can just print and cut to hide.

man elf on the shelf meme funny

Don’t miss our funny Elf on the Shelf memes!

While this is an easy Elf on the Shelf game, even if you don’t both with Elfie – this is a great game to play with toddlers and preschool aged kids.

Download our Free Candy Cane Hunt Printable

The first thing you will want to do is download our Free Elf on the Shelf Candy Cane Hunt printable. We’ve made it super easy to play and will offer a festive holiday Elf activity to your Christmas time fun.

elf on the shelf candy cane hunt free printable

Our free printable Candy Cane Hunt PDF includes 4 pages.

How to Play Candy Cane Hunt

We just wanted to make it as versatile and fun for whatever style of holiday game play you and your family will enjoy. Being a mom of 4, I know good and well that different ages require different types of games and activities.

Download, Print and Cut

First thing, this first requires you download and print out the Candy Cane game.

After downloading and printing our free printable Elf on the Shelf Candy Cane Hunt pdf, you will want to cut out the candy canes for hiding. Another option is if you have real candy canes, use those instead!

free printable candy canes game


We have included a sheet if you want to include clues. This is all depending on how much time you have and how complex you want to make your elf Candy Cane Hunt is up to you!

elf candy cane hunt clues

Candy Cane Hide and Seek

Now it’s time to hide your candy canes. Whether they are real or printed, find easy places (or complex) for your child to play candy cane hide and seek. Candy canes hide, your child seeks.

Candy Cane Poem

There’s a silly little Candy Cane poem from the Elf on the Shelf (if that’s your thing, again – if not – this makes a simple easy Christmas game for toddlers.)

candy cane poem: In a world so sweet, it's plain to see, A candy cane's a sugary mystery. It twists and turns, so full of cheer, A stripey treat for the holiday year. With peppermint flavor, it can't be beat, A festive snack for your taste buds to greet. So grab a cane and give it a lick, You'll be in candy cane heaven, quick!

Depending on how many candy canes you hide, you will want to put the number in on the Elf on the Shelf Candy Cane Hunt printable.

Leave this out our Candy Cane Hunt printable with your Elf on the Shelf for the morning find. Watch your child run and try to find the candy canes with his friend, the elf.

That’s it! We hope you enjoyed this fun Christmas game to play with your toddler. Have a Merry Christmas and don’t forget to check out our funny Christmas memes for some humor this holiday season.

More Digital Mom Christmas Fun!

We love us some Christmas. Don’t miss all of our Christmas ideas, activities and funnies for the 2023 Christmas season.

Elf on the Shelf Candy Cane Hunt Game is part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Printables

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