Virtual doctor visits from your smart phone or computer. Let’s look at how technology and the medical field are converging to make our lives easier and access to healthcare available anywhere.

I have 4 kids and it never fails when 1 kid gets sick, another gets sick. It’s such a pain dragging all the kids to the doctor, risking the others getting ill but you have to get the kid to the doctor.

Virtual Doctor Visits

Let’s talk about when kids get sick – never at a good time. The pediatrician’s office seems to always be closed, so it’s off to the urgent care center for after-hour care. And then there is the waiting in the waiting room while holding your sick baby and watching your other 3 kids playing with all the sick-kid germ-infested toys. Oh joy.

virtual doctor visits
virtual doctor visits – visit your dr via your phone or computer

Good news! There’s a solution that will work in many illness situations – virtual doctor visits. Yes, with Doctor On Demand you can visit a doctor via your phone, computer or tablet camera.

While all medically related doctor visits can’t be resolved with this service, many can. I’ve been waiting for a service like this.  

Many years ago, my husband’s previous employer was in a trial program that provided you with an e-doctor. You could email him anytime that you were ill and wanted advice. I had a situation happen and was able to email him all of the details about a weird situation that I had happening, and he asked several thorough questions and resolved the issue. All through email.

It was beautiful and simple and have thought many times since having  kids that we would have access to something like this again.

Visit Your Doctor Online

With Doctor On Demand, you pay a $40 per visit fee to see a doctor. There is no monthly service fee, just pay when you need to see the doctor. Watch to see how an online doctor visit works:

My main question, was okay if my kid or myself needs a prescription – will this doctor be able to provide one?

Yes, our physicians are able to prescribe a wide range of drugs, which can be useful for infections, allergies, skin conditions, travel or sports injuries. 

Please note that we do not prescribe narcotics or pain medications, that have been designated as U.S. Controlled substances as a Schedule I, II, III or IV drug.

Doctors on Demand

Here are the most common reasons for using Doctor on Demand.

Most Common Issues For Kids

  • Fever
  • Strep Throat
  • Diarrhea/Vomiting
  • Asthma
  • Cold/Cough
  • Influenza
  • Rash
  • Ear Infection
  • Insect Bites
  • Lice
  • Poison Oak / Poison Ivy
  • Nosebleed

Most Common Issues For Adults

  • Prescription Refills
  • Upper Respiratory Infection
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Yeast Infection
  • Allergies
  • Sports Injuries
  • Travel Medicine
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Heartburn (GERD)
  • Dry Skin/Eczema
  • Back Pain
  • Lab interpretation

Hopefully this will help a mom not have to drag her whole team to the doctor’s office! This service is as much as our typical urgent care visit co-pay, any while check with your provider – I would think you could use your Health Spending Account for this.

Continuing our kids and technology series – let’s talk about how we can simplify parenting with technology. What if you could visit a doctor via a camera on your phone, computer or tablet? Online doctor visits – they are are here.

Virtual Doctor Visits is part of the Digital Mom Blog Technology series

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