Have your kids hit you up for some Fortnite vBucks? If you have no idea what vBucks or v-bucks are – lucky you. Let’s talk about this game currency and what you should know about it.

fortnite ingame currency vbucks

What Are vBucks?

Fortnite uses in-game currency calledv-bucks. V-bucks stands for Vindertech Bucks. My teen wrote v-bucks on his Christmas list this year. UGH.

V-bucks are used for purchasing items from the in-game Vindertech Store in Save the World, or to purchase cosmetic items from the Item Shop and the Battle Pass in Battle Royale.

In App Purchases

Let’s talk about how Epic Games, creator of Fortnite is making all their money. While there are many FREE aspects of Fortnite – one thing parents should be aware of is in-game and in-app purchases.

In-app purchases are BIG BUSINESS. Upwards of $300 million is spent monthly by players to kit out their character (and that stat was from April 2018!)

Fortnite sells outfits, emotes and other cosmetic items in its shop for the equivalent of around $2 to $15. So how do you pay for all of theses purchases? With vbucks of course!

  • What are V-Bucks?
  • How do I Buy V-Bucks?
  • Where Can I Buy a Fortnite Gift Card?
  • How Much Do V-Bucks Cost?
  • How to Earn V-Bucks
  • Get Free V-Bucks

Here is How to Buy V-Bucks

V-bucks can be purchased ONLY at on OFFICIAL fortnite app (PC, iOS, Sony Playstation, Microsoft, Nintendo). So yes, your kids will need either a credit card or gift card to purchase this gaming currency.

So you want to know where to buy a Fortnite gift card for your kid? Oh, that’s funny – let’s talk about this and Epic Games’ missed opportunity to cash in even more.

Buy a Fortnite Gift Card

Are you looking to buy a Fortnite gift card? Join the crowd! As of December 2018, there is no in-game Fortnite gift card – which is really lame considering most of their players aren’t old enough for credit cards.

where to buy fortnite gift cards

If you are looking to buy a Fortnite gift card, here is what I would suggest. Buy a gift card for the system that you child is playing on. Here are links to where to purchase:

You may notice that Google Play Gift Card is not listed. The Fortnite mobile app is not in the Google Playstore (you have to access thru Samsung’s app store on Android.) Epic Games, Fortnite game developers created a partnership with Samsung which is the reason that you aren’t finding a legit Fortnite app in the Google Play store.

If you are unsure of which gaming platform they are using, just buy them a pre-loaded visa gift card.

V-Bucks Value

V-bucks cost around 1 cent per v-buck. You can purchase 1000 V-bucks for $9.99. The more you buy, the more “bonus v-bucks” you gut. Here is a rough breakdown of how much v-bucks cost:

  • 1,000 V-Bucks for $9.99
  • 2,500 (+300 Bonus) V-Bucks for $24.99
  • 6,000 (+1,500 Bonus) V-Bucks for $59.99
  • 10,000 (+3,500 Bonus) V-Bucks for $99.99
fortnite money

Here are a few things to remember or think about before purchasing Vindertech Bucks:

You won’t find anything in the Fortnite store for under 500 V-Bucks.

Outside of the U.S. you will pay more based on the currency exchange rate.

Whatever platform you purchase your V-Bucks on is where they initially show until you make a purchase. So if you buy 2,500 on x-Box, you won’t be able to access them on Fortnite mobile or elsewhere until you’ve spent your v-bucks on items.

As mentioned above, Fortnite mobile is not in the Google Play store – so unfortunately you can’t spend any Google Play credit towards V-Bucks until the app is available in Google Play’s store.

How to Earn V-Bucks

Don’t worry kids, you don’t have to just hit up your parents for money for those vbucks. You can EARN v-bucks thru various game play rewards, missions and so on.

Here is how you earn v-bucks:

  • Completing Daily Quests (only in Save the World).
  • Completing Storm Shield Defense missions.
  • Earning V-Bucks from Daily Rewards.
  • Progressing through Save the World.
  • Missions can give a tiny amount of V-Bucks as a boost, until the player reaches a cap.
  • Earning V-Bucks from the Battle Pass.

There is No Such Things As Free V-Bucks

If you are looking for FREE V-Bucks– just say NO!There are plenty of scams that kids are falling for in a search for getting free v-bucks.

no such thing as free vbucks on fortnite

There is no such thing as free v-bucks.You have to earn or purchase them. Don’t think you can watch a YouTube video or follow a link and get them for free, it ain’t happening!

This is something to warn your kids about. Here are a few news related articles on V-Bucks and online scammers:

Have any more questions about Fortnite V-Bucks? Drop us a comment and we’ll add answers them to our guide!

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