Learn about the Enneagram 2 types. Warm, caring and giving, they are motivated by a need to be loved and needed, and to avoid acknowledging their own needs.

Enneagram Type 2 Traits

Enneagram type 2 are also known as the helper. This personality type tends to be the one always wanting to lend a helping hand. Enneagram 2s are generous, demonstrative, people-pleasing and possessive.

Enneagram 2

Let’s look at this type, who is an Enneagram 2, their characteristics, wings, stresses and more.

Enneagram 2


Type 2 Enneagrams typically have a need to be needed.


Type 2s are feelings-based people. A typical Enneagram 2 has a big-hearted, is super compassionate, nurturing, altruistic and demonstrative. The driving desire for a type 2 is to be loved. Twos fear being viewed as worthless.

Character of God

Here is the character of God for an Enneagram 1: The love of God.

How We Distort That Characteristic

Enneagram Type 1s distort this characteristic by becoming codependent.

Heart Triad

Type 2 fall into the heart triad, motivated and fueled by shame.

Harmonic Approach – Positive Outlook

Enneagram 2 fall into the Positive Outlook Approach in regards to Harmonic Approach. Twos generally optimistic and tend to avoid negative thoughts or situations.

  • Twos can get into conflicts by being too clingy, worried, and self-important.
  • Twos tend to focus on their own positive qualities, while repressing their own negative thoughts or feelings.
  • Twos believe that they are good and that their good intentions will win them positive approval from others.
  • What others think of Twos is very important to Twos. As a result, Twos are always looking for ways to meet the needs of others and finding ways to please others.
  • Twos often reject their own needs in favour of fulfilling the needs of others.

source: fitzel.ca

Wings of Enneagram 2

Enneagram 2 wings are 2w1 or 2w3. No one is a pure personality type: everyone is a unique mixture of his or her basic type and usually one of the two types adjacent to it on the circumference of the Enneagram. One of the two types adjacent to your basic type is called your wing.

2w1 – Concerned about doing things properly. More critical of themselves, more controlling and more prone to guilt.

2w3 More ambitious, image-conscious and competitive.

Stress and Security

Here are what stress and security types that Enneagram type 2s go to when in stress or (security) success.

STRESS – EIGHT – Become demanding and controlling. Blame others for what makes them unhappy.

SECURITY – FOUR – Understanding of the need for self-care and can focus inward.

Learn about Stress and Security

Sin and Counter Virtue

The deadly sin and counter virtue that Enneagram 2 need to watch for are:


Twos secretly believe other people have more needs than they do and would be lost without their help.


Twos can develop humility when they acknowledge their own needs and ask others directly for their help and support.

Best Careers for Enneagram 2

Careers that require helping and assisting others are great for type 2s. Here are careers that a typical Enneagram 2 would be successful in:

  • Teacher
  • Social Worker
  • Politician
  • Psychotherapist
  • Life Coach

More Enneagram Resources

Learn more about your type and others with our resources, including these hilarious Enneagram memes and images.

kristen wiig asking whats the enneagram?

The best place to start on your journey is learning about the Enneagram test. There are a total of 9 Enneagram types, click below to learn more about each personality type.