In honor of the Mexican Pizza, we give you funny Taco Bell memes to honor the occasion and this favorite fast food restaurant.
The beloved fast food chain, Taco Bell is in the news for their beloved comeback of the Mexican pizza. In honor of the return, we are sharing our favorite memes about Taco Bell and the Mexican pizza.
Funny Taco Bell Memes
Who else grew up eating Taco Bell several times a week? Talking to my kids about inflation – I was recalling the 59 cent, 79 cent and 99 cent menu at “The Bell” that was the sad staple of my teen years.

If you love it or hate it, either way – these funny TacoBell memes are spot on in regards to the humor surrounding the restaurant and return of the Mexican pizza.

In honor of all who had done a late night drive-thru and craving some Taco Bell for some munchies, this taco bell cat meme nails it.

Love tacos? Don’t miss our taco memes!
Mexican Pizza Memes – Taco Bell Everyone’s a Bit Too Excited About This Menu Add-on
Update to our Taco Bell memes post – this was originally in honor of the mexican pizza relaunch – which sold out in a matter of weeks. LAME – thought the company promises to bring it back. Update, The Taco Bell Mexican Pizza returns on September 15, 2022.
First up in our Taco Bell memes, we have what everyone is talking about but in memes. If you guessed Taco Bell Mexican pizza memes – you are right!

Taco Bell (and should we thank Doja Cat) heard the masses cry asking that the Mexican Pizza make a comeback. When opportunity knocks, marketing plays and Taco Bell is going all out on this hype. I guess so are we, but only because these memes about Mexican pizza were too funny.

Also because we know you want to know all the things, learn about the return date, how to get early access and more.
Mexican Pizza Return Date
When Taco Bell took the Mexican pizza off of their menu 2 years ago, fans were mad. Like serious mad, like write a petition mad. The cries were heard.

Thanks to DojaCat and a marketing exec who surely said, “this will make us BILLIONS” – the Taco Bell Mexican Pizza is back.

The official comeback of the Taco Bell Mexican pizza to the menu is May 19, 2022 but news flash, you can actually order today. We will show you how to order early as well as some funny Mexican pizza memes because y’all know we love us some memes.
Early Access – How to Order Mexican Pizza Today
Here is the secret VIP way to order the Taco Bell Mexican pizza early. Okay, surely it’s not that secret. Starting today, May 17, 2022 and tomorrow – you can order a Mexican pizza early by ordering on the Taco Bell app.

Early access for Taco Bell fans is available at participating locations – check the Taco Bell app to make sure your Taco Bell location is participating. Taco Bell is hoping that this goes all Popeye’s chicken sandwich crazy, so of course – while supplies are limited.
Mexican Pizza the Musical
Yes, there is a Mexican Pizza musical coming to TikTok. Taco Bell has hired Dolly Parton and Doja Cat to star in this musical about Taco Bell Mexican pizza. I don’t know y’all, but this sounds like a stupid wild marketing idea that someone can’t believe they actually talked their boss into (but I am here for it!)

The TikTok Taco Bell Mexican Pizza is coming on May 26, 2022. Also, I agree with the Taco Bell Mexican pizza meme featuring the grumpy cat… where is the enchirito Taco Bell?
Taco Bell Gas Memes
What is a list of Taco Bell memes without a few Taco Bell gas memes or Taco Bell diarrhea memes? I mean, I am not saying these are true for everyone but also am not saying these aren’t true.

What better way to top off this Taco Bell gas meme list then with a Spider man debate between a 5-layer burrito, Mexican pizza and Diablo sauce. The answer is “D” – all of the above.

For the love, how about a Taco Bell Scott Toilet paper collaboration. Actually no, we need a Cottonelle collab not Scott!

We all know the pain we get at the gas pumps – see gas memes. What about the Taco Bell gas meme where you can get gas for $1.00. It’s just not the gas we need.

Those pipes are glowing! Looks like your neighbor had a nachos bellgrande for lunch.

One does not simply eat Taco Bell without being near a bathroom.

Toilets at the table? This is a novel concept. Communal potties, lovely thought. For the love, why doesn’t Taco Bell have a Taco Tuesday special??

If you Taco Tuesday, don’t miss our Taco Tuesday memes.
Yo Quiero Taco Bell Memes
Who doesn’t remember “Yo Quiero Taco Bell?” These Taco Bell dog memes will bring back all the memories.

If you are too young to remember the Taco Bell chihuahua, back in the 90’s until 2000 – the Taco Bell mascot was a dog.

The Taco Bell chihuahua made the dog breed famous and coined the phrase “Yo Quiero Taco Bell.” Watch the 90s Taco Bell commercial.
More Memes about Taco Bell
You guys, there is always something funny to laugh at when it comes to Taco Bell. Despite the humor and these funny Taco Bell memes, it is still a favorite fast food restaurant! Here are more memes about Taco Bell.
Mean Girls Taco Bell Quote
Who can forget the all carb diet and why we can’t go to Taco Bell. If you love you some Regina George and plastics, don’t miss our Mean Girls memes.

Taco bell wings meme of your guardian angel watching you eat chicken wings from Taco Bell. Sometimes you just have to shake your head and say WTH! via @platini954

Share the Taco Bell Memes
There you have it, your funny Taco Bell memes for you to share! Enjoy your Mexican Pizza, and share. Memes are meant for sharing. We just ask that you tag us on social and link back to this post. Not for commercial use, personal use only.
Funny Taco Bell Memes is part of the Digital Mom Blog series of Funny Memes