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Baby Boom Memes for All the New Babies Born in 2021

We are bringing you Baby Boom Memes because we are predicting a Baby Boom 2021! With the crazy of COVID 19 stay at home orders in place a baby boom 2021 feels inevitable.

baby boom 2021 meme
baby boom memes

We’ve share a lot thru funny memes the last few weeks about the way the world is changing.

quarantine baby boom meme 2021

School closing, homeschool memes, quarantine memes – so of course we had to throw in funny baby boom memes!

kermit coronavirus memes

What in the world? All of a sudden we have massive schools closures, a toilet paper shortage and are having to tell people to wash your hands.


On top of all that, we are stuck in isolation, so what is one to do? Well, perhaps this will increase our population with a 2021 baby boom!

New Baby Boomers

Will we have a new crop of baby BOOMERS in 2021? Time will tell, but here are a few things to note. #babyboom2021 – I’m not doubting this!

coronavirus isolation baby boom meme

2021 Baby Boomers

Also a note for kids on the baby boomers term – or BOOMERS, as the kids say. BOOMER is actually someone born 1946-1964 – there was a surge in babies being born.

ok boomer meme

Hence the name baby boomers, or BOOMERS. (Kids, your mom is NOT a boomer!) So will we have a Coronavirus baby boom with new little boomers in 2021?

Panic Buying

While everyone is panic buying toilet paper and food (you guys, Amazon still has plenty of goods in their warehouse) – don’t forget to stock up on the condoms. Not kidding.

dont forget to buy condoms meme baby boom 2021

If you are wanting to prevent a Coronavirus baby boom in your house or family, please see the above mentioned products.

Isolation Because of Coronavirus

Here is the deal. We could be in self insolation for weeks. WEEKS, people. The Hill is reporting that it could take 8 weeks for the Coronavirus crisis.

coronavirus baby yoda memes

Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the lead scientists behind the Trump administration’s coronavirus response, said Friday that disruptions to everyday life in the U.S. could last up to eight weeks. 

source: The Hill

Coronavirus Baby Names

If you do have a baby during the Coronavirus panic, these are for you.


These Coronavirus baby names work if you have a baby as a result of the Coronavirus self isolation (which obviously you were doing more than self isolating!) – here are baby names thanks to Messy Mommy Moments!

History of Baby Booms

History shows that significant events can cause baby booms. The depression and World War 2 are said to result in the baby boom in 1946 and the years after.

More babies were born in 1946 than ever before: 3.4 million, 20 percent more than in 1945. 


While there was not a shown increase of babies after 9/11 – we weren’t isolated for 8 weeks from most of the world!

Coronavirus Dating

If you don’t live with your partner, or play the dating scene. Bless. Yes, covid memes are in our meme collection!

coronavirus meme about tinder
covid dating meme

This piece from the Washington Post reminded me how thankful I am to be in a committed relationship.

Now, coronavirus fears have further complicated this hotbed of flakiness. Dating apps are serving up reminders to wash your hands; profiles and first messages are full of coronavirus references; one dating coach suggested ways to avoid touching during that initial greeting. For many, the fear of the coronavirus is real. But in dating, it’s hard to know when people are using it as yet another reason to discard one another before they’ve even met.

source: Washington Post

Check Back in 9 Months

I will check back around January to see if my psychic powers were right about the Coronavirus Baby Boom of 2021! Until then, enjoy these Baby Boom Coronavirus memes!

Baby Boom Memes

Announcing a 2021 baby boom pregnancy or just like to laugh at all of the baby making happening in Coronavirus isolation?

corona babies meme

Share these Coronavirus baby boom memes!



baby arriving 2021 meme

Baby arriving 2021 thanks to Coronavirus isolation.

pregnant coronavirus baby boom meme

Will it be a he or she? I don’t know but I do know that this happened during the Coronavirus isolation when we were forced to stay in the house for weeks.

positive pregnancy test coronavirus baby boom meme

The pregnancy test was positive and I am positive that this was because of the Coronavirus isolation.

Be Well and Protect Yourself

You guys, as much crazy as going on in the world – remember this. Laughter is a great way to deal with anxiety. If you need a good laugh, check out our Corona beer memes – because who would have thought the PR they would have gotten off of a tragic virus?

Be well, stay safe, and for the love – protect yourself if you don’t want a Coronavirus baby boom!

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