Hello Facebook Stalker – that’s the thought I get every time I look at someone’s Facebook profile that I don’t know. It’s amazing some of the things that people share. Now with the lovely timelines and the Facebook cover photos, you can call out your Facebook stalkers! How? Check out this perfect cover image:

Facebook Stalker Cover Image

That’s right – download your very own HELLO FACEBOOK STALKER Facebook cover photo!

Click Here to Download the Hello Facebook Stalker Facebook Cover Photo

My Facebook cover image was dated so thought this would be funny. After a few requests from non-Facebook stalkers asking if they could use, I figured this would make a good post. Use this as one of your profile pictures for facebook, nothing like letting them KNOW that you they are  stalking…

Facebook Stalkers Should Read This

Speaking of Facebook stalking… did you know Facebook saves search results?  Have you been searching Facebook for an ex-boyfriend or that high school friend that you know stole your favorite dress in 9th grade?  Facebook is saving those searches! Yes, imagine that.  They probably are saving those instant messages to (but I can’t prove that – I am sure some developer is having a hay day somewhere reading thru everyone’s personal deets).

Facebook Stalker Cover Image

Fortunately, you are the only one who can see what you are searching for – but if you leave your Facebook account logged in or if you die (hey, I’m a realist) – there maybe things that you don’t want certain people to know you are Facebook stalking – I mean Facebook searching.

How do you delete your Facebook search history? Easy peasy – just follow these instructions and you’ll be free from forever being branded Facebook Stalker.

Have an idea for other funny Facebook cover photos? Leave them in the comments. I’ll be creating a series of free Facebook cover photos for download and would love to include your ideas in an upcoming post.

Lame plug – are you following Digital Mom Blog on Facebook? Do it. Do it. Do it.

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