Mom jeans. You guys, I originally wrote about my hatred for the dreaded jeans for moms in 2012. Fast forward to 2018, they are back. Well guess what, in 2024, what is the trend? That’s right, mom jeans.

High Waisted Jeans for Moms

Well, it is so true. What is old becomes new again. This is happening with the latest fashion trend of mom jeans.

When my 15-year-old and I were at the store and her go to was a pair of high waisted ugly looking jeans, all I could think about was that commercial on Saturday Night Live. 

mom jeans back in style

Listen, I don’t care what size you are or if you have a tiny waist. Just don’t! 

Mom Jeans Commercial on Saturday Night Live

First, let’s talk about where it started.

My hatred for mom jeans all started with this Mom Jeans SNL Commercial. This originally aired in 2003 on Saturday Night Live. You can view the commercial below. Be prepared to LOL. 

Amazon Jeans

So… maybe you like these jeans and want to know where to buy high waist mom jeans. Or some mom jeans cheap? Here is where to buy mom jeans – a hard pass for me. But maybe you are needing a pair for a costume idea?

Amazon. UGH, I really can’t with these being back in style!

The Mom Cliche

When I saw this video I DIED laughing. My mom always wore wears mom jeans, as did most mom that I knew. I became a mom that year and the cliché of being a mom, driving a mini-van and wearing these jeans hit me like a ton of rocks. I was 24 years old with my first child. Most of my friends hadn’t had kids. I didn’t want to become THAT MOM, mom jeans, mini-van and all.

I’ve somehow managed to avoid the mini-van – even though, yes – I KNOW with 4 kids, a mini-van would solve a multitude of issues. Now I must stay clear of mom jeans.

Unflattering Jeans

This cracks me up – smash cake does not have an entry in wikipedia, but MOM JEANS does! Here is what wikipedia says about mom jeans:

Mom jeans is a humorously pejorative term for a fit of women’s jeans considered unflattering. The style usually consists of a high waist (above the belly button), which accentuates a flat curvature of the buttocks, as well as generous cuts in the stomach and leg.

The jeans are usually in a light-blue solid coloring with no form of stone washing or fading. Other attributes of the style often seen are pleated fronts, tapered legs and elastic waistbands.

The style is often accompanied by a blouse or shirt that is tucked into the jeans. This style of jeans was popular with women in the United States until the early 1990s, when lower rise jeans became fashionable.

Jean Hater Club

Isn’t anyone else in the Jean Hater Club? Maybe we need an online Jean Hater Club or perhaps Facebook group dedicated to those of us who refuse to wear mom jeans and well, just hate wearing jeans.

Jean Hater Club Mom Jeans

I hate buying jeans. My body is not made for jeans, and I’ve come to accept this. And with a flat butt, most jeans end up looking mom-ish on me, and that is not cool! Of the 2 pairs of jeans that I WILL wear (on rare – laundry needs to be done – occasions), they are the exact same style and fit, just in different colors.

Why the hate on jeans?  I don’t know, but I live in fear of wearing mom jeans.

Are You Guilty of Wearing Mom Jeans? 

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