Alexa Intercom Skill is what you didn’t know that you needed.
Did you know you can create a wireless intercom system for your home with Alexa and Amazon Echo? That’s right – you can now use the Amazon Echo or Amazon Echo Dot as an intercom and it’s wireless.
Alexa Intercom Skill
Remember the old home intercom systems. They were built into the walls of homes. We had one growing up – I so loved that thing. It even had a radio. While those are no longer really a thing, the idea of an wireless intercom system in the house with 4 kids is something that interested me.
SO when I heard about this new Alexa Intercom Skill – I was all over it. Let’s look at how you can create a wireless intercom system for your home with Alexa and Amazon Echo (or Amazon Echo Dot!)

Read our Amazon Echo Dot Review
How to Setup a Wireless Intercom System with Alexa and Amazon Echo
Are you ready to setup your Amazon Echo or Amazon Echo Dot as an wireless intercom? First – I should say, you will need more than 1 Echo. We have 3 Echo Dots and an Amazon Echo in our home.
Our first problem in setting up Alexa to act as as intercom was that each of the older 2 kids had set their Dots up on their own Amazon accounts. We fixed that and reassigned their Dots to our main Amazon account, which happens to be mine. I’ll do a how to soon on setting up an Amazon Household. This was our solution, just in case you also have this issue.
Our kids received the Echo Dots for Christmas and were to anxious to wait for us to setup their accounts – hence why we have 3 Dots on 3 networks!
Need to purchase an Echo or Echo Dot – use our Amazon link, click here.
Setting Up a Home Intercom System with Alexa
Setting up the Alexa and your Amazon Echo devices as an Home intercom is super easy. I’ll walk you thru the steps. Let’s start with a quick how to setup your intercom video.
Amazon Alexa Intercom Skill Setup
First, you need to name each of your Amazon Echo devices. Amazon suggests doing this by name, so our main Echo we could name KITCHEN. Each of our kids’ echo’s are setup by their name, except the littles that share – we named their’s boys.
How to Name Your Echo Devices
Before we use the Amazon Alexa Intercom feature, we will need to name each of your device. Here is how to name your Echo devices:
- Open your Alexa app
- Click on the hamburger menu in the upper left-hand corner
- Scroll to SETTINGS
- Click on an Echo or Echo Dot Device
- Scroll to Device Name
- Click edit
- Name device
- Click Save
And there you have it – that is how you name your Echo device!
Check out our YouTube video of how to setup your Echo as an intercom.
How to Use Alexa as an Intercom System
Now that our devices are named, let’s get working on making it Alexa a wireless home intercom system. It’s super easy to use – Amazon automatically upgrades your Echo and Echo Dot skills, whenever it rolls out a new skill. (This intercom feature is considered a skill.)

Next, let’s get the Alexa Intercom Skill to work. All you have to say to either an Echo, Echo Dot or to the Amazon Alexa App “Alexa, drop in on the ______”
So, if I want to talk to my boys using the Alexa Intercom skill, I would tell Echo – “Alexa, drop in on the boys.” The Echo will connect, beep and light up green. It will now let me talk to them or hear into their room. If I want to spy on my boys to figure out what they are up to, you can do that as well. That’s what the “Alexa, drop in on the _______” does.
I remember listening into my brother’s room from our old home intercom system. Now I can do it wirelessly!
Spying on Your Kids with Echo
Something to note – when you “drop in” on a room – the Amazon device will give a chime and then a green light will rotate around the Echo, like a call is going on. So yes, you can spy on your kids – but they may catch on if they hear the noise, or see the light. BUT if your kids are like ours and deep in the throws of something – chances are they won’t notice.
Remember, when you drop in – if you laugh or talk, they can hear you – so be quiet if you are being sneaky.
There you have it! Pretty cool feature, right? We love our Amazon Echo devices and looking forward to the Alexa technology on many other devices in the near future.
Do you own an Amazon Echo or Echo Dot? Have you used Alexa as a home intercom system? Let us know in the comments!