Iconic video game Metal Gear quotes

Ah, the world of Metal Gear quotes, where every sentence packs more punch than a Fulton recovery balloon. As a lifelong fan, I’ve spent countless hours trying to decode the wisdom and wit in the words of Solid Snake and his comrades (and enemies).

From tactical espionage action to existential musings, these quotes aren’t just dialogue; they’re practically a masterclass in how to sound cool while wearing a cardboard box. So, grab your codec and prepare for a stealthy journey into some of the most memorable lines from the “Metal Gear” series.

metal gear quotes

In this blog post, we will look at 25 of the best Metal Gear quotes and explore the context behind them.

Memorable Quotes From Metal Gear

Metal Gear is a beloved video game series created by Hideo Kojima and featuring iconic characters such as Solid Snake, Big Boss, and Revolver Ocelot. The games are known for their engaging story and complex characters, and many of the quotes from these characters have become memorable and quotable.

Big Boss Quotes

First up in our Metal Gear Quotes, we are talking about Big Boss.

A key character in the Metal Gear series is Naked Snake, also known by his codename Big Boss. Naked Snake is a legendary hero and the father of Solid Snake, the protagonist of the original Metal Gear game.

"It’s Not About Changing The World. It’s About Doing Our Best To Leave The World The Way It Is."  big boss

He is a skilled soldier and combatant, and he is known for his determination and his strong will. Despite his many accomplishments, Naked Snake is also deeply flawed, and he is often torn between his own interests and the will of others.

Here are Big Boss quotes.

“The only way to escape the fear of death is to create a new species that can’t die.” – Big Boss

 “Real heroes are never as polished as the legends that surround them.”

“To do the right thing, you sometimes have to leave the things you care about behind.” metal gear quote big boss

“To do the right thing, you sometimes have to leave the things you care about behind.”

“It’s Not About Changing The World. It’s About Doing Our Best To Leave The World The Way It Is.” – Big Boss, Metal Gear Solid 4

Solid Snake Quotes

Next up, here are Metal Gear Quotes from David, aka Solid Snake. Solid Snake is a legendary hero and a key character in the Metal Gear series. He also is known as Old Snake, and briefly known as Iroquois Pliskin, or simply Snake,

This reflects his belief in the importance of individual action and determination in the face of adversity. Here are Solid Snake quotes.

solid snake quote metal gear

“The tools of the government are no match for the will of a determined people.” – Solid Snake

“It’s easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield.”

 “A strong man doesn’t need to read the future. He makes his own.”

“Unfortunately, killing is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it.”

“The human race will probably come to an end sometime, and new species may rule over this planet. Earth may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of life we can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing.”

“Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing.” – Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Meryl Silverburgh Quotes

Meryl Silverburgh is a key character in the Metal Gear series, and this quote reflects her skepticism and pragmatism. She recognizes that truth is not always fixed and can be changed in the face of new evidence. This reflects her ability to adapt and think critically in challenging situations.

There's no such thing as an absolute, unchanging truth. Even the truth can be altered in the face of new evidence."  Meryl Silverburgh metal gear

Here are Meryl Silverburgh quotes.

“There’s no such thing as an absolute, unchanging truth. Even the truth can be altered in the face of new evidence.” – Meryl Silverburgh

.”..You’re a sad, lonely man.”

Revolver Ocelot Quotes

Revolver Ocelot is a complex character in the Metal Gear series, and this quote reflects his belief in the importance of combat and physical confrontation. He believes that true knowledge and understanding can only be gained through fighting and testing oneself against others.

Here are Revolver Ocelot quotes.

“The only way to truly know someone is to fight them.” – Revolver Ocelot

"It’s easier to live a convenient lie than a painful truth."  revolver ocelot metal gear

 “In his eyes, the greatest symbiotic parasite the world’s ever known isn’t microbial. It’s linguistic. Words are what keeps civilization, our world, alive. Free the world, not by taking men’s lives but by taking their tongues.” – Revolver Ocelot, ‘Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’

“You’re not a snake and I’m not an ocelot. We’re men, with names.”

“It’s easier to live a convenient lie than a painful truth.” -Revolver Ocelot, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Psycho Mantis Quotes

Next up in our Metal Gear quotes is about the psychic enemy Psycho Mantis. Who is he? Psycho Mantis is a psychic enemy in the Metal Gear series, and this quote reflects his view of human existence.

He believes that we are all bound by the lines and patterns that have been established by others, and that we must follow them in order to live. Here are Pscyho Mantis quotes from Metal Gear.

"Humans weren't designed to bring each other happiness. From the moment we're thrown into this world, we're fated to bring each other nothing but pain and misery. " psycho mantis quote metal gear

“Humans weren’t designed to bring each other happiness. From the moment we’re thrown into this world, we’re fated to bring each other nothing but pain and misery. “

“The only thing that allows us to live in this world is the tracing of lines, the tracing of lines that have been drawn by others.” – Psycho Mantis

“This is the first time I’ve used my powers to help someone. It’s strange… It feels kind of … nice…”

Grey Fox Quotes

Last in line for our Metal Gear quotes are from Grey Fox. One of the most iconic and memorable characters in the Metal Gear series is Gray Fox. Known for his incredible combat skills and his distinctive helmet, Gray Fox is a key figure in the games and a fan favorite.

"Conflict is in our blood. We can't deny it. I was born on the battlefield... And I'll die on the battlefield. All I can do is fight, Snake... all I can do is fight. grey fox metal gear quotes

His real name is Frank Jaeger, and he was once a child soldier who was trained and conditioned by the CIA. However, he eventually breaks free of their control and becomes his own person.

“Conflict is in our blood. We can’t deny it. I was born on the battlefield… And I’ll die on the battlefield. All I can do is fight, Snake… all I can do is fight.” – Gray Fox to Solid Snake

These are just a few examples of the many memorable and thought-provoking Metal Gear quotes. Whether you are a fan of Solid Snake, Big Boss, or any of the other characters, there is much to enjoy and learn from their words.

25 Iconic Metal Gear Quote is part of our Quotes Series

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