We are sharing the best toddler memes – because you have to laugh. We all know, toddlers are savage.
As a parent who has done this parenting thing for 21 years – you guys, those early years are unforgettable. The terrible twos and threenager years can bring lots of challenging moments, memory making, milestones and comedy.
Hilarious Memes About Toddlers
I figured while I can’t babysit, the least I can do is help your tot-filled days with laughs with these funny toddler memes.
Raising 4 kids, which means I have had 4 toddlers! I will say, now that I’ve gone thru it (SO many times) – toddlers are hilarious, when they aren’t yours! These funny toddler memes capture the humor that these tots can bring.
Let’s face it, a toddler can do more in one unsupervised minute than most people can do all day.
You guys know I love me some funny memes, so these toddler memes will hit home to anyone who is parenting a toddler or has survived the toddler years.
Toddler Snacks Memes
Of course we are talking snacks memes because those little boogers love them some random food eating at off times between meals.
Eating snacks around a toddler ain’t happening, UNLESS they are asleep. (Also, if you can find a hiding place that they can’t reach.)
Actual photo of me and my snacks when my kid falls asleep and I can eat them in peace. (see more adele memes)
For real, kids have 2 stomachs. One is the meal stomach, it’s about the size of a pea. This is why children cannot consume a full breakfast, lunch, dinner.
The second stomach is the snack stomach. This stomach stretches and has infinite amount of space.
Best Toddler Pacifier Memes
I found it! This is an actual pacifier with volume control – but unfortunately, the volume control is just for looks! Can you imagine how great a pacifier volume control dial would be if it actually worked! HA!
And if you have a baby, you will love these baby memes. Pacifiers make great mute buttons.
Life with a Toddler Memes
Let’s just say there is a universal toddler thing where you can try all you want, and they will still meltdown. Keep your chin up, mama. These life with a toddler memes are relatable.
If you ever have wondered what life with a toddler would be like. It’s like this 24/7!
Just when you think you have a few minutes of alone time, this funny toddler meme is spot on.
Toddler Mom Memes
This toddler mom meme is way relatable to any other whose tot won’t share. Can’t believe I shared my body with a child that won’t even share their M&Ms with me!
Don’t miss our funny mom memes.
Kids Driving Me Crazy
Moms know this look. Don’t be judging a tired mom. As this kids driving me crazy meme shows, us mamas be tired and often can be revealed by our appearances.
Collecting Kids Teeth and Hair
This toddler mom meme might not apply to everyone, but definitely to us that are sentimental. Serial Killer and Parents – who knew we had collect the same things! That’s right – raise your hands parents of toddler who collect teeth and hair! *raises hand*
Toddler Booty Call
This toddler booty call meme is to all those toddler moms and dads who have ventured into potty training. BLUESS. BOOTY CALL with a toddler is not the fun booty call of our pre-kid days. Now it means that it’s time to wipe someone’s butt!
A shout from the bathroom letting you know it’s time to go wipe someone’s butt. Toddler Booty Call meme from @babyhellfire
Toddlers Rule of Possession
Basically according to the toddler, it’s never their fault and it’s always theirs.
What It’s Like to Have a Toddler
It’s an adventure having a toddler, that’s for sure! Imagine raising a heavily caffeinated chimpanzee who is allergic to sleep. (Don’t miss our sleep memes!)
Toddler Mom Meme
These are sounds that moms of toddlers know best in this toddler mom meme about dreaded sounds.
Terrible Twos Meme
Let’s just face it, as much as we love our toddlers the terrible twos are anything but terrific. Enjoy these terrible twos memes about the joy of raising a 2-year-old.
This terrible twos meme shows you what it would look like if this year had a face. It be crazy.
The Cursing Toddler
Don’t worry mom, it happens to us ALL. It could have been a worse word!
Threenager Memes
Let’s talk about these threenager memes. But first, you maybe asked what is a threenager? It’s what you get when your 3-year-old toddler starts exhibiting a teenager attitude.
This threenager meme nails what it’s like to raise a 3 year old toddler.
There needs to be a support group for parents of threenagers.
A 3-year-old really is basically a walking, talking middle finger. It’s not just your kid! Everyone is always talking about the terrible two’s, well three isn’t much better – if not worse!
Feeding Tots
Gotta love feeding a toddler. No cookies unless you have 5 bites of chicken. okay no cookies unless you have 3 bites of chicken. i will give you the entire sleeve of cookies if you lick the chicken! And if those cookies are from the Girl Scouts, check out these Girl Scout Cookie memes!
Oh, excuse me. Today you don’t like bananas? I’m sorry I must have confused you with that toddler that ate three entire bananas yesterday. Read more about toddler appetites.
Just don’t let them call you a snack b.
Cleaning with a Toddler Meme
Cleaning with a toddler, about that – it isn’t happening! This funny toddler meme says it all. It really is like trying to rake leaves during a hurricane when you clean with a toddler around!
Toddlerhood Quotes
These toddlerhood quotes are the perfect words describing what its like to raise a toddler.
NON STOP TALKING and TRIPPING! God, designing a toddler: Ya know what would be hilarious? Would be if it had no ability to reason but talked nonstop. Also, make it trip a lot.
This toddlerhood quote is from @tragically here
These toddlers are TOTALLY dependent on you, yet – they throw complete shade.
This is how parent’s win, or at least we feel like we are winning until the kid drives you to the point of just replacing the batteries that you took out.
This toddlerhood quote speaks to the tired parent. “You look tired.” I have kids. I am pretty sure this is just my face now. Tired is your new look. Embrace it – these days will pass!
Putting Toddler to Bed
The struggle with toddler bedtime is real. These putting kids to bed memes are spot on when it comes to bedtime with toddlers.
From co-sleeping to trying to get your 2-year old to go to sleep – toddler moms, you will so be able to relate. When you are awoken by a screaming toddler at 6 in the morning. God bless. Dad memes for the fathers.
All the babysitters out there, and parents of tired kids will love this Is it bedtime yet meme.
This funny cat’s face is the same as all of us watching energetic children bounce non-stop after dinner.
2 Year Old Bedtime
About that. It’s a never-ending routine. Good news, and bad. They grow up and out of this.
Having trouble getting the toddlers to STAY in bed? Check out our Toddler Alarm Clocks.
Co-Sleeping Memes
Parents who co-sleep with your toddlers, these funny co-sleeping memes are for you!
Do I co-sleep? No. My kid co-sleeps. I co-lay-awake and get kicked in the spleen.source: @closetoclassy
That co-sleeping sidecar – sleeping next to toddlers, y’all! Parents, don’t miss these sleep memes.
This co-sleeping meme will change how you see that family feet photo now and forever! Nobody test a parent’s love like being awakened by a karate chop to the neck by their co-sleeping 3 year old.
Those toddler feet. How are these feet clean? My toddlers’ feet were never clean!
If by co-sleep you mean a kid appears in our bed at 3am every night and we are too tired to fight it, then yeah. We co-sleep.
Up all night with your kid? We have insomnia memes for your entertainment!
More Funny Toddler Memes
Toddlers who think they can dress themselves.
4 Year Olds
Meme caption: Oh, you have a 4 year old? May the odds be in your favor.
This is how mama feels after spending a day chasing around a toddler.
The fastest land mammal is a toddler who’s been asked what’s in their mouth.
Drive Thru EVERYTHING! Drive-thrus are made for moms! You know you’re a mom when you wish there was a drive-thru for EVERYTHING! Cueing up the Chickfila memes.
Becoming a Momster
Momster – what happens when mom counts to 3!
This funny toddler photo just shows what life with a toddler really is like. You are not alone, mama!
Being a parent isn’t for the weak, especially when it comes to toddlers. See our funny parenting memes for all the LOLs this lifelong job of parent brings.
Little Kid Meme
This little kid meme is the face of our toddlers when we think we can get away with something, but they know the truth.
Changing Diaper Memes
Any parent who has changed a toddler’s diapers know the truths behind these changing diaper memes.
Changing toddler diapers really is like an MMA cage fight. These kids and their legs be wild.
We hope you got a good laugh out of these toddler memes. It’s always a fun ride when a toddler is involved!
Just know you are not alone. You will survive (if I survived FOUR toddlers – you can do this!)
Share These Toddler Memes!
As we always say, funny memes are for sharing! We share memes often and hope that these toddler memes bring a smile to your face. Please share away, we do appreciate a tag on social media if you do share one of our memes about toddlers.
We just ask that you tag us on social @digitalmomblog – or link back to https://www.digitalmomblog.com/toddler-memes. Please share away, we do appreciate a tag on social media if you do share one of our memes about toddlers.
Tag us on social at @digitalmomblog on Facebook or @digitalmomblog_com on Instagram! And follow along for some more funny!
Funny Toddler Memes is a part of the Digital Mom Blog Funny Memes series
The Parenting Humor Continues…
Looking for more laughs? Check out these posts for a fresh dose of parenting humor that’ll keep you smiling through the chaos!