This post was originally written in February of 2012, which pre-dates waterproof iPhones. While now we just expect our iPhones and smart phones to be waterproof – let’s travel back to a time where we actually had to use services to waterproof our devices.

Waterproof Your iPhone

Have you ever wished you could waterproof your iPhone or mobile device? Have you ever had a kid drop a phone in the toilet or splash it with water? I have a certain family member *cough* Stephanie *cough* that has dropped iPhone into the toilet on more than 1 occasion.

The incidents have resulted in replacing her iPhone. Fortunately, Apple has been nice and accommodating, but she’s lucky (and probably flirted with the sales guy).

waterproof your iphone

We came across a new technology for waterproofing. It’s a process on the market that will waterproof your iPhone or mobile device called Liquipel.  This is NOT a waterproof iPhone case or waterproof wrap. It’s a new technology.

Watch as the iPhone is submerged and comes out unscathed!

Do note Liqiupel says it’s coating should be used as a precautionary measure for incidents involving water. This process doesn’t allow you to purposely go into the pool or scuba diving with your device. I am sure that new technology is coming, but this isn’t what that is.

I wonder what siri would say to this?

What is Liquipel and How Does it Waterproof My Device

Liquipel is a Nano coating that protects your device from accidental water damage.  This is NOT a case and your smart phone will look and feel the same as it did before. The Liquipel coating is 1,000 times thinner than a human hair. It doesn’t effect the performance, look or feel of your device and lasts the lifetime of your device.

How Does Liquipel Waterproof Your Device?

The company puts your mobile device into a machine and permiates your entire device.

What about the headphone jack and charging ports?

Water does go into the headphone jacks and charging ports but does not hinder your device in any way. Liquipel is a non conductive coating that allows currents to transfer back and forth when there is a direct connection. What this means is you are able to charge, use headphones and access micro usb or sim cards just as you did before with no problem.

Liquipel Device List

Here is a list of other devices that they can waterproof:

  • Apple iPod Shuffle
  • Apple iPhone 4s
  • Apple iPhone 4
  • Apple iPhone 3g/s
  • Galaxy S2 (T-Mobile)
  • Galaxy S2 (AT&T)
  • HTC Evo 4G
  • HTC Evo Shift 4G
  • HTC MyTouch 4G
  • Motorola Droid X/X2
  • Samsung Charge

They are adding new devices regularly.

Digital Mom Says…

This Liquipel stuff is very cool new technology, now if if could only kid proof things – you like like my house.  It’s pricey, but so is a new Apple iPhone replacement.

Speaking of kid proof – check our our post -> Top 5 iPad Cases for Kids

Purchase Liquipel

Liquipel will cost you around $70. You mail in your device and it is mailed back to you.

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