I started this blog in 2009, and this was one of my first posts. See, in 2009 – mom bloggers and moms online were fairly new. The mommy blogging thing really hadn’t hit huge yet, but I knew it was coming. Women are powerful beings.

We make the majority of the purchasing decisions, we connect and research what is best for our family. Knowing those things, I just knew that blogging would be huge and that corporate America had NO idea what was coming with this wave.

Fast forward to 2016. I can’t believe I have been blogging here for 7 years, and over 12 years counting my other blogs. I still do think that blogging is a powerful form of marketing and communications. The space is ever-changing, but so is the internet.

Power of Moms Online

We have numerous ways to spread our message, whether it’s thru social, video, podcasts or ebooks – we have the ability to tell anyone, anything (please use your power wisely, thanks.)

If you are considering blogging, join my new blogger mailing list. I’ll keep you up-to-date with the latest things i’ve learned over my last 12+ years of blogging.

power of moms online

Here is my post, originally posted on May 26, 2009:

Check out these stats:

Of the 36.2 million women actively participating in the blogosphere weekly as either publishers or readers, 46% — or just over 16.5 million — have children at home.
  • 67% of moms online look for help making a purchasing decision.
  • Overall, full-time working moms use technology at the highest rates.
  • The cell phone is the technology used most often by moms to communicate with their kids, and 80% say it is the direct line to their child and babysitter.
  • Power of Mom Bloggers

    Remembering Maddie.

    Tragedy stuck Heather Spohr’s family. Heather, a mommy blogger to little Maddie – lost her daughter in April. Mommy bloggers everywhere united and joined forces to do 2 things. Help the Spohrs and raise money for March of Dimes.
    Shortly after Maddie’s passing – blogs and twitter avatars were turned purple in honor of this little girl that was just known by most from the internet.  Over $35,000 has poured in for March of Dimes. Numerous women are walking (and wearing purple) in remembrance of Maddie.

    Motrin Moms. Have you heard of them?

    In November 2008, Motrin launched the below commercial, aimed at Moms.  Motrin forgot 1 thing – women are sensitive.
    Corporate America, pay attention.

    Moms are in full force. We have purchasing power and we’re raising the next generation of your consumers. Beware and be aware.

    More Digital Mom Blog Fun: