Free Cell Phone Contract For Kids – Set the rules early for your kids and their cell phones with our easy to read, free downloadable cell phone contract.
Our kids started a new school. The new school requires me to pick them up, drop them off and they will have several after-school activities that will have me frantic that I am going to mess something up. It’s 30 minutes over there.
Smartphone / Cell Phone Contract for Kids
I remember the feeling of my parents being late and me not knowing where they were. So we decided we would get the kids cell phones. I was hesitant since our son is only 8 – but after much consideration – we decided to move forward with the idea, well under 1 condition.
We made the kids sign a cell phone contract for kids and had a nice long talk about cell phone safety.

Smart Phone Rules for Kids
To us, it is important that our kids understand the cell phone rules that we’ve set up. Our kids’ cell phones rules were created to ensure their safety and also so that they can start learning some common sense about cell phone usage.
Kid Cell Phone Contract
Side note: Before getting to the phone contract: This is what works for OUR family. I have provided 2 cell phone contract templates. 1 is fill-in-the-blank. You write what works for your family as far as rules for your kids and cell phone usage. The other is the actual contract we had our kids sign.

Our kids are 8 and 10-years-old and had no resistance to signing as she knows that the phone is a privilege. We have rules that work for us like we have full access to her phone.
Sure, I know a few of our cell phone rules might make you chuckle at how strict we are in regards to cell phone usage – but we are serious about the cell phone contract.
Free Cell Phone Agreement Printable
Use our free kids’ cell phone contract to make sure your kids understand the rules when it comes to using your cell phone. We’ve included a blank cell phone contract template, as well as the contract that we use with our kids.
Kids Cell Phone Agreement Template
Here is a fill-in-the-blank kids cell phone agreement. Use this handy template to fill in your own rules or use our version with the rules we enforced with our kids when they first were given smart phones.

Read: 5 Things We Learned From Giving Our Kids Cell Phones and Cell Phone Etiquette for Kids.
SHARE: When it comes to kids and cell phones – what rules are important for you and your family? What rules did you add to your kids’ contact?
Cell Phone Contract for Kids is part of the Digital Mom Blog series on Technology