Since purchasing my iMac, I have become infatuated with making home videos of the kids with iMovie. Yes, I have become that mom.

Finding Music for Videos

The more I search YouTube, I realize how lame my videos are in regards to videography and genericness by using the default settings on iMovie. I don’t like generic.

One thing I really love about a good video is the music, but seeing that Katy Perry doesn’t like me freely using her tunes, well maybe Katy wouldn’t mind but the record label won’t – I set out to find better music that YouTube won’t flag my video for.

Websites to Find Royalty Free Music for YouTube Videos

Here are a few other resources I have found around the interwebs for finding sounds and music for videos:


While the navigation and finding the track you want is difficult, for the price it’s worth it. Royalty Free MP3 is a great resource.

Audio Jungle

Audio Jungle has numerous tracks to choose from at reasonable prices.

Audio Network

A fabulous selection of music and background sounds for videos, but will cost you. The overall prices for low end productions are reasonable.


Free and legal music to use in your videos thanks for Creative Commons licenses. The artists grant the right to download and share music for free and legally. Artists choose to use these licenses, and to use jamendo as a means to share and promote their music.

iMovie and YouTube Videos

I had a post for Babble on Baby and the Mirror featuring my little dude discovering the mirror for the first time. The video was really sweet, as I was just trying to capture him crawling. As I was putting it together, I wanted something not out of the default iMovie music library.  

I ended up finding royalty free music for YouTube videos over at Amazon (go figure). There are numerous mp3s you can download to use in your videos.  Shazam!  Here is the final product, listen to the music if you don’t like cute babies. This royalty free music for YouTube videos totally beat out what iMovie had to offer!

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