Is Find My iPhone installed on your phone?
Read this and find out why this app and Apple features is a must-have!

If you own an Apple iPhone there is a chance that you have left your beloved somewhere and have had that moment of PANIC. WHERE IS MY iPHONE? You then resort to memory mode.

“Okay, so I was at the dry cleaners, then Target and then went to Starbucks.” Next step proceeding to call or go visit the places that you were at trying to retrieve your lost iPhone.

find my iphone app
find my iphone tutorial

Those days are over! Never lose your iPhone again! Well as long as you have battery life and the Find My iPhone App installed. And actually this app will find any of your iOS device (that has iOS 5 or higher installed!) – read more.

Since originally writing this – you can activate the Find My iPhone feature on all of your Apple devices!

Find My iPhone App

A few weeks ago, I lost my iPhone. Usually this puts me in a state of panic, but I had finally gotten around to installing the Find My iPhone App and guess what – it worked! I had left my iPhone at TJ Maxx.

Thankfully the manager had placed it in a lock drawer. I was able to retrieve it (Thanks TJ Maxx!) no problem.  After this incident, I’ve become a self-appointed public spokesperson for the Fine My iPhone App.

How to Use Find My iPhone App on the iPhone

First things first. Install the Find My iPhone app, it’s free.  Download Find My iPhone (also works on your iPad and iPod Touch!)

Once the app is installed – go to settings > iCloud > turn Find My iPhone to ON

That’s it for installation.

Let’s give the app a try – it’s good to know how to use before crisis mode. Side note: the Find My iPhone app is great if you lose your iPhone around the house as you can go send messages and a loud noise to your phone remotely to help you locate.

To use the Find My iPhone app – go to and log in with your Apple ID. Click on Find My iPhone.

find my iphone
find my iphone app for apple device

Next you will see all of you iOS devices that are iCloud enabled. You will be able to locate them via a map. Note: your device must be on! There will be a green dot next to the devices that are on and locatable.

find my ipod touch
find my iphone device list

You will then see a map of where your device is located as well as giving you options. You can play a sound (it’s loud!), send a message, remote lock your device or if you know your device has been stolen you can remote wipe it (perfect for the celebrities who love to take nekkid pictures and have their iPhones stolen).

Learn how to install Find My iPhone on Your Mac

Do this now. Believe me if you lose your iPhone or other iOS device you will thank me.

I originally posted about the Find My iPhone app on the now dead Babble. Here’s more about this app:

If you have an iOS device – please for the love of your Apple product – download Find iPhone. 

What is Find iPhone?

Find iPhone allows you to locate all of your iOS devices (that are connected to the internet).  How is this helpful? Have you ever left your iPhone somewhere and you have no idea where it is.  Maybe this is in your house or at the store.  By enabling Find iPhone – you can find your devices via the Find iPhone app or by going to

If a device is in your house – you can play a sound.  If your iPhone was lost or stolen, you can lock it and if need be, erase all the data on it.

Zoom In on Your Apple Device Location

You can zoom in on the map down to your street level. It’s funny, I can tell what area of my house the devices are located because of where the dot is when I do an extreme zoom in.

I have all of our iOS devices (Macbook Pro, iMac, iPads, iPhones and iPod Touches) all hooked up to my main iCloud account.  At any time, I can see where these devices are located, as long as they are online. You can even see how much battery life is left in the device.

Last week, I had a major panic at Target when my iPhone went missing.  My kid was playing with my iPhone and when loading up the car, I couldn’t find it.  I was able to use Target’s phone, call my husband, have him log on to iCloud and play the noise (over and over).  Low and behold it was in my car. Crisis averted.

Recovering Stolen iPhone

While this most certainly isn’t a guarantee that your iPhone will be recovered, it’s fascinating to read how stolen iPhones and iPads have been recovered or found due to this app.

Locate Your Husband

I promise I don’t stalk my husband, I’ve told him I use this so I don’t sound like a total creeper!  This app comes in handy in the evenings when I am preparing dinner and need to know if he will be home in time. I hate calling and bugging him as he wraps his day.

Find My iPhone let’s me see if he is on his way home or still at work.  Thankfully we have a great marriage, I could see this totally being a stalker app though!

Happy Locating Your iPhone!

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