Snapchat Spectacles – you know Snapchat glasses that let you see the world like a snap. Sure it sounds like a good publicity joke, right? WRONG – or at least that’s what it’s looking like. These things are real – and actually look like a whole lot of fun.

Snapchat Spectacles – What Are THEY?

snapchat spectacles

While there was mention of Snapchat Spectacles earlier this year, I really thought this was something like the Amazon Drone.

Sure enough, yesterday – November 10, 2016 via a yellow vending machine near Snapchat headquarters in Venice, California offered a limited number of the Snapchat glasses for sale.

Snapchat is smart. Apparently, they’ve been hinting at the Spectacles release with massive billboards and teasers. Looks like 11/10 was the day. Make sure to check out Spectacles Twitter feed for fun photos of their launch.

So what exactly are these and what can we do with them?

Spectacles let you record from the glasses. That’s right. You click a button and you are recording. The glasses connect to your phone and the Snapchat app thru bluetooth.

Once the video is transferred you can filter, write text, etc before you send the snap.


The Spectacles come in three colors black, coral and teal. They are plastic and look similar to Ray-Bans. They are slim and light so it’s not like the old Google Glass.

Think of these more like sunglasses . Remember that huge wearable tech trend people thought would happen? It looks like it is here.

Where can I buy them? 

Snapchat Spectacles cost $129.95. The company has only said a limited number of the devices will be produced, stay tuned to see if this changes.

Update 1/2020 – Snapchat has retired the Snapbots vending machine. 

The Spectacles at this time – can only be purchased thru a Snapbots vending machine. WHAT IS A SNAPBOTS Vending Machine? So glad you asked.

Yes, the Snapbots vending machine is making it’s way around the United States. It only visits one location for a day at a time. While all of the locations have not been revealed – you can expect locations to be big cities.

You can track Snapbots by checking out this map. Snap shares the next location 24 hours prior to the vending machines landing. In the Snapchat app a Spectacles Geofilter will be available if a bot is nearby. But know, you’ll need to have location services on to see Geofilters, though.

Why would I want these?

It’s another gadget yes. If you are an active Snapper (or Snapchatter) – these would let you capture the world from a different perspective. I

guess you could just secure your phone to you head and get a similar view point.

Thoughts? YAY? NAY? STUPID? BRILLIANT? Tell us your thoughts on Snapchat’s first physical product.

Since the release (and retirement) of the Snapchat Spectacles – Meta has partnered with Rayban to take this idea of videoing from your sunglasses a step further.

Check out our Rayban Stories review to see this awesome new wearable tech device in action.

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