Drivers ed online – yes, your teen can now complete their drivers education classes (in most states) from an app or online. This is a more affordable and quicker way to learn to drive.

With our older 2 kids being 17 years old and 15 years old, we are in the thick of it with the teenage years. A milestone that every teen strives for is the elusive drivers license. This is how we handled the driver training for our teens.

everything you need to know about drivers ed online
everything you want to know about taking drivers ed online.

No More In Person Drivers Ed Classes

I remember being 15 years-old, so excited to get my drivers permit – except there was one problem: Drivers Ed. My parents enrolled me in drivers education classed, but between work, school and needing a ride to get to the driving school – took me over a year to complete. What a PAIN!

Drivers Ed Online

Now a days, learning how to drive is a whole new ball game! Gone are the days of the in-person classroom – Texas drivers and many other states are now allowing you to do drivers ed online!

girl behind wheel of car learning how to drive with teen drivers eduction
learn how to get your teen driving

Here is our experience with teaching our kids to learn to drive with online drivers education classes from Aceable.

Aceable Online Drivers Education Classes

Years ago, when the teens were tweens – I worked with Aceable to share the news about Texas allowing driving students to take classes with their app. Fast forward, my oldest tween turned into a 15 year old teen.

I’m going to be completely honest in saying when I first heard about drivers doing drivers ed online, I just didn’t know how that would actually work.

Getting a Drivers Permit

When my daughter turned 15 and wanted her drivers permit – I went online and asked a moms group what school they suggested for drivers education and the overwhelming response was “Aceable.” So Aceable it was.

drivers permit with online drivers education

I purchased the Aceable online drivers ed program, sent my daughter the information and told her if she wanted her drivers permit – she was responsible for taking the online drivers education classes and that we would be happy to support her however needed.

Drivers Ed App

Aceable is a Texas DPS-approved (as well as many other states!) mobile drivers ed app. They make learning how to drive safe and easy. With their drivers ed app, students can fulfill their 32 hour drivers ed requirement whenever and wherever it’s convenient for them.

Don’t worry, the Aceable app has a convenient parent monitoring tool that lets you keep up with your teens progress along the way.

drivers ed app
Yes, you can do your drivers ed on an app!

Do At Your Own Pace

My favorite part of using Aceable drivers ed is that it’s at your own pace. With the online drivers ed program being done on an app, your kids can do their classes wherever they have their phone. With it being at your own pace, Aceable helps puts the responsibility of completing the work on the teen.

It is a great way to see how motivated your teen is to get their license. Let’s just say my teen was SUPER motivated to get her drivers permit at 15.

She worked hard to get to the point in the driver ed classes where you get your permit and well, then she started slacking – that was until her friends started getting their drivers license and then she was back on it.

Driving Lessons

One of my biggest questions was how do driving lessons work drivers ed work when drivers ed is online?

drivers ed online

The actual driving portion of online drivers ed is done either with a parent or you can hire an outside agency or drivers ed school to help teach your kid how to actually drive.

Driver License Requirements

Aceable’s drivers ed app was super helpful in making sure that all of the requirements for getting a driver’s license were complete. From driving logs to helping you understand how the driver license process works.

Aceable Pricing

The good news with Aceable pricing is that it is significantly lower than what you would pay at a traditional driving school!

Online Drivers Ed Programs

Aceable offers a few different online drivers ed programs, depending on what your driving school needs are. Here are the various options that you have.

online drivers ed course

Adult Drivers Education

Aceable offers drivers ed for those who are older than the typical new driver. Anyone 18 and over can take drivers ed online and will receive a certificate of completion the same day completed with the adult drivers education option.

Texas Parent Taught Drivers Ed

This option is for when a parent is teaching the driving lesson. For new drivers 15 and older, this is the most affordable way to get your classes for your drivers license complete. This does mean that the parent has to do the drive times and teach their kids how to drive.

Instructor Taught Drivers Ed

When the parents don’t want to teach kids driving and do the behind the wheel training, an instructor taught drivers ed program is what you will purchase.

Instructor Taught and Behind the Wheel

Sometimes the DIY approach isn’t right for your teenager. If this is the case, Aceable still has you covered. They will pair you with a local instructor to help your child get their drivers license and do the behind the wheel lessons to teach your teen how to drive.

Questions Answered about Drivers Ed Online

I know going into this whole online drivers education classes process, I had a ton of questions. My 17 year old successfully went thru Aceable driver app and for Christmas one of the presents my 15 year old received was Aceable drivers ed.

Here are frequently asked questions about drivers ed online.

What is online drivers ed like?  

With an online drivers ed program, like Aceable, you can learn anytime, anywhere.  There is engaging, story-based content.  With free in-app parent progress monitoring, you always know where your teen is in the program. Tools for behind-the-wheel teaching are built into the app.  Also included, are study tools to ensure your teen passes their test.

Is online drivers ed free?

No, there is a fee – typically around $99 depending on the Aceable option that you choose.

How long does online drivers ed take?

Since the Aceable course is do at your own pace, how fast you complete the drivers ed course is up to you. There is a limit as to how much time you can do in one day, so don’t expect to complete in 24 hours! Typically the complete online drivers ed program is around 30 hours. This varies of course, depending on the state’s drivers ed requirements.

Do the online drivers ed certificate expire?

No, your Aceable drivers ed certificate will not expire!

Aceable Drivers Ed App

Parent taught drivers ed was something I never knew existed! I have a few friends with kids at this age that filled me in on the details. Aceable’s course is approved by State of Texas and is extremely affordable. 

Start Drivers Ed in 4 Steps

Here are 4 easy steps to get your teen started with Aceable:

  1. Visit Aceable and purchase the drivers ed program
  2. Download the Aceable App
  3. Set your teen up to start taking classes
  4. Begin monitoring your teen’s progress

After your student completes the Aceable course, a certificate and all the information needed for their next steps with the Texas DPS will be provided.

How easy is THAT? No hauling your kid to class. No outrageous costs.

Your teen will learn thru an app, they are on their phone all day anyways – might as well use that screen time for good use, right? If you have a teen learning to drive in Texas, definitely check out Aceable!

Aceable Drivers Ed is a part of the Digital Mom Blog App Reviews

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