Black Friday memes bring humor and relatable moments to the holiday shopping season. As people prepare to hunt for deals and navigate crowded stores or online sales, these funny memes capture the spirit of Black Friday—from the thrill of discounts to the chaos of crowded aisles.

Whether you’re a die-hard shopper or an online-only deal-seeker, Black Friday memes highlight the ups and downs of the biggest shopping day of the year, making them a must-share for the season’s laughs and camaraderie.

black friday tv meme

Black Friday Laughs About the Biggest Shopping Day of the Year

We are sharing the funny memes about Black Friday, discounts, shopping and the crazies. Let’s kick off the Christmas gift shopping season with some humor.

black friday memes are so hot right now

Let’s get ready to shop some deals, save money and check off our Christmas shopping list. But before you hit the stores, don’t miss these funny Black Friday memes.

brace yourself black friday is coming

Black Friday is an annual retail holiday held the Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States. This is typically the fourth Friday in November, unless November 1 is on a Friday.

black friday shopping may the odds be in your favor

Thanksgiving is over! Bring on the Christmas memes and all the holiday things!

let the christmas shopping begin

You can shop, and decorate your Christmas tree, listen to Christmas music all without judgement because it is officially the season!

everytime i hear rockin around the christmas tree this is what i visualize

Traditionally, the day marks the start of the Christmas shopping season. Retail and e-commerce stores offer sales and discounted prices on Black Friday.

black friday discounts meme

This hilarious Black Friday meme describes the two types of people on the day after Thanksgiving. There are those Black Friday shoppers and then there are others who sleep-in and relax.

black friday shoppers vs me the day after thanksgiving

Share this meme with your Black Friday shopping buddy!

Black Friday Shopping Memes

The appeal to shop the day after Thanksgiving is the sales.

so tell me how your black friday shopping saves you 40% on 100% of things you dont need

If you are shopping brick and mortar, like this hilarious Black Friday meme states – you need a plan.

trying to map out black friday sales meme

Some stores, like Best Buy offer Black Friday Door Buster deals where certain high ticket items are heavily discounted but only offered in limited quantities.

trying to get black friday door busters be like

Nearly every retail store offers either a sale, coupon, discounts or incentives to shop the day after Thanksgiving. Learn about the history of Black Friday.

black friday sales everywhere

There are those who shop in-store, then there are those of us introverts (see introvert memes) that shop online. While this introvert, previously shopped in store – the majority of my shopping is done online.

to all of us who black friday shop online

Should we even mention the “i” word. Just check out our inflation memes for more on that.

Saving Money on Black Friday

Despite the recession, people are still going to shop. Something that always made me laugh, while shopping Black Friday is super fun – the lines to check out in retail stores are absolutely the worse.

that moment on black friday you realize how long you are going to stand in line to save $10

Discounts Everywhere

If you are looking for a discounts meme, what more relatable thing than on Black Friday! Now’s the time to buy your electronics (especially those huge LED TVs!)

discounts meme

Buying Yourself Gifts

Another problem with all of these deals if you think, oh – I’ll just buy that for myself. Then after marathon shopping you realize that all of the Christmas gifts that have been purchased are for you.

when all of the amazing christmas gifts that you bought on black friday are for yourself funny black friday quote

That whole treat yourself thing is great, but also when you have a huge list of people to buy Christmas presents for and a spending budget that is stretched – you gotta watch where you spend those dollars.

buynig something at full price vs saving $5 on black friday shopping memes

Happy Black Friday

For those of you who either shop Thanksgiving day, and all night into the early morning or just the casual shopper. Enjoy this funny Happy Black Friday meme featuring the one and only Mr. Bean.

happy black friday!

When you’re a black cat, every Friday is a Black Friday.

happy black friday when you are a balck cat every friday is a black friday

Broke Memes for Black Friday

When you are either unemployed or underemployed, these broke memes about having no money to go Black Friday shopping are relatable.

when you can't pay rent but afford to go black friday shopping. but that's none of my business

You gotta watch what you spend on Black Friday, because like this Black Saturday meme humorously states – you gotta have money for that electric bill.

black saturday is what you get when you spend all of your money on black friday and don't have anything left to pay your electric bill meme

If you are broke on BF, it’s best to just not log online or go to the store until at least next Wednesday.

this is me pretending to not care about black friday because i'm broke meme

Don’t miss our Monday after Thanksgiving memes where we share laughs and fun about Cyber Monday, the e-commerce sales holiday.

when there are great black friday deals but you dont have any money

Then there are those of us who are trying the adulting thing out by watching what you spend and being financially responsible.

when you see all of these amazing black friday deals but you are trying to be financially responsible

Husband and Budgeting Memes

Continuing on with the Black Friday memes, let’s talk about husbands and budgeting.

my husband's reaction to our checking account balance after i go black friday shoppingfunny black friday meme

Let’s be honest, as much as us deal shoppers love to save a buck – our husband’s don’t want to hear about it.

my husband's face when i tell him how much i saved by black friday shopping

All they are seeing is how much you’ve spent. While saving money even when going over budget makes you feel powerful, it’s not a view most husbands will share.

what gives people feelings of power  money, status, shopping sales and saving money

Spending Too Much Money Shopping

Here’s more Black Friday funny and a tip. Keep track of what you are spending by recording the receipt total right after you make a purchase.

when you realize how much money you spent on black friday deals that you didn't need

It’s amazing how fast a few small purchases can add up to be a large amount of money!

when people camp out all night to save $100 on a tv

It was only yesterday that we were sharing our Thanksgiving memes. This funny black friday meme nails it.

so on thanksgiving people are thankful for what they have then on black friday they go buy what they dont have

So on Thanksgiving people are thankful for what they have. The next day people go buy what they don’t have. Ironic? Yes. Sarcastic? Also yes.

when you are thankful for black friday deals

Working Black Friday Meme

One does not simply enjoy working on Black Friday. Shout out to all of the retail workers who are putting up with all kinds of crazy.

one does not simply enjoy working on black friday

Don’t miss our funny work memes. As this black friday work meme jokes, what amount would it take for you to willingly work the day after Thanksgiving?

get paid double overtime to work black friday or draw 25 cards black friday retail worker mem

Share the Black Friday 2024 Memes

We hope you enjoyed the humor! Black Friday memes about saving money are perfect for sharing with those who love the sales day or hate it.

you got anymore of those black friday deals

Memes are meant for sharing, we just ask that you tag us back on social and link back to this page so more people can enjoy the laughs.

Black Friday Memes are part of the Digital Mom Blog collection of Funny Memes

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