Back to school technology products – the school year is about to start, we’re sharing the top tech products to add to your school list.

Can you believe the new school year is already here?  Doesn’t it feel like school just let out? Nope, summer is coming to an end and those late nights the kids have had must come to an end as well. Early morning wake-ups are approaching quickly and back to school shopping is in full gear.

back to school technology school supplies for the modern student

Our 2 oldest kids are entering high school and another middle school. As they get older, our back to school shopping list changes. Technology is so integrated into everything that they do both in the classroom and at home. So naturally, our back to school list now includes technology.

Back to School Technology Shopping List 

Here are 7 Back to School Technology Must Haves.


Headphones are now a requirement on our school supply list. As you can see, not only did I buy these once – but twice. Once because I purchased for my kid and I couldn’t find my Airpods so borrowed these and fell in love with them so bought me a pair.

best wireless headphones for school

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These are awesome wireless bluetooth noise-cancelling headphones that are affordable and hold a great charge.


RCA 7” 16GB Voyager III

Next on our list of back to school technology products to add to your school supply list is the RCA Voyager III. This low-cost option is perfect for your high schooler and middle schooler as it doesn’t break the bank, offers the functionality needed for class work. But God forbid they lose or break it – you aren’t out the big bucks!

The new Voyager from RCA impresses with spectacular performance. Updated with Android 6.0, Marshmallow, the new Voyager showcases the operating system, clean design and performance upgrades.

With an included 16GB of internal storage the Voyager has plenty of room for apps and media. The snappy quad-core processor makes multi-tasking a breeze. Use the front-facing camera to take a quick selfie or the rear camera to take in the scenery.

Pick up all the new Voyager with Android Marshmallow, perfect tech for back to school!

High School Tablet

Available at Amazon

The newest in its group, the RCA Voyager III will not disappoint! With it’s long-lasting battery power, this 16GB tablet is perfect for students who have back-to-back classes! Other features include a front and back camera, a hi-def screen, and compatibility with Google Play. 

Graphing Calculator – TI84

Can you believe in today’s world of apps, that the graphing calculator is still on the school supply list? The TI-84 Plus graphic calculator is still a thing! One of the reasons it is still of such use, it is that the TI-84 calculator is approved for use on the following exams:

  • PSAT*, SAT*, and ACT* college entrance exams.
  • AP* Exams that allow or require a graphing calculator.
  • Approved for use on the IB exam.

SAT and AP are trademarks owned by the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. International Baccalaureate is a registered trademark of the International Baccalaureate Organization. None was involved in the production of nor endorses TI products.

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Rocketbook Notebook

Okay, before you say “a notebook isn’t technology, isn’t this suppose to be a tech for school list?” Let us introduce you to the Rocketbook Notebook. This back to school technology is so cool, you just may want to pick up one of these notebooks for yourself.

Rocketbook Everlast Smart Notebook

Available on Amazon

This isn’t the notebook we grew up with! The Rocketbook notebook is reusable. Yes, you read that right. It comes with 36 reusable pages wipe clean with a damp cloth when used with Pilot FriXion pens. Use the Everlast Rocketbook notebook with pens, highlighters and markers from the the Pilot FriXion line and let the ink dry for 15 seconds to allow it to bond to our specialized paper. When you’re ready to reuse, just wipe pages with a damp cloth, and watch them erase like magic.

To take this notebook a step further, download the app and take a photo of the notes. There are marking symbols at the bottom of each page that tell the Rocketbook app where to send your content.

When you’re ready to scan, Just hold your phone above each page. In milliseconds, the app detects and captures each page, producing images more crisp and vibrant than the real thing. Pretty cool, right?

This notebook is amazing for those of us who live in the digital world but love taking notes on paper.

USB Memory Sticks

Since so much work is done on computers, several teachers have asked that the students provide USB memory sticks.

128 GB SanDisk Cruzer USB Flash Drive

Power Brick / External Batteries

I’m a total believer that everyone should carry a power brick! I cannot tell you how many times I have needed a charge and this thing has saved me! Equip your kids with a small power stick or external battery, that way that dead phone excuse just won’t work!

Available on Amazon

What back to school technology must haves are on your school supply list? Let us know in the comments!

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