Our Ultimate Parent’s Fortnite Guide is here. An easy to understand explanation of this game our kids will not stop playing.
While Fortnite has only been out for just over a year, this game has exploded. Our younger kids are still playing Minecraft – Fortnite is what my 13-year-old son plays, non-stop.
Fortnite Guide for Parents
As parents with kids who play Fortnite, we are always curious as to what they are actually playing and doing online.

With the HUGE popularity of this game (and the fact our teen son would play 24/7 if allowed), we thought we would put together a Fortnite guide for parents to explain all the things and update you with all the latest news on the game.
There is quite a bit to learn and know about the Fortnite game, so we have broken it down into sections. Click on what you want to learn about the game.
How to Keep Kids Safe on Fortnite
Fortnite Parent Review
We created this Fortnite Guide for Parents to give you all the information about this hot new video game to help you make the best decision if this game is okay for your kids.

Here is our personal Fortnite Parent Review: If you feel that your child is mature enough to handle the game “stress” and won’t be scared by the zombie Husks, then go for it.
Do set time limits. Do watch what your kids are doing online. Engage with your kids, ask about their game play, what friends they are playing with.
Consider the Fortnite parental controls. But as always, this is just an opinion and you need to decide what is best for your child.
Moderation is Key
While there are a lot of bad things that can be said about gaming, there are a lot of positives too. Personally, like all things – I feel like moderation is key.
Game with Your Kids
Like Minecraft, Fortnite is a great game to play with your kids. We have had a rough year in the health department for my husband, but I am happy to say that the boys in particular have really bonded with their dad thru playing video games.
Fortnite Birthday Bash
Learn about this annual in-game birthday celebration.
Fortnite Stats
You won’t believe how many people are playing this game!
Fortnite Gift Ideas
Shop the best gifts for your gamer!
Fortnite Shirts
While chances of getting him in a button up are slim to none, he will love these Fortnite shirts.
Free Fortnite Invitations
Download a free Fortnite printable invitation – that can be customized for your party!
Fortnite Cakes
The best Fortnite birthday cake ideas featuring everything from bakery to homemade cakes.
Crazy Fortnite Facts
Learn some crazy facts about the game and totally impress your kids!
Fortnite Valentines Day Boxes
Create the ultimate classroom box featuring your kids favorite computer game.
Free Fortnite Valentines Cards
Free printable Fortnite Valentines day cards for your kids.
Questions About Fortnite
I hope this Parents Guide to Fortnite has brought you more insight into what the game is about.
While we covered an array of topics like how it’s played, how in-game currency or v-bucks work and how to set limits on Fortnite – I am sure you have more questions about this game that I am sure I left out.
Leave a comment and let us know what you want to see in our Parent’s Fortnite guide and we will get it added.
Fortnite Guide for Parents is a series from Digital Mom Blog