Our fourth and final child Zeke turned 1 month and being the postpartum sentimental mama that I am (this may not last, I have 4 kids) – here is my 1 month letter to him.
Dear Zeke,
One year ago, if someone had told me that I would have a one month old – I would of laughed and accused whomever of being drunk. Well the laughs on me.
One Month Old Baby
The last month, your daddy and I have absorbed so much of your sweet love and cuteness. You have stolen our hearts and have two older brothers and a big sister who adore you just the same.
While we didn’t know what to expect with having two kids 16-months apart, it’s not been nearly as hard as we expected. We know that you and your brother have many fun times ahead once you get a little bit bigger. But that being said, don’t grow up too fast!

You can sleep through just about any noise and this past week, you slept up to 5 hours straight at a time. I am fairly certain that if I was to pop in a movie, and place you in front of the television you would watch it. Fear not, I haven’t tried that yet. But your curiosity towards the TV on the wall has us chuckling.
At your one month well visit you weighed in at 9.2 lbs – chunking up from your 7.2 birth weight! And you grew 2 whole inches. If mommy grew 2 inches for each month she was alive, she would be way over 68 feet tall.
I know this is a big scary world, but know we are here to help guide you through it. Just remember this. We love you and are so thankful for the gift that you are.
Love Always,
Moms who need inspiration, we have mom quotes. If you are a mom that needs a laugh, enjoy these funny mom memes.