While this Dash Egg Cooker review was initially just to find out if its easier to make eggs with, I found a whole other reason to love this thing. MY KIDS CAN USE IT.

Here is the deal. I am a huge fan of the Keto diet. So much so, I’ve created an entire site dedicated to the keto lifestyle (you can find it at Keto Dirty – we talk a lot of dirty keto / lazy keto eating.)

With low carb eating, you eat a LOT of eggs. I mean a WHOLE LOT. So when Amazon Prime Day popped a deal for the Dash Egg Cooker, I decided to go ahead and purchase. You should know, I am totally loyal to my Instant Pot and kitchen counter space is limited. Fortunately this device is tiny and it has earned it’s keep on the counter!

As usual, Amazon delivered in no time. This cute little teal device sat on my kitchen counter, just sitting there – waiting to make me some eggs. I bought the regular size Dash Egg Cooker. There is a larger version that will make you a whopping DOZEN eggs. This kitchen device maybe in my near future, and i’ll tell you why. 

Kids Making Their Own Breakfast

While I bought the Dash Egg Cooker for myself, something ended up happening. The kids, particularly the younger 2 boys – who are 8 and 9-years-old, started making their own eggs. This egg maker is the easiest way to teach your kids to make eggs. Seriously, there are just a few steps and you can’t screw up eggs.

how to teach kids to make eggs

Listen, I am all about self empowerment, bonus when I don’t have to worry about the house burning down. Which of course, is my biggest irrational fear in regards to the kids cooking for themselves. So if the kids making their own breakfast isn’t a big enough reason to love the Dash Egg Cooker, let me tell you about what it actually does!

Dash Egg Cooker Review

The Dash Egg Cooker makes eggs a few different ways. The kitchen appliance works by steaming eggs. You add a measured amount of water to the base of the Dash device, depending on what you are making. Then you choose the accessory depending on the type of eggs you are making. Plug in, put the steam cover on and push the start button. 


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Instructions for Dash Egg Cooker

Looking for instructions for Dash Egg Cooker? Good news – using the rapid egg cooker is super simple to use.

I know I’ve said this, but you can’t screw up eggs if you just follow the directions! Let’s look at what type of eggs can be made and how to make them.

What Kind of Eggs Does the Dash Make?

The Dash makes hard boiled eggs, soft boiled eggs, poached eggs, scrambled eggs and individual omelets. The Dash Rapid includes a few different accessories, enabling you to cook the eggs in the different ways. 

How Many Eggs Can I Make with the Dash Rapid?

As mentioned, the Dash Rapid Egg Cooker that I bought will cook 6 eggs. Cooking 6 eggs is if you want to make poached or boiled eggs.


If you are making scrambled, you can make 2 at a time. If you are making an omelette, you most likely will only want to use 1 egg when adding additional ingredients.

Here is the 12 capacity egg maker, available for under $30 on Amazon. 

Egg Cooking Time

The egg cooking time in the egg cooker varies. For the omelette that I make, it’s around 6 minutes total.

I just dump the measured water, plug into the device, spray the Dash tray, empty ingredients, put cover on and push start! It’s a simple process, hence why my kids can make their own breakfast. 

When the egg maker is done making your eggs, it plays a delightful tune. It’s so much cuter than an annoying beeping noise!

Perfectly Cooked Omelette in the Dash Egg Cooker

When I say that this device perfectly cooks omelettes, it seriously does! If you enjoy eggs on a bagel, the round eggs makes the fits perfectly onto a bagel or large biscuit. My husband frequently makes breakfast sandwiches using these eggs.

keto omelette made in the dash egg cooker

If you are doing low carb or keto – here is my favorite go to Keto omelette

How Much Water Do You Put into the Dash Cooker?

In case you lose the Dash measuring cup included with your cooker (that includes the poker!) – here is the water measurements to use.

  • Soft Eggs : 25 g = 5 tsp = 1-2/3 tbsp
  • Medium Eggs : 35 g = 7 tsp = 2-1/3 tbsp
  • Hard Eggs: 60 g = 12 tsp = 4 tbsp = 1/4 cup

Digital Mom Review

So Digital Mom’s Dash Rapid Egg Cooker Review concludes with this. If you are looking for an affordable kitchen device that let’s you cook eggs without thinking, this kitchen appliance is for you! BONUS – this device is a great way to teach your kids how to make their own food. 

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