I’ll never forget trying to weigh my first born. Our first born was 6.1 lbs when she arrived. So tiny, so little. By the time we left the hospital, her weight had dropped to 5.5 lbs. Over the first few weeks of her life, things were scary. She wasn’t gaining weight and was diagnosed with failure to thrive. She was colic and come to find out, my milk never came in. Oh the joys of being a first time mom.

first baby  withings body cardio scale

As we moved her to formula, we found that she also had awful reflux. SO failure to thrive, colic, and reflux – yeah, this new mom was a bit stressed. Watching her weight became a priority. Unfortunately, weighing her was a pain.

My sister just gave birth to her first child and he is adorable.

Told you. He seriously melts my heart – and can we just take a moment and applaud that head of hair. It’s legit. With her first child, watching the baby’s weight is a priority. Fortunately, she hasn’t had the rough start that we did, but none the less keeping track of how much the baby weighs is just something you have to do to make sure baby is on track.

Withings had contacted me and sent over a scale for her to test out. This isn’t the scale that I had to use to weight our first baby – this scale has BABY MODE.

Withings Body Cardio Scale Review

Meet the Withings Body Cardio Scale.

withings body cardio scale review

While I was stoked for my sister to have a scale to weight the baby with (more on that.) This scale is the Rolls Royce of scales.

Here are a few of the fancy features:

Perfect for the Whole Family

Up to 8 users can be recognized automatically, and each will have their data independently synced to their Health Mate profile

Long-lasting Charge

Lasts up to 12 months before needing to be recharged via micro-USB cable (included)

WiFi Connectivity

When the scale is connected over WiFi, it will provide a daily local weather forecast to help you plan your outfit and the day’s activities

Revolutionary Design

At only 0.7 inches thick with a solid aluminum base, Body Cardio has no feet to adjust, making it the thinnest, most stable scale available and works on any surface hard floor to thick carpet

Amazing Body Analytics

View trends and target your efforts: Highly-accurate weight and BMI plus body fat, water percentage, muscle mass and bone mass.

withings body cardio scale review

That’s not it! You will also get standing heart rate plus an exclusive new measurement, Pulse Wave Velocity, to help assess overall cardiovascular health.

Weather and Activity Tracker

The scale will even deliver you the temperature for the day, and if you are connected to the Withings activity tracker – you will get your steps for the day!

Pregnancy Mode and Baby Mode

Whether pregnant or if you have a new baby, Withings Body Cardio Scale has you covered.

Pregnancy Mode

If while pregnant, weight gain is a concern for you – the Withings Body Cardio Scale is your solution. With the Pregnancy Mode – the scale will track your pregnancy weight gain. Each week during pregnancy, you’ll get an overview of your progress. Everything is tracked within the Withings app.

Baby Mode

And this is what got me so excited about this scale. Baby Mode on the Withings Body Cardio Scale allows parents to follow the growth of their child with their regular scale – simply by weighing themselves with the baby in their arms.

body mode growth  withings body cardio

And because ounces matter, Baby Mode is highly precise: measurements are accurate to 0.2 lb / 0.1 kg. Your baby’s weight will be tracked in the app. I would have loved to be able to have tracked my daughter’s weight in an app, so much more efficient than the old school piece of paper.

Learn more about the Withing Scale

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