I stumbled upon the Waze app a few months ago when the Apple Maps crisis was going on. I had always used Google maps for GPS and it just wasn’t as good as the old fashion GPS – remember those things that you mounted on your windshield way back in 2009?

waze app review best navigation app

Waze App Review

The Waze app is part GPS, part social network and part game.  The GPS is fabulous. It works real-time and with other “wazers” chiming in, Waze tells you the best route for you at that time.  By the way, Wazers are other people using Waze as the same time as you.

UPDATE: Waze app was acquired by Google!

Waze notifies you of traffic jams, cops and accidents that may detour your trip. The mobile app allows you quick simple gestures to notify other Wazers of any slow downs. You can thank people for notifying you of any hiccups as well as be thanked.

The app is free to use, but there is marketing through out the app. An example would be when you are driving by Taco Bell, you may get a notification saying that you should stop for a fourth meal. It’s very minimal and non-intrusive.

Waze is a fun, community-based traffic & navigation app, 30 million strong. Join forces with other drivers nearby to outsmart traffic, save time & gas money, and improve everyone’s daily commute.

With community-generated real-time traffic, you’ll always get the best route to your destination. By simply driving around with Waze open, you’re already contributing tons real-time traffic & road info to your local driving community.

You can also actively report accidents, hazards, police and other events you see on the road, and get road alerts coming up on your route too. Find the cheapest gas station along your route with community-shared gas prices.

Now Waze makes it fun and simple to meet up and coordinate with friends on the road. Easily meet up, pick up friends, share your drive and ETA, and see who’s headed to your destination too!

It’s all about contributing to, and benefiting from, the ‘common good’ out there on the road, so hop on board, and get involved in your local driving community today!

Waze Features:

  • Live routing based on community-generated real-time traffic and road info.
  • Community-contributed road alerts including accidents, hazards, police traps, and more.
  • Complete voice-guided navigation.
  • Automatic re-routing as conditions on the road change.
  • Learns your frequent destinations, commuting hours and preferred routes.
  • Find the cheapest gas station on your route.
  • Share your drive with anyone! Send a link to a live web map showing your real-time location and ETA.
  • Join or create groups to share info about your commute.
  • Earn points and move up the ranks in your community as you contribute road info.
  • Live maps, constantly updated by Waze community map editors.

The Best GPS Mobile App

I have tried a few other apps, but I really just am not big on paying money for a GPS app if I can find one for free. Google Maps did the job, but am glad to have found Waze.

Waze is available for iOS as well as Android and is free on both platforms.

Give it a try and you’ll be Wazing in no time!

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