Find out who your personality aligns more with in our JD Vance or Tim Walz quiz!

Answer questions and discover whether your values and personality align more with the steadfast, traditional Guardian, J.D. Vance, or the compassionate, community-focused Advocate, Tim Walz.

Are you a Tim Walz or a JD Vance?

are you a jd vance or tim walz quiz photo of both vp candidates

Through a series of thought-provoking questions, you'll uncover which of these influential political figures best represents your views on key issues such as immigration, women's rights, unions, and public school funding. Dive in and see which leader's stance resonates with your own beliefs and personality traits!

Let's find out which Vice Presidential candidate you are more like based on political and pop culture topics.

The US Presidential candidates have made their picks for running mates. Donald Trump has chosen JD Vance. Kamala Harris has chosen Tim Walz. Take our engaging quiz to find out who your personality and values align more with.

Share our vote memes and share the importance of voting. Election day is November 5, 2024 and early voting starts in October. Whoever your Vice Presidential personality type is, use your voice and cast your ballot this fall!

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Who said being political couldn’t be fun? Not us!

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