Delve into the dystopian universe of Handmaid’s Tale memes, where humor meets social commentary in the most unexpected ways.

These memes take the iconic imagery and themes from Margaret Atwood’s masterpiece and spin them into laugh-out-loud moments that will leave you in stitches.

the handmaids tale memes

The Handmaid’s Tale Memes

From witty captions to clever juxtapositions, Handmaid’s Tale memes offer a unique blend of satire and absurdity that is as thought-provoking as it is hilarious.

blessed be the memes may the internet be open

Whether you’re a fan of the book, the TV series, or just enjoy a good meme, there’s something here for everyone to enjoy.

The Handmaid’s Tale started as a futuristic dystopian novel written by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. In the years since it’s 1985 release, it has been made into a movie.

the handmaid's tale is back! Let the fall of Gilead begin!

In 2017, the Handmaid’s Tale series became a hit on Hulu, sharing the dark hell of the takeover of Gilead.

this is me, watching the handmaid's tale reminding myself this is fiction and prentending there are no similarities to real life

With current real world events seeming to echo parts of this fictional book, it makes these Handmaid’s tale memes even more relatable!

Handmaid’s Tale Season 6

Now on to Handmaids Tale season 6. Unfortunately, while fans anticipated filming to begin in August 2024, this has been delayed. Elizabeth Moss announced in early 2024 that she is pregnant with her first child.

every episode of the handmaid's tale i be asking y tho

As we wait for season 6 to arrive, scroll through these memes, to chuckle at the clever twists on familiar scenes and characters. From Aunt Lydia’s stern gaze to Offred’s defiant smirk, every iconic moment is ripe for parody and reinterpretation.

gilead when people rebel

But beyond the laughs, Handmaid’s Tale memes also serve as a reminder of the power of humor to engage with serious topics. By taking the dark themes of the novel and turning them on their head, these memes invite us to reflect on the absurdity of our own world and the ways in which we navigate it.

it was suppose to be fiction

This photo of her required it to become an insomnia meme. There is no sleep when you are overtaking Gilead.

no i havent slept, why do you ask?

This handmaids tale meme of June is what I think every single time she does something crazy. You know, like hijacking an airplane to save children by bringing them to Canada.

everytime june does something crazy, may the odds be in your favor

The love affair of Nick and June is iconic.

handmaids tale nick june meme

When they have no idea what you are capable of. The power of June is unstoppable – or is it?

when they have no idea what you are capable of

June is played by the amazing actress Elisabeth Moss. She also starred in the hit Mad Men. Here’s a Handmaids Tale meme that serves as a good reminder to vote.

me voting in 2016 vs me voting in 2022

Women’s rights include your right to vote. See our vote memes and make sure your voice is heard.

Handmaid Tale Quotes

There are a few infamous quotes from the Handmaid’s Tale series that are worth repeating, especially in jest.

Under His Eye Meme

Under his eye is often used as both a “hello” or “goodbye” in the belief that God is always watching.

under his eye

In the Republic of Gilead, everyone is under the watchful eye of the government, spies and secret police. They are seen as the eyes of God. The eyes report anything that could be seen going against the new order of Gilead.

under his eye meme

Resist Meme

Resist is what June and the handmaids do, as they rise up against the aunts and in an on-going attempt – try to defeat Gilead.


They should never have given us uniforms if they didn’t want us to be an army.

they should have never given us uniforms if they didn't want us to be an army

Praise Be Meme

The meaning of Praise Be is express thanks following an happy event. In Gilead, a happy event could be good weather or a pregnancy.

praise be meme

Blessed Be the Fruit Meme

The main function of a handmaid is to procreate. Blessed be the fruit is a standard greeting between handmaids to encourage fertility.

blessed be the fruit meme

Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum Meme

In The Handmaid’s Tale season one, episode four – we were introduced to the saying nolite te bastardes carborundorum. It was carved into the closet of the room that Offred was staying, and was done by a former handmaid.

nolite te bastardes carborundorum meme

Download The Handmaid’s Tale phone wallpaper from the official Instagram. So what does this saying mean?

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum dont let the bastards grind you down meme

Well…. low and behold – while if it were real it would mean “don’t let the bastards grind you down.” That said – it’s made-up! Nolite te bastardes carborundorum is mock Latin—a schoolboy’s joke, as it’s explained in both the novel and the series.” Read the history behind this phrase.

Aunt Lydia Memes

Aunt Lydia memes because you can’t share Handmaids Tale memes without them!

aunt lydia meme let this be a lesson to you

As serious as she is, making a funny Aunt Lydia meme is just too easy.

when you roast someone and it make everyone uncomfortable

If you have a boss that makes Aunt Lydia look like a nice person, first bless. Second – send your co-workers one of our funny work memes.

when your boss makes aunt lydia look like a nice person

The scene where all the handmaids are in a circle chanting, she did… yeah, this who farted meme is much better than what happened after that scene.

who farted  she did, she did, she did

Political Handmaids Tale Memes

When you thought The Handmaid’s Tale was a dystopia novel, not a political roadmap. (source: @IanMaher7)

silly me i thought the handmaid's tale was a dystopian novel, not a political roadmap.

Women’s Rights

The current SCOTUS aka Supreme Court of the United States is doing what they can to limit the rights of women over their bodies. Except, what they want isn’t what they will get.

what scotus wanted what scotus got

Handmaids Tale Texas Memes

For my fellow Texans, here are the best Texas Handmaids Tale memes to share.

texas the autumn collection

Being from the what could be the great state of Texas, the shenanigans the state government pulls regularly is absurd.

welcome to texas  handmaids tale

Enjoy our Texas memes. This is nothing new with the current administration but more recently with the SCOTUS ruling, women’s rights has taken center stages.

ofgreg abbott

Gotta love these blue Handmaids Tale Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader outfits! (See our Dallas Cowboys memes – for lovers and haters!)

dallas cowboys cheerleader handmaids tale

Funny Memes about The Handmaids Tale

Looking for something a little lighter than the political chatter? Enjoy these funny Handmaid’s Tale memes.

Handmaids Tale Birthday Meme

Blessed be your birthday. Praise be. We have birthday memes for all occasions.

blessed be your birthday praise be

Under His Eyebrows Meme

While Nick is a cutie, his eyebrows do take center stage as represented in this under his eyebrows meme.

under his eyebrows nick handmaids tale

Janine Meme

The handmaid Janine just doesn’t get a break. From missing an eye to having her baby taken from her, to nearly being undone in season 4 to become a fugitive. Bless her.

why you don't get a bb gun for christmas or have a rebellious spirit

Gilead Memes

TGIF – nope not one of those Friday memes. It’s Thank Gilead it’s Friday. Sounds like absolute hell, if you ask me.

tgif thank gilead its friday

Yeah, about that Fred Waterford. This Handmaid’s Tale meme is a little dated. We all know how you ended. It wasn’t pretty, but neither was your life.

thoughts and prayers

Serena Joy Meme

The widow of Commander Fred Waterford is shown in this Serena Joy meme in a joyous and no joy state.

serena joy serena no joy

Trump Ofputin Meme

Last but not least, the conclusion of our Handmaids Tale memes with an Ofputin meme. Our least favorite handmaid, who is innocent until proven guilty – which could be any day now.

trump ofputin meme

Share the Handmaid Memes

Share your favorite Handmaid’s Tale memes on social media, tag us, and link back to this post so that more people can join in on the fun.

handmaids meme
handmaids meme – source @larimah

Let’s turn the bleak world of Gilead into a playground of laughter and absurdity, one meme at a time.

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