Sometimes, life hands you those little moments that just deserve a big ‘YAY!’ Whether it’s surviving Monday, nailing a presentation, or just making it to Friday, there’s a YAY meme out there waiting to help you celebrate!

awkward yay meme

Best Memes to Say YAY!

This collection of YAY memes is here to add a spark of happiness and humor to all your wins, big or small. So go ahead, spread the joy, share a laugh, and remind everyone that there’s always a reason to say YAY!

omg yay meme

And what better way than one of these amazing YAY memes or yay GIFs. While our recession memes may have you laughing and crying at the current state of the world, these memes that say YAY are the bit of celebratory happy that you are needing. How about a little Mandalorian baby Yoda praise for a friend who deserves it?

baby yoda yay meme

What middle age mom doesn’t love minion memes (kidding, kids – calm down.)

minion yay meme

Perfect for anyone who loves dogs, especially when they are smiling. And anyone who doesn’t love dogs – well, maybe you should see someone about that.

yay dog meme

We Got a Badass Here Meme

When your friend is a badass and the typical meme to say yay just won’t do. Send them this we got a badass here meme.

badass meme  we got a badass here

YAY Team Meme

When the team needs a yay meme, these are it. Gotta love the Oprah meme, giving out all the yays. Share our team memes with your favorite work people.

yay oprah meme

And for the superstar, what about a yay team from Mary Catherine Gallagher. Looking to make someone smile? Don’t miss our happy memes.

yay team meme

Want to celebrate your team with a meme? Check out these teamwork memes.

FriYAY Meme

How about a yay cat meme with an adorable kitten smiling at you? This is how to celebrate a FRI-YAY!

yay cat meme  friyay happy friday

Don’t forget about our huge collection of friday memes.

Yippie Ki Yay Meme

What would this series be if we didn’t include the ultimate yay meme, the Yippee Ki Yay meme. If you are a fan of Die Hard, then you know this infamous line from Bruce Willis said the movie.

yippee ki yay meme

So quick question, is Die Hard a Christmas movie? People seem to think so! If you are a believer, then you will love these Die Hard Christmas memes.

Get People Wondering

While the only people I troll are my sister and my brother, I do love making people wonder about things. So if you are a spoon who likes stirring the pot – post this funny yay meme to your friend’s facebook wall to make people wonder why you deserve the applause.

funny yay meme post to your friends facebook wall to make people wonder why you deserve the applause.

Sarcastic Yay Memes

Here comes the sarcasm. Say what you want about sarcasticness – but some of us are just born with this gift. And when it comes time to say yay – sometimes ya just can’t tell if that is a real yay or a sarcastic yay – and that’s okay.

sarcastic or real yay meme

Love you Brit. Your face in this photo just says it all. This is my excited face.

britney spears meme excited

Insert eye roll. Please do not show this to my kids. I can see it now, them texting me this every time a family fun day is initiated.

sarcastic yay meme

Sweet bloodhound dog looks like he is carrying the world’s problems in this sarcastic yay meme!

amazing new meme sarcastic yay


While I LOVE a good meme, there are times where I need something a little more animated.

yay gif meme  celebration confetti

Hence these yay gifs, including my favorite yay Kermit gif. I mean, who wouldn’t love Kermit the Frog flailing his arms like a crazy frog?

yay kermit gif  kermit the frog flailing arms

Bring in the fun with this yay cat gif.

yay gif funny  cats dancing and celebrating

And a twerking gif of a corgi butt? This is how you say YAY, y’all.

twerking gif  yaya corgi butt shaking

Without the accompanying Yippee Ki Yay gif for the meme up above.

yippee ki yay gif  bruce willis quote from die hard movie

Protect Bruce Willis!

Share the YAY! Memes & GIFs

We hope you enjoyed this collection of memes to say YAY with. Memes are meant for sharing, so share your heart out of these! We do ask that you tag us on social or link back to this post to help more people find these to share the love and funny when celebrating.

If you love these funny yay memes, here are more from our series we think you will adore:

YAY memes and GIFs is part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes

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