Bring some humor to someone who is feeling ill by sharing our funny Sick Memes. Just when you think all is right in the world, you wake up with a tickle in your throat and by lunch it’s a full-on medical situation. Those days are the worst!

Cheer someone up (even if it’s yourself) with some laughs and hilarious humor about being ill and thoughtful get well encouragement.

funny sick memes for adults

Funny Sick Memes for the Ill

Being ill is awful but our funny sick memes will hopefully bring a smile to a face that needs it.

please keep your sick germs away from me thank you

As we wade our way into the flu season there are sick people everywhere. See our flu memes.

sick people, sick people everywhere

Does it feel like everyone you know is sick right now? Relatable. The crazy thing is that those who are ill aren’t just ill with one specific thing.

sick memes for adults

This sick kid meme is something all parents can relate do. Make sure you check out our parenting memes.

when your kids are sick but you think you're immune  may the odds be in your favor

We are sharing these memes for when you are sick or trying to act like you aren’t.

sick cat meme

When You Are Sick

This I’m so sick meme is perfect when you are on week 2 of a mystery illness and you just aren’t feeling better.

i'm so sick and tired of being so sick and tired

Make sure you go see your doctor and if you aren’t feeling better 7 days after the visit, follow up with a phone call or email.

pov: feeling like crap

Sick in Bed Meme

When you are sick in bed, these sick memes are for you. Make sure to get rest, drink water, take your meds regularly and believe it or not – chicken soup is medicinal.

current status sick in bed

Stay in best you must, listen to this sick meme. According to WebMD,

“Studies have shown that a hearty bowl of chicken noodle soup may help clear nasal congestion and ease cold symptoms.”

“A clear broth is warm and soothing, making it a great source of hydration while you’re sick, especially if you have a sore throat,” Sandy Allonen said in a hospital news release.

sick you are stay in bed you must
sick meme

When you are stick and Google your symptoms. Don’t Dr. Google your illness! Here’s an interesting read on the pros and cons of trying to self-diagnose with Google, from ABC.

when you google your symptoms
dying im sick meme

If 2020 worse year ever taught us anything, this feeling sick meme says it. If you are sick – avoid the people!

feeling sick avoiding all the people
feeling ill meme

This sick meme is for all of those who just THINK we got away lucky not ill, but later to find out you in fact did catch the bug.

everyone but me is sick and just kidding im now sick

Faking Sick Meme

For those of you fakers or have kids who pretend to be sick, these faking sick memes are for you.

the face she makes as soon as you leave the room and she think she played you but little does she know

A sick day without being actually ill really is the bestest.

When you are as sick as a dog.

sick day meme
sick day meme
when you are as sick as a dog
sick as a dog meme

Long live the king of faking illness, Ferris Bueller.

get well soon from the illness you are faking
fake sick meme

I’m with you monkey, being ill sucks.

i hate being sick
sick monkey meme

Get Well Soon Memes

Share these Get Well Soon memes with friends and loved ones that are sick.

i heard you were feeling ruff
sick dog meme

Get well wishes with a side of Bill Murray.

get well soon meme
Send a get well soon meme to a sick friend for encouragement.

For the friend you won’t see, especially because they are sick!

get well meme
I know I won’t see you but get well soon.

Send this sick meme to a friend who isn’t feel great.

i heard you weren't feline well
sick cat meme

Calling in Sick to Work Memes

Let’s LOL at this call in meme for when you call into work.

i dont usually call in sick but when i do its not because im sick
call in sick meme

The headphones in the nose kind of works. Depends on what type of idiot boss you have. Don’t miss our boss memes!

when you call in sick and your boss wants proof

When you are out sick and you just know the additional fires you are creating by not working.

when you're out sick and it creates more fires because you aren't there to put out the normal fires
when your sick meme

Calling into work to take a mental health day should be normalized.

let's normalize taking mental health days
mental health days calling in sick meme funny

When you are sick all weekend but Monday rolls around and you feel just fine.

memes about being sick
When you are sick on Saturday and Sunday but then feel fine on Monday.

We have a huge collection of funny work memes.

calling in sick when you are ill because your coworkers aint got time for that

More Funny Illness Memes

Eventually the illness will go and you can post feeling better sick meme so that your mom can stop worrying about you.

that finally feelng better feeling
feeling better sick meme

This tweet from EricaWhoToYou is hilarious. It makes the perfect sick husband meme. My husband isn’t even sick anymore and we are still talking about how sick he was weeks ago.

sick husband tweet
sick husband meme

Illness just hit men differently, apparently.

a man cannot simply just function while being sick
sick man meme

There’s a reason that God had women carry babies and not men. I’m sure most men are perfectly happy not having to worry about getting pregnant, carrying a baby to term and then delivering the child. See our pregnancy memes.

men don't have babies because
God saw the way
they handled a
cold and knew
for humans to survive, men
weren't the answer
sick men meme

Shout out to all the moms who work all day, take care of the kids, meals, house and anything else that needs to be orchestrated. This sick mom meme says it best (but unfortunate) – moms don’t get sick days. See all of our mom memes.

moms dont get sick day

Share the Sick Memes

We hope you enjoyed these funny memes about being sick. Even though, illness is any form isn’t fun – we hope that this brought a smile and humor to whatever you are dealing with.

i cant go out im sick meme mean girls

Memes are meant for sharing! Share with your friends that are under the weather. Give us a tag and link back to this post so more people can enjoy these funny sick memes for cheering them up!

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